Publikationen von Christian Wirth
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Zeitschriftenartikel (147)
Anvar Sanaei, Fons van der Plas, Hongmei Chen, Sophie Davids, Susanne Eckhardt, Justus Hennecke, Anja Kahl, Yasmin Möller, Ronny Richter, Jana Schütze, Christian Wirth, and Alexandra Weigelt, "Tree growth is better explained by absorptive fine root traits than by transport fine root traits," Communications Biology 8, 313 (2025).
Lucian Elles, Jack Boyce, Stefanie Henkel, Hans D. Kasperidus, Mathias Scholz, Markus E. Schorn, Michael Vieweg, Christian Wirth, and Nadja Rüger, "Supporting conservation planning in a national biodiversity hotspot – Projecting species composition across a groundwater level gradient using a demographic forest model," Ecological Modelling 501, 110996 (2025).
Florian Schnabel, Joannès Guillemot, Kathryn E. Barry, Melanie Brunn, Simone Cesarz, Nico Eisenhauer, Tobias Gebauer, Nathaly R. Guerrero-Ramirez, I. Tanya Handa, Chris Madsen, Lady Mancilla, Jose Monteza, Tim Moore, Yvonne Oelmann, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Luitgard Schwendenmann, Audrey Wagner, Christian Wirth, and Catherine Potvin, "Tree diversity increases carbon stocks and fluxes above—but not belowground in a tropical forest experiment," Global Change Biology 31 (2), e70089 (2025).
Lucrecia Lipoma, Stephan Kambach, Sandra Díaz, Francesco María Sabatini, Gabriella Damasceno, Jens Kattge, Christian Wirth, Scott R. Abella, Carl Beierkuhnlein, Travis R. Belote, Markus Bernhardt-Römermann, Dylan Craven, Jiri Dolezal, Nico Eisenhauer, Forest Isbell, Anke Jentsch, Jürgen Kreyling, Vojtech Lanta, Soizig Le Stradic, Jan Lepš, Outi Manninen, Pierre Mariotte, Peter B. Reich, Jan C. Ruppert, Wolfgang Schmidt, David Tilman, Jasper van Ruijven, Cameron Wagg, David A. Wardle, Brien Wilsey, and Helge Bruelheide, "No general support for functional diversity enhancing resilience across terrestrial plant communities," Global Ecology and Biogeography 33 (10), e13895 (2024).
Jan Kretzschmar, Mira Pöhlker, Frank Stratmann, Heike Wex, Christian Wirth, and Johannes Quaas, "From trees to rain: enhancement of cloud glaciation and precipitation by pollen," Environmental Research Letters 19 (10), 104052 (2024).
Benjamin Dechant, Jens Kattge, Ryan Pavlick, Fabian D. Schneider, Francesco M. Sabatini, Alvaro Moreno-Martínez, Ethan E. Butler, Peter M. van Bodegom, Helena Vallicrosa, Teja Kattenborn, Coline C. F. Boonman, Nima Madani, Ian J. Wright, Ning Dong, Hannes Feilhauer, Josep Penuelas, Jordi Sardans, Jesús Aguirre-Gutierrez, Peter B. Reich, Pedro J. Leitao, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Isla H. Myers-Smith, Sandra M. Duran, Holly Croft, I. Colin Prentice, Andreas Huth, Karin Rebel, Sönke Zaehle, Irena Símov, Sandra Díaz, Markus Reichstein, Christopher Schiller, Helge Bruelheide, Miguel Mahecha, Christian Wirth, Yadvinder Malhi, and Philip A. Townsend, "Intercomparison of global foliar trait maps reveals fundamental differences and limitations of upscaling approaches," Remote Sensing of Environment 311, 114276 (2024).
Annalena Lenk, Ronny Richter, Lena Kretz, and Christian Wirth, "Effects of canopy gaps on microclimate, soil biological activity and their relationship in a European mixed floodplain forest," Science of the Total Environment 941, 173572 (2024).
Lena Sachsenmaier, Florian Schnabel, Peter Dietrich, Nico Eisenhauer, Olga Ferlian, Julius Quosh, Ronny Richter, and Christian Wirth, "Forest growth resistance and resilience to the 2018-2020 drought depend on tree diversity and mycorrhizal type," Journal of Ecology 112 (8), 1787-1803 (2024).
Markus E. Schorn, Stephan Kambach, Robin L. Chazdon, Dylan Craven, Caroline E. Farrior, Jorge A. Meave, Rodrigo Muñoz, Michiel van Breugel, Lucy Amissah, Frans Bongers, Bruno Hérault, Catarina C. Jakovac, Natalia Norden, Lourens Poorter, Masha T. van der Sande, Christian Wirth, Diego Delgado, Daisy H. Dent, Saara J. DeWalt, Juan M. Dupuy, Bryan Finegan, Jefferson S. Hall, José L. Hernández-Stefanoni, Omar R. Lopez, and Nadja Rüger, "Tree demographic strategies largely overlap across succession in Neotropical wet and dry forest communities," Ecology , e4321 (2024).
Florian Schnabel, Kathryn E. Barry, Susanne Eckhardt, Joannès Guillemot, Heike Geilmann, Anja Kahl, Heiko Moossen, Jürgen Bauhus, and Christian Wirth, "Neighbourhood species richness and drought-tolerance traits modulate tree growth and delta13C responses to drought," Plant Biology 26 (2), 330-345 (2024).
Lars Langer, Manuel Burghardt, Roland Borgards, Ronny Richter, and Christian Wirth, "The relation between biodiversity in literature and social and spatial situation of authors: Reflections on the nature–culture entanglement," People and Nature 6 (1), 54-74 (2024).
Robert Rauschkolb, Solveig Franziska Bucher, Isabell Hensen, Antje Ahrends, Eduardo Fernández‑Pascual, Katja Heubach, Desiree Jakubka, Borja Jiménez‑Alfaro, Andreas König, Tomáš Koubek, Alexandra Kehl, Anzar A. Khuroo, Anja Lindstädter, Faizan Shafee, Tereza Mašková, Elena Platonova, Patrizia Panico, Carolin Plos, Richard Primack, Christoph Rosche, Manzoor A. Shah, Maria Sporbert, Albert‑Dieter Stevens, Flavio Tarquini, Katja Tielbörger, Sabrina Träger, Vibekke Vange, Patrick Weigelt, Aletta Bonn, Martin Freiberg, Barbara Knickmann, Birgit Nordt, Christian Wirth, and Christine Römermann, "Spatial variability in herbaceous plant phenology is mostly explained by variability in temperature but also by photoperiod and functional traits," International Journal of Biometeorology 69, 761-775 (2024).
David Schellenberger-Costa, Gerhard Boenisch, Martin Freiberg, Rafaël Govaerts, Matthias Grenié, Michael Hassler, Jens Kattge, Alexandra N. Muellner-Riehl, Blanca M. Rojas Andrés, Marten Winter, Mark Watson, Alexander Zizka, and Christian Wirth, "The big four of plant taxonomy – a comparison of global checklists of vascular plant names," New Phytologist 240 (4), 1687-1702 (2023).
Ingmar R. Staude, Alexandra Weigelt, and Christian Wirth, "Biodiversity change in light of succession theory," Oikos , e09883 (2023).
Ulisse Gomarasca, M. Migliavacca, Jens Kattge, Jacob A. Nelson, Ü. Niinemets, Christian Wirth, A. Cescatti, M. Bahn, Richard Nair, A. Acosta, A. Arain, M. Beloiu, T. Black, H. H. Bruun, F. Bucher, N. Buchmann, A. Carrara, C. Byun, A. Conte, A. da Silva, Gregory Duveiller, S. Fares, A. Ibrom, A. Knohl, B. Komac, J. Limousin, C. Lusk, M. Mahecha, David Martini, V. Minden, L. Montagnani, A. Mori, Y. Onoda, J. Penuelas, O. Perez-Priego, P. Poschlod, T. Powell, P. Reich, L. Šigut, P. van Bodegom, Sophia Walther, G. Wohlfahrt, I. Wright, and Markus Reichstein, "Leaf-level coordination principles propagate to the ecosystem scale," Nature Communications 14, 3948 (2023).
Javier Pacheco-Labrador, Francesco de Bello, Mirco Migliavacca, Xuanlong Ma, Nuno Carvalhais, and Christian Wirth, "A generalizable normalization for assessing plant functional diversity metrics across scales from remote sensing," Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (8), 2123-2136 (2023).
Nadja Rüger, Markus E. Schorn, Stephan Kambach, Robin L. Chazdon, Caroline E. Farrior, Jorge A. Meave, Rodrigo Muñoz, Michiel van Breugel, Lucy Amissah, Frans Bongers, Dylan Craven, Bruno Hérault, Catarina C. Jakovac, Natalia Norden, Lourens Poorter, Masha T. van der Sande, Christian Wirth, Diego Delgado, Daisy H. Dent, Saara J. DeWalt, Juan M. Dupuy, Bryan Finegan, Jefferson S. Hall, José L. Hernández-Stefanoni, and Omar R. Lopez, "Successional shifts in tree demographic strategies in wet and dry Neotropical forests," Global Ecology and Biogeography 32 (6), 1002-1014 (2023).
Fons van der Plas, Thomas Schröder-Georgi, Alexandra Weigelt, Kathryn Barry, Sebastian Meyer, Adriana Alzate, Romain L. Barnard, Nina Buchmann, Hans de Kroon, Anne Ebeling, Nico Eisenhauer, Christof Engels, Markus Fischer, Gerd Gleixner, Anke Hildebrandt, Eva Koller-France, Sophia Leimer, Alexandru Milcu, Liesje Mommer, Pascal A. Niklaus, Yvonne Oelmann, Christiane Roscher, Christoph Scherber, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Stefan Scheu, Bernhard Schmid, Ernst Detlef Schulze, Vicky Temperton, Teja Tscharntke, Winfried Voigt, Wolfgang Weisser, Wolfgang Wilcke, and Christian Wirth, "Reply to: Plant traits alone are good predictors of ecosystem properties when used carefully," Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, 335-336 (2023).
Sandra Díaz, Jens Kattge, Johannes H. C. Cornelissen, Ian J. Wright, Sandra Lavorel, Stéphane Dray, Björn Reu, Michael Kleyer, Christian Wirth, I. Colin Prentice, Eric Garnier, Gerhard Boenisch, Mark Westoby, Hendrik Poorter, Peter B. Reich, Angela T. Moles, John Dickie, Amy E. Zanne, Jérôme Chave, S. Joseph Wright, Serge N. Sheremetiev, Hervé Jactel, Christopher Baraloto, Bruno E. L. Cerabolini, Simon Pierce, Bill Shipley, Fernando Casanoves, Julia Joswig, Angela Günther, and al. et, "The global spectrum of plant form and function: enhanced species-level trait dataset," Scientific Data 9, 755 (2022).
Miguel D. Mahecha, Ana Bastos, Friedrich J. Bohn, Nico Eisenhauer, Hannes Feilhauer, Henrik Hartmann, Thomas Hickler, Heike Kalesse-Los, Mirco Migliavacca, Friederike E. L. Otto, Jian Peng, Johannes Quaas, Ina Tegen, Alexandra Weigelt, Manfred Wendisch, and Christian Wirth, "Biodiversity loss and climate extremes — study the feedbacks," Nature 612, 30-32 (2022).