Guest- / Stipend program
The Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC) is eager to support scientific progress in the field of biogeochemistry by temporarily hosting a restricted number of top-qualified junior researchers on the PhD student level and international postdoctoral level, termed guest PhD students or guest PostDocs.
Main procedures and criteria are:
- Scientific excellence of the guest scientist is required, and his/her interest in a research topic supported by a BGC senior scientist
- Applications for a guest program should go any time to the respective senior scientist.
- Pre-decision on considering a guest scientist (PhD or PostDoc) depends on the respective senior scientist.
- Final acceptance of guest scientists is discussed in quarterly meetings of the “guest and stipend commission”, which is comprised of all directors appointed at MPI-BGC. Positive decision depends on the agreement of a majority of Directors and must always include the managing Director (GfD).
- Maximum duration of any individual guest PhD is 6 months, of an international guest PostDoc 2 years.
- Strong preference should be given to PhDs and PostDocs from abroad, to foster international exchange. According to MPI-BGC’s wide-spread international cooperations, no geographical preference of the guest scientists’ origin will apply.
- Guest Scientists are given unrestricted access to any scientific and administrative infrastructure, equipment and platforms at MPI-BGC which are necessary to conduct his/her research project.