Publikationen von Jana Wäldchen
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Zeitschriftenartikel (40)
12 (7), S. 1335 - 1342 (2021)
The Flora Incognita app – interactive plant species identfication. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 22.
21, 576 (2020)
Flora Capture: a citizen science application for collecting structured plant observations. BMC Bioinformatics 23.
15, 77 (2019)
Flowers, leaves or both? How to obtain suitable images for automated plant identification. Plant Methods 24.
20, 4 (2019)
Image-based classification of plant genus and family for trained and untrained plant species. BMC Bioinformatics 25.
18, 51 (2018)
Combining high‑throughput imaging flow cytometry and deep learning for efficient species and life‑cycle stage identification of phytoplankton. BMC Ecology 26.
9 (11), S. 2216 - 2225 (2018)
Machine learning for image based species identification. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 27.
19, 190 (2018)
Recommending plant taxa for supporting on-site species identification. BMC Bioinformatics 28.
14 (4), e1005993 (2018)
Automated plant species identification—Trends and future directions. PLoS Computational Biology 29.
25 (2), S. 507 - 543 (2018)
Plant species identification using computer vision: A systematic literature review. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 30.
13, 97 (2017)
Acquiring and preprocessing leaf images for automated plant identification: understanding the tradeoff between effort and information gain. Plant Methods 31.
12 (2), e0170629 (2017)
Plant species classification using flower images—A comparative study of local feature representations. PLoS One 32.
53 (3), S. 121 - 125 (2016)
Flora Incognita – Halbautomatische Bestimmung der Pflanzenarten Thüringens mit dem Smartphone. Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz in Thüringen 33.
57 (2), S. 267 - 288 (2014)
Ungulate browsing causes species loss in deciduous forests independent of community dynamics and silvicultural management in Central and Southeastern Europe. Annals of Forest Research 34.
289, S. 243 - 254 (2013)
The influence of changes in forest management over the past 200 years on present soil organic carbon stocks. Forest Ecology and Management 35.
56 (1), S. 217 - 245 (2013)
Sustainable forest management of Natura 2000 sites: a case study from a private forest in the Romanian Southern Carpathians. Annals of Forest Research 36.
175 (3), S. 367 - 376 (2012)
Estimation of clay content from easily measurable water content of air-dried soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 37.
82, S. 35 - 47 (2011)
Der Einfluss politischer, rechtlicher und wirtschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen des 19. Jahrhunderts auf die Bewirtschaftung der Wälder im Hainich-Dün-Gebiet (Nordthüringen). Forstarchiv 38.
40 (3), S. 171 - 183 (2010)
Die Buche. Eine Kultur- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Biologie in unserer Zeit 39.
41 (12), S. 365 - 374 (2009)
Artenvielfalt in Thüringen: Zustand, Ursachen, Funktion, Zukunft. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 40.
38 (2), S. 145 - 156 (2005)
Zur Diasporen-Keimfähigkeit von Segetalpflanzen: Untersuchungen in Nord-Thüringen. Beiträge für Forstwirtschaft und Landschaftsökologie