Publikationen von Martin Jung

Zeitschriftenartikel (119)

Tautenhahn, S.; Grün-Wenzel, C.; Jung, M.; Higgins, S.; Römermann, C.: On the relevance of intraspecific trait variability—A synthesis of 56 dry grassland sites across Europe. Flora 254, S. 161 - 172 (2019)
Besnard, S.; Carvalhais, N.; Arain, A.; Black, A.; de Bruin, S.; Buchmann, N.; Cescatti, A.; Chen, J.; Clevers, J. G. P. W.; Desai, A. R. et al.; Gough, C. M.; Havrankova, K.; Herold, M.; Hörtnagl, L.; Jung, M.; Knohl, A.; Kruijt, B.; Krupkova, L.; Law, B. E.; Lindroth, A.; Noormets, A.; Roupsard, O.; Steinbrecher, R.; Varlagin, A.; Vincke, C.; Reichstein, M.: Quantifying the effect of forest age in annual net forest carbon balance. Environmental Research Letters 13, 124018 (2018)
Joiner, J.; Yoshida, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Duveiller, G.; Jung, M.; Lyapustin, A.; Wang, Y.; Tucker, C. J.: Estimation of terrestrial global gross primary production (GPP) with satellite data-driven models and eddy covariance flux data. Remote Sensing 10 (9), 1346 (2018)
Bodesheim, P.; Jung, M.; Gans, F.; Mahecha, M. D.; Reichstein, M.: Upscaled diurnal cycles of land-atmosphere fluxes: a new global half-hourly data product. Earth System Science Data 10, S. 1327 - 1365 (2018)
Trautmann, T.; Koirala, S.; Carvalhais, N.; Eicker, A.; Fink, M.; Niemann, C.; Jung, M.: Understanding terrestrial water storage variations in northern latitudes across scales. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (7), S. 4061 - 4082 (2018)
Nelson, J. A.; Carvalhais, N.; Cuntz, M.; Delpierre, N.; Knauer, J.; Oge, J.; Migliavacca, M.; Reichstein, M.; Jung, M.: Coupling water and carbon fluxes to constrain estimates of transpiration: the TEA algorithm. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123 (12), S. 3617 - 3632 (2018)
Nelson, J. A.; Carvalhais, N.; Migliavacca, M.; Reichstein, M.; Jung, M.: Water-stress-induced breakdown of carbon–water relations: indicators from diurnal FLUXNET patterns. Biogeosciences 15 (8), S. 2433 - 2447 (2018)
Sun, Y.; Frankenberg, C.; Jung, M.; Joiner, J.; Guanter, L.; Kohler, P.; Magney, T.: Overview of Solar-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) from the orbiting carbon observatory-2: Retrieval, cross-mission comparison, and global monitoring for GPP. Remote Sensing of Environment 209, S. 808 - 823 (2018)
Teubner, I. E.; Forkel, M.; Jung, M.; Liu, Y. Y.; Miralles, D. G.; Parinussa, R.; van der Schalie, R.; Vreugdenhil, M.; Schwalm, C. R.; Tramontana, G. et al.; Camps-Valls, G.; Dorigo, W. A.: Assessing the relationship between microwave vegetation optical depth and gross primary production. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 65, S. 79 - 91 (2018)
von Buttlar, J.; Zscheischler, J.; Rammig, A.; Sippel, S.; Reichstein, M.; Knohl, A.; Jung, M.; Menzer, O.; Arain, M. A.; Buchmann, N. et al.; Cescatti, A.; Gianelle, D.; Kieley, G.; Law, B. E.; Magliulo, V.; Margolis, H.; McCaughey, H.; Merbold, L.; Migliavacca, M.; Montagnani, L.; Oechel, W.; Pavelka, M.; Peichl, M.; Rambal, S.; Raschi, A.; Scott, R. L.; Vaccari, F. P.; van Gorsel, E.; Varlagin, A.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Mahecha, M. D.: Impacts of droughts and extreme-temperature events on gross primary production and ecosystem respiration: a systematic assessment across ecosystems and climate zones. Biogeosciences 15 (5), S. 1293 - 1318 (2018)
Walther, S.; Guanter, L.; Heim, B.; Jung, M.; Duveiller, G.; Wolanin, A.; Sachs, T.: Assessing the dynamics of vegetation productivity in circumpolar regions with different satellite indicators of greenness and photosynthesis. Biogeosciences 15 (20), S. 6221 - 6256 (2018)
Sun, Y.; Frankenberg, C.; Wood, J. D.; Schimel, D. S.; Jung, M.; Guanter, L.; Drewry, D. T.; Verma, M.; Porcar-Castell, A.; Griffis, T. J. et al.; Gu, L.; Magney, T. S.; Köhler, P.; Evans, B.; Yuen, K.: OCO-2 advances photosynthesis observation from space via solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence. Science 358 (6360), eaam5747 (2017)
Zscheischler, J.; Mahecha, M. D.; Avitabile, V.; Calle, L.; Carvalhais, N.; Ciais, P.; Gans, F.; Gruber, N.; Hartmann, J.; Herold, M. et al.; Ichii, K.; Jung, M.; Landschützer, P.; Laruelle, G. G.; Lauerwald, R.; Papale, D.; Peylin, P.; Poulter, B.; Ray, D.; Regnier, P.; Rödenbeck, C.; Roman-Cuesta, R. M.; Schwalm, C.; Tramontana, G.; Tyukavina, A. T.; Valentini, R.; van der Werf, G.; West, T. O.; Wolf, J. E.; Reichstein, M.: Reviews and syntheses: An empirical spatiotemporal description of the global surface–atmosphere carbon fluxes: opportunities and data limitations. Biogeosciences 14 (15), S. 3685 - 3703 (2017)
Boese, S.; Jung, M.; Carvalhais, N.; Reichstein, M.: The importance of radiation for semiempirical water-use efficiency models. Biogeosciences 14 (12), S. 3015 - 3026 (2017)
Koirala, S.; Jung, M.; Reichstein, M.; de Graaf, I. E. M.; Camps-Valls, G.; Ichii, K.; Papale, D.; Raduly, B.; Schwalm, C. R.; Tramontana, G. et al.; Carvalhais, N.: Global distribution of groundwater-vegetation spatial covariation. Geophysical Research Letters 44 (9), S. 4134 - 4142 (2017)
Jung, M.; Reichstein, M.; Schwalm, C. R.; Huntingford, C.; Sitch, S.; Ahlström, A.; Arneth, A.; Camps-Valls, G.; Ciais, P.; Friedlingstein, P. et al.; Gans, F.; Ichii, K.; Jain, A. K.; Kato, E.; Papale, D.; Poulter, B.; Raduly, B.; Rödenbeck, C.; Tramontana, G.; Viovy, N.; Wang, Y.-P.; Weber, U.; Zaehle, S.; Zeng, N.: Compensatory water effects link yearly global land CO2 sink changes to temperature. Nature 541 (7638), S. 516 - 520 (2017)
Ilie, I.; Dittrich, P.; Carvalhais, N.; Jung, M.; Heinemeyer, A.; Migliavacca, M.; Morison, J. I. L.; Sippel, S.; Subke, J.-A.; Wilkinson, M. et al.; Mahecha, M. D.: Reverse engineering model structures for soil and ecosystem respiration: the potential of gene expression programming. Geoscientific Model Development 10 (9), S. 3519 - 3545 (2017)
Perez‑Priego, O.; El-Madany, T. S.; Migliavacca, M.; Kowalski, A. S.; Jung, M.; Carrara, A.; Kolle, O.; Martín, M. P.; Pacheco-Labrador, J.; Moreno, G. et al.; Reichstein, M.: Evaluation of eddy covariance latent heat fluxes with independent lysimeter and sapflow estimates in a Mediterranean savannah ecosystem. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 236, S. 87 - 99 (2017)
Walther, S.; Voigt, M.; Thum, T.; Gonsamo, A.; Zhang, Y.; Köhler, P.; Jung, M.; Varlagin, A.; Guanter, L.: Satellite chlorophyll fluorescence measurements reveal large-scale decoupling of photosynthesis and greenness dynamics in boreal evergreen forests in spring. Global Change Biology 22 (9), S. 2979 - 2996 (2016)
Jones, C. D.; Arora, V.; Friedlingstein, P.; Bopp, L.; Brovkin, V.; Dunne, J.; Graven, H.; Hoffman, F.; Ilyina, T.; John, J. G. et al.; Jung, M.; Kawamiya, M.; Koven, C.; Pongratz, J.; Raddatz, T.; Randerson, J.; Zaehle, S.: C4MIP – The Coupled Climate–Carbon Cycle Model Intercomparison project: experimental protocol for CMIP6. Geoscientific Model Development 9 (8), S. 2853 - 2880 (2016)

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