Publikationen von Sung-Bin Park
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Zeitschriftenartikel (5)
12 (8), 984 (2021)
Temperature control of spring CO2 fluxes at a coniferous forest and a peat bog in Central Siberia. Atmosphere 2.
250-251, S. 376 - 387 (2018)
Strong radiative effect induced by clouds and smoke on forest net ecosystem productivity in central Siberia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 3.
18, S. 17863 - 17881 (2018)
Direct effect of aerosols on solar radiation and gross primary production in boreal and hemiboreal forests. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4.
09 (02), S. 55 - 88 (2016)
Ground-based station network in arctic and subarctic Eurasia: An overview. Geography, environment, sustainability 5.
117 (399), S. 51 - 64 (2014)
The Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (Zotto): Quantifying large scale biogeochemical changes in Central Siberia. Nova Acta Leopoldina Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
An investigation of temporal variability of carbon dioxide fluxes in a boreal coniferous forest and a bog in central Siberia: from local to regional scale. Dissertation, 136 S., University of Göttingen, Göttingen (2019)