Publikationen von Ernst Detlef Schulze
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Zeitschriftenartikel (591)
23 (4), S. 323 - 334 (1976)
Distributional pattern of water relations and net photosynthesis of Hammada scoparia (Pomel ) Iljin in a desert environment. Oecologia 562.
22 (4), S. 355 - 372 (1976)
An empirical model of net photosynthesis for the desert plant Hammada scoparia (Pomel) Iljin. I. Description and test of the model. Oecologia 563.
9 (3), S. 5 - 13 (1976)
Distribution and control of photosynthetic pathways in plants growing in the Namib Desert, with special regard to Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. Fil. Madoqua 564.
24 (4), S. 323 - 334 (1976)
Environmental control of crassulacean acid metabolism in Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. Fil. in its range of natural distribution in the Namib desert. Oecologia 565.
21 (2), S. 175 - 192 (1975)
Seasonal and diurnal courses of water relations of the aridoactive plant Hammada scoparia in the Negev desert. Oecologia 566.
18 (1), S. 45 - 53 (1975)
The temperature-related photosynthetic capacity of plants under desert conditions. II. Possible controlling mechanisms for the seasonal changes of the photosynthetic response to temperature. Oecologia 567.
9 (1), S. 318 - 326 (1975)
CO2 exchange patterns under natural conditions of Caralluma negevensis, a CAM plant of the Negev desert. Photosynthetica 568.
19 (4), S. 303 - 314 (1975)
The role of air humidity and temperature in controlling stomatal resistance of Prunus armeniaca L. under desert conditions. III. The effect on water use efficiency. Oecologia 569.
18 (3), S. 219 - 233 (1975)
The role of air humidity and leaf temperature in controlling stomatal resistance of Prunus armeniaca L. under desert conditions. II. The significance of leaf water status and internal carbon dioxide concentration. Oecologia 570.
17 (2), S. 97 - 110 (1974)
The temperature-related photosynthetic capacity of plants under desert conditions. I. Seasonal changes of the photosynthetic response to temperature. Oecologia 571.
17 (2), S. 159 - 170 (1974)
The role of air humidity and leaf temperature in controlling stomatal resistance of Prunus armeniaca L. under desert conditions. I. A simulation of the daily course of stomatal resistance. Oecologia 572.
110 (1), S. 29 - 42 (1973)
Stomatal responses to changes in temperature in increasing water stress. Planta 573.
10 (2), S. 177 - 182 (1972)
Extreme water stress and photosynthetic activity of the desert plant Artemisia herba-alba Asso. Oecologia 574.
5 (3-4), S. 323 - 325 (1972)
Ramalina maciformis (Del.) Nyl. fertile in the Western Negev, Israel. Lichenologist 575.
9 (3), S. 235 - 258 (1972)
Die Wirkung von Licht und Temperatur auf den CO2-Gaswechsel verschiedener Lebensformen aus der Krautschicht eines montanen Buchenwaldes. Oecologia 576.
10 (3), S. 243 - 251 (1972)
A new type of climatized gas exchange chamber for net photosynthesis and transpiration measurements in the field. Oecologia 577.
108 (3), S. 259 - 270 (1972)
Stomatal responses to changes in humidity in plants growing in the desert. Planta 578.
9 (4), S. 317 - 340 (1972)
Ökophysiologische Untersuchungen an Wild- und Kulturpflanzen der Negev-Wüste. III. Tagesläufe von Nettophotosynthese und Transpiration am Ende der Trockenzeit. Oecologia 579.
8 (4), S. 334 - 355 (1972)
Ökophysiologische Untersuchungen an Wild- und Kulturpflanzen der Negev-Wüste. II. Die Wirkung der Außenfaktoren auf CO2-Gaswechsel und Transpiration am Ende der Trockenzeit. Oecologia 580.
10 (2), S. 151 - 166 (1972)
A digital registration system for net photosynthesis and transpiration measurements in the field and an associated analysis of errors. Oecologia