Publications of Mark Schlutow
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
129 (18), e2024JD040794 (2024)
Large eddy simulations of the interaction between the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and degrading Arctic permafrost. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2.
Journal Article
36, 14 (2024)
Bioindication for Ecosystem Regeneration towards Natural conditions: the BERN data base and BERN model. Environmental sciences Europe 3.
Journal Article
967, A21 (2023)
An unstable mode of the stratified atmosphere under the non-traditional Coriolis acceleration. Journal of Fluid Mechanics Preprint (2)
: ARGO: ARctic greenhouse Gas Observation metadata version 1. Earth System Science Data Discussions (2024)
Instability cascade of strongly nonlinear gravity waves in a vertically sheared atmosphere. arXiv (2023)