Publikationen von M. Reichstein

Zeitschriftenartikel (335)

Trudinger, C. M.; Raupach, M. R.; Rayner, P. J.; Kattge, J.; Liu, Q.; Pak, B.; Reichstein, M.; Renzullo, L.; Richardson, A. D.; Roxburgh, S. H. et al.; Styles, J.; Wang, Y. P.; Briggs, P.; Barrett, D.; Nikolova, S.: OptIC project: An intercomparison of optimization techniques for parameter estimation in terrestrial biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 112 (G2), G02027 (2007)
Wutzler, T.; Reichstein, M.: Soils apart from equilibrium - consequences for soil carbon balance modelling. Biogeosciences 4 (1), S. 125 - 136 (2007)
Zobitz, J. M.; Burns, S. P.; Ogee, J.; Reichstein, M.; Bowling, R.: Partitioning net ecosystem exchange of CO2: A comparison of a Bayesian/isotope approach to environmental regression methods. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 112 (3), G3013 (2007)
Adiku, S. G. K.; Reichstein, M.; Lohila, A.; Dinh, N. Q.; Aurela, M.; Laurila, T.; Lueers, J.; Tenhunen, J. D.: PIXGRO: A model for simulating the ecosystem CO2 exchange and growth of spring barley. Ecological Modelling 190 (3-4), S. 260 - 276 (2006)
Chevallier, F.; Viovy, N.; Reichstein, M.; Ciais, P.: On the assignment of prior errors in Bayesian inversions of CO2 surface fluxes. Geophysical Research Letters 33 (13), S. L13802 (2006)
Papale, D.; Reichstein, M.; Aubinet, M.; Canfora, E.; Bernhofer, C.; Kutsch, W.; Longdoz, B.; Rambal, S.; Valentini, R.; Vesala, T. et al.; Yakir, D.: Towards a standardized processing of Net Ecosystem Exchange measured with eddy covariance technique: algorithms and uncertainty estimation. Biogeosciences 3 (4), S. 571 - 583 (2006)
Reichstein, M.: Integration of FLUXNET and Earth observation data with biogeochemical modelling. iLEAPS Newsletter 3, S. 32 - 34 (2006)
Wang, Q.; Tenhunen, J.; Schmidt, M.; Kolcun, O.; Droesler, M.; Reichstein, M.: Estimation of total, direct and diffuse PAR under clear skies in complex alpine terrain of the National Park Berchtesgaden, Germany. Ecological Modelling 196 (1-2), S. 149 - 162 (2006)
Ciais, P.; Reichstein, M.; Viovy, N.; Granier, A.; Ogée, J.; Allard, V.; Aubinet, M.; Buchmann, N.; Bernhofer, C.; Carrara, A. et al.; Chevallier, F.; De Noblet, N.; Friend, A. D.; Friedlingstein, P.; Grünwald, T.; Heinesch, B.; Keronen, P.; Knohl, A.; Krinner, G.; Loustau, D.; Manca, G.; Matteucci, G.; Miglietta, F.; Ourcival, J. M.; Papale, D.; Pilegaard, K.; Rambal, S.; Seufert, G.; Soussana, J. F.; Sanz, M. J.; Schulze, E. D.; Vesala, T.; Valentini, R.: Europe-wide reduction in primary productivity caused by the heat and drought in 2003. Nature 437 (7058), S. 529 - 533 (2005)
Hibbard, K.; Law, B. E.; Reichstein, M.; Sulzman, J.; Aubinet, M.; Baldocchi, D.; Bernhofer, C.; Bolstad, P.; Bosc, A.; Campbell, J. et al.; Cheng, Y.; Yuste, J. C.; Curtis, P.; Davidson, E. A.; Epron, D.; Granier, A.; Grünwald, T.; Hollinger, D.; Janssens, I. A.; Longdoz, B.; Loustau, D.; Martin, J.; Monson, R.; Oechel, W.; Pippen, J.; Ryel, R.; Savage, K.; Scott-Denton, L.; Subke, J.-A.; Tang, J.; Tenhunen, J.; Turcu, V.; Vogel, C. S.: An analysis of soil respiration across northern hemisphere temperate ecosystems. Biogeochemistry 73, S. 29 - 70 (2005)
Jolly, W. M.; Dobbertin, M.; Zimmermann, N. E.; Reichstein, M.: Divergent vegetation growth responses to the 2003 heat wave in the Swiss Alps. Geophysical Research Letters 32 (18), S. L18409 (2005)
Reichstein, M.; Falge, E.; Baldocchi, D.; Papale, D.; Aubinet, M.; Berbigier, P.; Bernhofer, C.; Buchmann, N.; Gilmanov, T.; Granier, A. et al.; Grünwald, T.; Havránková, K.; Ilvesniemi, H.; Janous, D.; Knohl, A.; Laurila, T.; Lohila, A.; Loustau, D.; Matteucci, G.; Meyers, T.; Miglietta, F.; Ourcival, J.-M.; Pumpanen, J.; Rambal, S.; Rotenberg, E.; Sanz, M.; Tenhunen, J.; Seufert, G.; Vaccari, F.; Versala, T.; Yakir, D.; Valentini, R.: On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm. Global Change Biology 11 (9), S. 1424 - 1439 (2005)
Reichstein, M.; Kätterer, T.; Andrén, O.; Ciais, P.; Schulze, E.-D.; Cramer, W.; Papale, D.; Valentini, R.: Temperature sensitivity of decomposition in relation to soil organic matter pools: critique and outlook. Biogeosciences 2 (4), S. 317 - 321 (2005)
Reichstein, M.; Subke, J.-A.; Angeli, A. C.; Tenhunen, J. D.: Does the temperature sensitivity of decomposition of soil organic matter depend upon water content, soil horizon, or incubation time? Global Change Biology 11 (10), S. 1754 - 1767 (2005)
Reth, S.; Reichstein, M.; Falge, E.: The effect of soil water content, soil temperature, soil pH-value and the root mass on soil CO2 efflux - A modified model. Plant and Soil 268 (1), S. 21 - 33 (2005)
Wang, Q.; Tenhunen, J.; Dinh, N. Q.; Reichstein, M.; Otieno, D.; Granier, A.; Pilegaard, K.: Evaluation of seasonal variation of MODIS derived leaf area index at two European deciduous broadleaf forest sites. Remote Sensing of Environment 96 (3-4), S. 475 - 484 (2005)
Niinemets, U.; Loreto, F.; Reichstein, M.: Physiological and physicochemical controls on foliar volatile organic compound emissions. Trends in Plant Science 9 (4), S. 180 - 186 (2004)
Schmitgen, S.; Geiss, H.; Ciais, P.; Neininger, B.; Brunet, Y.; Reichstein, M.; Kley, D.; Volz-Thomas, A.: Carbon dioxide uptake of a forested region in southwest France derived from airborne CO2 and CO measurements in a quasi-Lagrangian experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D14), D14302 (2004)
Wang, Q.; Tenhunen, J.; Dinh, N. Q.; Reichstein, M.; Vesala, T.; Keronen, P.: Similarities in ground- and satellite-based NDVI time series and their relationship to physiological activity of a Scots pine forest in Finland. Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (1-2), S. 225 - 237 (2004)
Wang, Q.; Tenhunen, J.; Granier, A.; Reichstein, M.; Bouriaud, O.; Nguyen, D.; Breda, N.: Long-term variations in leaf area index and light extinction in a Fagus sylvatica stand as estimated from global radiation profiles. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 79 (3-4), S. 225 - 238 (2004)

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