Journal Article (248)

Journal Article
Kazakou, E.; Violle, C.; Roumet, C.; Navas, M.-L.; Vile, D.; Kattge, J.; Garnier, E.: Are trait-based species rankings consistent across datasets and spatial scales? Journal of Vegetation Science 25 (1), pp. 235 - 247 (2014)
Journal Article
Madani, N.; Kimball, J. S.; Affleck, D. L.R.; Kattge, J.; Graham, J.; van Bodegom, P. M.; Reich, P. B.; Running, S. W.: Improving ecosystem productivity modeling through spatially explicit estimation of optimal light use efficiency. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119 (9), pp. 1755 - 1769 (2014)
Journal Article
Marra, D. M.; Chambers, J. Q.; Higuchi, N.; Trumbore, S. E.; Ribeiro, G. H. P. M.; Santos, J. d.; Negrón-Juárez, R. I.; Reu, B.; Wirth, C.: Large-scale wind disturbances promote tree diversity in a Central Amazon Forest. PLoS One 9 (8), e103711 (2014)
Journal Article
Moles, A. T.; Perkins, S. E.; Laffan, S. W.; Flores-Moreno, H.; Awasthy, M.; Tindall, M. L.; Sack, L.; Pitman, A.; Kattge, J.; Aarssen, L. et al.; Anand, M.; Bahn, M.; Blonder, B.; Cavender-Bares, J.; Cornelissen, J. H. C.; Cornwell, W. K.; Dıaz, S.; Dickie, J. B.; Freschet, G. T.; Griffiths, J. G.; Gutierrez, A. G.; Hemmings, F. A.; Hickler, T.; Hitchcock, T. D.; Keighery, M.; Kleyer, M.; Kurokawa, H.; Leishman, M. R.; Liu, K.; Niinemets, Ü.; Onipchenko, V.; Onoda, Y.; Penuelas, J.; Pillar, V. D.; Reich, P. B.; Shiodera, S.; Siefert, A.; Sosinski Jr., E. E.; Soudzilovskaia, N. A.; Swaine, E. K.; Swenson, N. G.; van Bodegom, P.; Warman, L.; Weiher, E.; Wright, I. J.; Zhang, H.; Zobel, M.; Bonser, S. P.: Which is a better predictor of plant traits: temperature or precipitation? Journal of Vegetation Science 25 (5), pp. 1167 - 1180 (2014)
Journal Article
Pietsch, K. A.; Ogle, K.; Cornelissen, J. H.C.; Cornwell, W. K.; Boenisch, G.; Craine, J. M.; Jackson, B. G.; Kattge, J.; Peltzer, D. A.; Penuelas, J. et al.; Reich, P. B.; Wardle, D. A.; Weedon, J. T.; Wright, I. J.; Zanne, A. E.; Wirth, C.: Global relationship of wood and leaf litter decomposability: the role of functional traits within and across plant organs. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23, pp. 1046 - 1057 (2014)
Journal Article
Proulx, R.; Roca, I. T.; Cuadra, F. S.; Seiferling, I.; Wirth, C.: A novel photographic approach for monitoring the structural heterogeneity and diversity of grassland ecosystems. Journal of Plant Ecology 7 (6), pp. 518 - 525 (2014)
Journal Article
van Mechelen, C.; Dutoit, T.; Kattge, J.; Hermy, M.: Plant trait analysis delivers an extensive list of potential green roof species for Mediterranean France. Ecological Engineering 67, pp. 48 - 59 (2014)
Journal Article
Violle, C.; Reich, P. B.; Pacala, S. W.; Enquist, B. J.; Kattge, J.: The emergence and promise of functional biogeography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (38), pp. 13690 - 13696 (2014)
Journal Article
Walker, A. P.; Beckerman, A. P.; Gu, L.; Kattge, J.; Cernusak, L. A.; Domingues, T. F.; Scales, J. C.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Wullschleger, S. D.; Woodward, F. I.: The relationship of leaf photosynthetic traits – Vcmax and Jmax – to leaf nitrogen, leaf phosphorus, and specific leaf area: a meta-analysis and modeling study. Ecology and Evolution 4 (16), pp. 3218 - 3235 (2014)
Journal Article
Werner, G. D. A.; Cornwell, W. K.; Sprent, J. I.; Kattge, J.; Kiers, E. T.: A single evolutionary innovation drives the deep evolution of symbiotic N2-fixation in angiosperms. Nature Communications 5, 4087 (2014)
Journal Article
Grote, S.; Condit, R.; Hubbell, S.; Wirth, C.; Rüger, N.: Response of demographic rates of tropical trees to light availability: Can position-based competition indices replace information from canopy census data? PLoS One 8 (12), e81787 (2013)
Journal Article
Maire, V.; Gross, N.; Hill, D.; Martin, R.; Wirth, C.; Wright, I. J.; Soussana, J.-F.: Disentangling coordination among functional traits using an individual-based model: Impact on plant performance and trait variability. PLoS One 8 (10), e77372 (2013)
Journal Article
Demey, A.; Staelens, J.; Baeten, L.; Boeckx, P.; Hermy, M.; Kattge, J.; Verheyen, K.: Nutrient input from hemiparasitic litter favors plant species with a fast-growth strategy. Plant and Soil 371 (1-2), pp. 53 - 66 (2013)
Journal Article
Baeten, L.; Verheyen, K.; Wirth, C.; Bruelheide, H.; Bussotti, F.; Finér, L.; Jaroszewicz, B.; Selvi, F.; Valladares, F.; Allan, E. et al.; Ampoorter, E.; Auge, H.; Avăcărieik, D.; Barbaro, L.; Bărnoaiea, I.; Bastias, C. C.; Bauhus, J.; Beinhoff, C.; Benavides, R.; Benneter, A.; Berger, S.; Berthold, F.; Boberg, J.; Bonal, D.; Brüggemann, W.; Carnol, M.; Castagneyrol, B.; Charbonnier, Y.; Chećko, E.; Coomes, D.; Coppi, A.; Dalmaris, E.; Dănilă, G.; Dawud, S. M.; de Vries, W.; Wandeler, H. D.; Deconchat, M.; Domisch, T.; Duduman, G.; Fischer, M.; Fotelli, M.; Gessler, A.; Gimeno, T. E.; Granier, A.; Grossiord, C.; Guyot, V.; Hantsch, L.; Hättenschwiler, S.; Hector, A.; Hermy, M.; Holland, V.; Jactel, H.; Joly, F.-X.; Jucker, T.; Kolb, S.; Korichevad, J.; Lexere, M. J.; Liebergesell, M.; Milligand, H.; Müller, S.; Muys, B.; Nguyen, D.; Nichiforel, L.; Pollastrini, M.; Proulx, R.; Rabasa, S.; Radoglou, K.; Ratcliffe, S.; Raulund-Rasmussen, K.; Seiferling, I.; Stenlid, J.; Vesterdal, L.; von Wilpert, K.; Zavala, M. A.; Zielinski, D.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.: A novel comparative research platform designed to determine the functional significance of tree species diversity in European forests. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 15 (5), pp. 281 - 291 (2013)
Journal Article
Allan, E.; Weisser, W. W.; Fischer, M.; Schulze, E.-D.; Weigelt, A.; Roscher, C.; Baade, J.; Barnard, R. L.; Bessler, H.; Buchmann, N. et al.; Ebeling, A.; Eisenhauer, N.; Engels, C.; Fergus, A. J. F.; Gleixner, G.; Gubsch, M.; Halle, S.; Klein, A. M.; Kertscher, I.; Kuu, A.; Lange, M.; Le Roux, X.; Meyer, S. T.; Migunova, V. D.; Milcu, A.; Niklaus, P. A.; Oelmann, Y.; Pasalic, E.; Petermann, J. S.; Poly, F.; Rottstock, T.; Sabais, A. C. W.; Scherber, C.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Scheu, S.; Steinbeiss, S.; Schwichtenberg, G.; Temperton, V.; Tscharntke, T.; Voigt, W.; Wilcke, W.; Wirth, C.; Schmid, B.: A comparison of the strength of biodiversity effects across multiple functions. Oecologia 173, pp. 223 - 237 (2013)
Journal Article
Nadrowski, K.; Ratcliffe, S.; Boenisch, G.; Bruelheide, H.; Kattge, J.; Liu, X. J.; Maicher, L.; Mi, X. C.; Prilop, M.; Seifarth, D. et al.; Welter, K.; Windisch, S.; Wirth, C.: Harmonizing, annotating and sharing data in biodiversityecosystem functioning research. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (2), pp. 201 - 205 (2013)
Journal Article
Braakhekke, M. C.; Wutzler, T.; Beer, C.; Kattge, J.; Schrumpf, M.; Ahrens, B.; Schöning, I.; Hoosbeek, M. R.; Kruijt, B.; Kabat, P. et al.; Reichstein, M.: Modeling the vertical soil organic matter profile using Bayesian parameter estimation. Biogeosciences 10 (1), pp. 399 - 420 (2013)
Journal Article
Garcia-Palacios, P.; Maestre, F.; Kattge, J.; Wall, D.: Climate and litter quality differently modulate the effects of soil fauna on litter decomposition across biomes. Ecology Letters 16, pp. 1045 - 1053 (2013)
Journal Article
Holzwarth, F.; Kahl, A.; Bauhus, J.; Wirth, C.: Many ways to die – partitioning tree mortality dynamics in a near natural mixed deciduous forest. Journal of Ecology 101, pp. 220 - 230 (2013)
Journal Article
Jung, M.; Tautenhahn, S.; Wirth, C.; Kattge, J.: Estimating basal area of spruce and fir in post-fire residual stands in Central Siberia using Quickbird, feature selection, and Random Forests. Procedia Computer Science 18, pp. 2386 - 2395 (2013)
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