Publikationen von Susan E. Trumbore

Zeitschriftenartikel (301)

Angert, A.; Muhr, J.; Juarez, R.; Munoz, W.; Kraemer, G.; Santillan, J.; Chambers, J.; Trumbore, S. E.: The contribution of respiration in tree stems to the Dole effect. Biogeosciences 9, S. 4037 - 4044 (2012)
Massad, T.; Balch, J. K.; Davidson, E. A.; Brando, P. M.; Mews, C. L.; Porto, P.; Quintino, R. M.; Vieira, S. A.; Marimon Junior, B. H.; Trumbore, S. E.: Interactions between repeated fire, nutrients, and insect herbivores affect the recovery of diversity in the southern Amazon. Oecologia 172 (2), S. 219 - 229 (2012)
Koarashi, J.; Hockaday, W. C.; Masiello, C.; Trumbore, S. E.: Dynamics of decadally cycling carbon in subsurface soils. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 117, G03033, S. 1 - 13 (2012)
Hopkins, F. M.; Torn, M. S.; Trumbore, S. E.: Warming accelerates decomposition of decades-old carbon in forest soils. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (26), S. E1753 - E1761 (2012)
Sierra, C. A.; Müller, M, M.; Trumbore, S. E.: Models of soil organic matter decomposition: the SOILR package, version 1.0. Geoscientific Model Development 5 (4), S. 1045 - 1060 (2012)
Sierra, C. A.; Trumbore, S. E.; Davidson, E. A.; Frey, S. D.; Savage, K. E.; Hopkins, F. M.: Predicting decadal trends and transient responses of radiocarbon storage and fluxes in a temperate forest soil. Biogeosciences 9, S. 3013 - 3028 (2012)
Davidson, E.; Lefebvre, P. A.; Brando, P. M.; Ray, D. M.; Trumbore, S. E.; Solorzano, L. A.; Ferreira, J. N.; Bustamante, M. M. D.; Nepstad, D. C.: Carbon Inputs and Water Uptake in Deep Soils of an Eastern Amazon Forest. Forest Science 57 (1), S. 51 - 58 (2011)
Pack, M. A.; Heintz, M. B.; Reeburgh, W. S.; Trumbore, S. E.; Valentine, D. L.; Xu, X. M.; Druffel, E. R. M.: A method for measuring methane oxidation rates using low-levels of 14C-labeled methane and accelerator mass spectrometry. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 9, S. 245 - 260 (2011)
Park, S.; Perez, T.; Boering, K. A.; Trumbore, S. E.; Gil, J.; Marquina, S.; Tyler, S. C.: Can N2O stable isotopes and isotopomers be useful tools to characterize sources and microbial pathways of N2O production and consumption in tropical soils? Global Biogeochemical Cycles 25, GB1001 (2011)
Schimel, J. P.; Wetterstedt, J. A. M.; Holden, P. A.; Trumbore, S. E.: Drying/rewetting cycles mobilize old C from deep soils from a California annual grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (5), S. 1101 - 1103 (2011)
Schmidt, M. W. I.; Torn, M. S.; Abiven, S.; Dittmar, T.; Guggenberger, G.; Janssens, I. A.; Kleber, M.; Kogel-Knabner, I.; Lehmann, J.; Manning, D. A. C. et al.; Nannipieri, P.; Rasse, D. P.; Weiner, S.; Trumbore, S. E.: Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property. Nature 478 (7367), S. 49 - 56 (2011)
Seifert, A.-G.; Trumbore, S.; Xu, X. M.; Zhang, D. C.; Kothe, E.; Gleixner, G.: Variable effects of labile carbon on the carbon use of different microbial groups in black slate degradation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (10), S. 2557 - 2570 (2011)
Bahn, M.; Janssens, I. A.; Reichstein, M.; Smith, P.; Trumbore, S. E.: Soil respiration across scales: towards an integration of patterns and processes. New Phytologist 186 (2), S. 292 - 296 (2010)
Bahn, M.; Reichstein, M.; Davidson, E. A.; Grünzweig, J.; Jung, M.; Carbone, M. S.; Epron, D.; Misson, L.; Nouvellon, Y.; Roupsard, O. et al.; Savage, K.; Trumbore, S. E.; Gimeno, C.; Yuste, J. C.; Tang, J.; Vargas, R.; Janssens, I. A.: Soil respiration at mean annual temperature predicts annual total across vegetation types and biomes. Biogeosciences 7 (7), S. 2147 - 2157 (2010)
Druffel, E. R. M.; Zhang, D. C.; Xu, X. M.; Ziolkowski, L. A.; Southon, J. R.; dos Santos, G. M.; Trumbore, S. E.: Compound-specific radiocarbon analyses of phospholipid fatty acids and n-alkanes in ocean sediments. Radiocarbon 52 (3), S. 1215 - 1223 (2010)
Jagadamma, S.; Lal, R.; Ussiri, D. A. N.; Trumbore, S. E.; Mestelan, S.: Evaluation of structural chemistry and isotopic signatures of refractory soil organic carbon fraction isolated by wet oxidation methods. Biogeochemistry 98 (1-3), S. 29 - 44 (2010)
Khosh, M. S.; Xu, X. M.; Trumbore, S. E.: Small-mass graphite preparation by sealed tube zinc reduction method for AMS 14C measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268 (7-8), S. 927 - 930 (2010)
Kramer, C.; Trumbore, S.; Fröberg, M.; Dozal, L. M. C.; Zhang, D. C.; Xu, X. M.; Santos, G. M.; Hanson, P. J.: Recent (< 4 year old) leaf litter is not a major source of microbial carbon in a temperate forest mineral soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42 (7), S. 1028 - 1037 (2010)
Nowinski, N. S.; Taneva, L.; Trumbore, S. E.; Welker, J. M.: Decomposition of old organic matter as a result of deeper active layers in a snow depth manipulation experiment. Oecologia 163 (3), S. 785 - 792 (2010)
Parton, W. J.; Hanson, P. J.; Swanston, C.; Torn, M.; Trumbore, S. E.; Riley, W.; Kelly, R.: ForCent model development and testing using the enriched background isotope study experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G4), S. 1 - 15 (2010)

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