Publikationen von Henrik Hartmann
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (105)
201, 104985 (2022)
Species- and compound-specific dynamics of nonstructural carbohydrates toward the world’s upper distribution of vascular plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 22.
45 (9), S. 2617 - 2635 (2022)
Amplifying effects of recurrent drought on the dynamics of tree growth and water use in a subalpine forest. Plant, Cell and Environment 23.
19 (16), S. 3727 - 3738 (2022)
Ideas and perspectives: Allocation of carbon from net primary production in models is inconsistent with observations of the age of respired carbon. Biogeosciences 24.
10 (7), e2021EF002530 (2022)
Timing and order of extreme drought and wetness determine bioclimatic sensitivity of tree growth. Earth's Future 25.
822, 153589 (2022)
Differential responses of grassland community nonstructural carbohydrate to experimental drought along a natural aridity gradient. Science of the Total Environment 26.
3, S. 294 - 308 (2022)
Mechanisms of woody-plant mortality under rising drought, CO2 and vapour pressure deficit. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 27.
13, 1761 (2022)
Global field observations of tree die-off reveal hotter-drought fingerprint for Earth’s forests. Nature Communications 28.
28 (7), S. 2202 - 2220 (2022)
Nature‐based framework for sustainable afforestation in global drylands under changing climate. Global Change Biology 29.
1, S. 46 - 47 (2022)
Neue Wege in eine unsichere Zukunft. Holzforum 30.
73, S. 673 - 702 (2022)
Climate change risks to global forest health: Emergence of unexpected events of elevated tree mortality worldwide. Annual Review of Plant Biology 31.
156, S. 351 - 373 (2021)
Terrestrial ecosystems buffer inputs through storage and recycling of elements. Biogeochemistry 32.
108 (10), S. 1917 - 1931 (2021)
Freshwater wetland plants respond nonlinearly to inundation over a sustained period. American Journal of Botany 33.
41 (9), S. 1767 - 1780 (2021)
Low-cost chamber design for simultaneous CO2 and O2 flux measurements between tree stems and the atmosphere. Tree Physiology 34.
118 (33), e2023297118 (2021)
Storage of carbon reserves in spruce trees is prioritized over growth in the face of carbon limitation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 35.
191, 104615 (2021)
Mature beech and spruce trees under drought – Higher C investment in reproduction at the expense of whole-tree NSC stores. Environmental and Experimental Botany 36.
794, 148514 (2021)
Contrasting life-history traits of black spruce and jack pine influence their physiological response to drought and growth recovery in northeastern boreal Canada. Science of the Total Environment 37.
41 (6), S. 901 - 905 (2021)
A whole-plant perspective of isohydry: stem-level support for leaf-level plant water regulation. Tree Physiology 38.
230 (1), S. 139 - 154 (2021)
Starch and lipid storage strategies in tropical trees relate to growth and mortality. New Phytologist 39.
6, S. 38 - 40 (2021)
Dem Forst eine Chance geben! AFZ, der Wald 40.
51 (1), S. 55 - 65 (2021)
Naturschutz und Klimawandel im Leipziger Auwald. Biologie in unserer Zeit