Publikationen von Christian Wirth

Zeitschriftenartikel (147)

Wolf, S.; Mahecha, M. D.; Sabatini, F. M.; Wirth, C.; Bruelheide, H.; Kattge, J.; Martínez, Á. M.; Mora, K.; Kattenborn, T.: Citizen science plant observations encode global trait patterns. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, S. 1850 - 1859 (2022)
Richter, R.; Ballasus, H.; Engelmann, R. A.; Zielhofer, C.; Sanaei, A.; Wirth, C.: Tree species matter for forest microclimate regulation during the drought year 2018: disentangling environmental drivers and biotic drivers. Scientific Reports 12, 17559 (2022)
Pacheco-Labrador, J.; Migliavacca, M.; Ma, X.; Mahecha, M. D.; Carvalhais, N.; Weber, U.; Benavides, R.; Bouriaud, O.; Barnoaie, I.; Coomesl, D. A. et al.: Challenging the link between functional and spectral diversity with radiative transfer modeling and data. Remote Sensing of Environment 280, 113170 (2022)
Sporbert, M.; Jakubka, D.; Bucher, S. F.; Hensen, I.; Freiberg, M.; Heubach, K.; König, A.; Nordt, B.; Plos, C.; Blinova, I. et al.: Functional traits influence patterns in vegetative and reproductive plant phenology - a multi-botanical garden study. New Phytologist 235 (6), S. 2199 - 2210 (2022)
Kambach, S.; Condit, R.; Aguilar, S.; Bruelheide, H.; Bunyavejchewin, S.; Chang-Yang, C.-H.; Chen, Y.-Y.; Chuyong, G.; Davies, S. J.; Ediriweera, S. et al.: Consistency of demographic trade-offs across 13 (sub)tropical forests. Ecology 110 (7), S. 1485 - 1496 (2022)
Perino, A.; Pereira, H. M.; Felipe-Lucia, M.; Kim, H.; Kühl, H. S.; Marselle, M. R.; Meya, J. N.; Meyer, C.; Navarro, L. M.; van Klink, R. et al.: Biodiversity post-2020: Closing the gap between global targets and national-level implementation. Conservation Letters 15 (2), e12848 (2022)
Volf, M.; Volfová, T.; Seifert, C. L.; Ludwig, A.; Engelmann, R. A.; Jorge, L. R.; Richter, R.; Schedl, A.; Weinhold, A.; Wirth, C. et al.: A mosaic of induced and non-induced branches promotes variation in leaf traits, predation and insect herbivore assemblages in canopy trees. Ecology Letters 25 (4), S. 729 - 739 (2022)
Guimarães-Steinicke, C.; Weigelt, A.; Ebeling, A.; Eisenhauer, N.; Wirth, C.: Diversity effects on canopy structure change throughout a growing season in experimental grassland communities. Remote Sensing 14 (7), 1557 (2022)
Kretz, L.; Koll, K.; Seele‐Dilbat, C.; van der Plas, F.; Weigelt, A.; Wirth, C.: Effects of plant species identity override diversity effects in explaining sedimentation within vegetation in a flume experiment. International Review of Hydrobiology 107 (1-2), S. 108 - 116 (2022)
Schnabel, F.; Purrucker, S.; Schmitt, L.; Engelmann, R. A.; Kahl, A.; Richter, R.; Seele-Dilbat, C.; Skiadaresis, G.; Wirth, C.: Cumulative growth and stress responses to the 2018–2019 drought in a European floodplain forest. Global Change Biology 28 (5), S. 1870 - 1883 (2022)
Schulz-Zunkel, C.; Seele-Dilbat, C.; Anlanger, C.; Baborowski, M.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Brauns, M.; Gapinski, C.; Gründling, R.; von Haaren, C.; Hein, T. et al.: Effective restoration measures in river-floodplain ecosystems: Lessons learned from the ‘Wilde Mulde’ project. International Review of Hydrobiology 107 (1-2), S. 9 - 21 (2022)
Seele-Dilbat, C.; Kretz, L.; Wirth, C.: Vegetation of natural and stabilized riverbanks and early effects of removal of bank fixation. International Review of Hydrobiology 107 (1-2), S. 88 - 99 (2022)
Haack, N.; Borges, P. A. V.; Grimm-Seyfarth, A.; Schlegel, M.; Wirth, C.; Bernhard, D.; Brunk, I.; Henle, K.; Pereira, H. M.: Response of common and rare beetle species to tree species and vertical stratification in a floodplain forest. Insects 13 (2), 161 (2022)
Joswig, J.; Wirth, C.; Schuman, M. C.; Kattge, J.; Reu, B.; Wright, I. J.; Sippel, S. D.; Rüger, N.; Richter, R.; Schaepman, M. E. et al.: Climatic and soil factors explain the two-dimensional spectrum of global plant trait variation. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, S. 36 - 50 (2022)
Schnabel, F.; Liu, X.; Kunz, M.; Barry, K. E.; Bongers, F. J.; Bruelheide, H.; Fichtner, A.; Härdtle, W.; Li, S.; Pfaff, C.-T. et al.: Species richness stabilizes productivity via asynchrony and drought-tolerance diversity in a large-scale tree biodiversity experiment. Science Advances 7 (51), eabk1643 (2021)
Kretz, L.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Hein, T.; Richter, R.; Schulz-Zunkel, C.; Seele-Dilbat, C.; van der Plas, F.; Vieweg, M.; Wirth, C.: Vegetation characteristics control local sediment and nutrient retention on but not underneath vegetation in floodplain meadows. PLoS One 16 (2), e0252694 (2021)
Langer, L.; Burghardt, M.; Borgards, R.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Seppelt, R.; Wirth, C.: The rise and fall of biodiversity in literature: A comprehensive quantification of historical changes in the use of vernacular labels for biological taxa in Western creative literature. People and Nature 3 (5), S. 1093 - 1109 (2021)
Crawford, M. S.; Barry, K. E.; Clark, A. T.; Farrior, C. E.; Hines, J.; Ladouceur, E.; Lichstein, J. W.; Maréchaux, I.; May, F.; Mori, A. S. et al.: The function-dominance correlation drives the direction and strength of biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships. Ecology Letters 24 (9), S. 1762 - 1775 (2021)
Guimarães-Steinicke, C.; Weigelt, A.; Proulx, R.; Lanners, T.; Eisenhauer, N.; Duque-Lazo, J.; Reu, B.; Roscher, C.; Wagg, C.; Buchmann, N. et al.: Biodiversity facets affect community surface temperature via 3D canopy structure in grassland communities. Journal of Ecology 109 (5), S. 1969 - 1985 (2021)
Nordt, B.; Hensen, I.; Bucher, S. F.; Freiberg, M.; Primack, R. B.; Stevens, A.; Bonn, A.; Wirth, C.; Jakubka, D.; Plos, C. et al.: The PhenObs initiative: A standardised protocol for monitoring phenological responses to climate change using herbaceous plant species in botanical gardens. Functional Ecology 35 (4), S. 821 - 834 (2021)

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