Journal Article (45)
Journal Article
: Climatic control of stand thinning in unmanaged spruce forests of the southern Taiga in European Russia. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 54 (5), pp. 443 - 461 (2002)
Journal Article
163 (1-3), pp. 151 - 163 (2002)
The effects of long-term, partial shading on growth and photosynthesis in Pinus radiata D. Don trees. Forest Ecology and Management 43.
Journal Article
54 (5), pp. 611 - 630 (2002)
Beyond annual budgets: carbon flux at different temporal scales in fire-prone Siberian Scots pine forests. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 44.
Journal Article
22 (8), pp. 537 - 552 (2002)
Comparing the influence of site quality, stand age, fire and climate on aboveground tree production in Siberian Scots pine forests. Tree Physiology 45.
Journal Article
242 (1), pp. 41 - 63 (2002)
Fire and site type effects on the long-term carbon and nitrogen balance in pristine Siberian Scots pine forests. Plant and Soil Book (3)
Entgelte für die Nutzung globaler Gemeinschaftsgüter. Sondergutachten. WBGU, Berlin (2002), 52 pp.
Analyse der Artenschutzprogramme für Pflanzen in Deutschland. Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster, Münster (2002), 220 pp.
Pflanzenökologie. Spektrum Acad. Verl., Heidelberg (2002)
Book Chapter (6)
Book Chapter
Stable nitrogen isotope patterns in European forest ecosystems. In: Comparison of ecosystem functioning and biogeochemical cycles in temperate forests in Southern Chile and Flanders, pp. 59 - 66 (Eds. De Schrijver, A.; Kint, V.; Lust, N.). Academic Press, Gent (2002)
Book Chapter
Isotopic evidence for the origin and formation of refractory organic substances. In: Refractory organic substances (ROS) in the environment, pp. 146 - 162 (Eds. Frimmel, F. H.; Abbt-Braun, G.). Wiley, Weinheim (2002)
Book Chapter
2, pp. 643 - 646 (Eds. Pillmann, W.; Tochtermann, K.). International Society for Envirnonmental Protection, Vienna, Austria (2002)
Development of a database for climate research. In: Environmental communication in the information society: proceedings of the 16th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, September 25 - 27, 2002, University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, Vol. 52.
Book Chapter
Eine bundesweite Befragung zu Artenschutzprogrammen für Pflanzen in Deutschland. In: Analyse der Artenschutzprogramme für Pflanzen in Deutschland, pp. 15 - 21 (Ed. Scherer-Lorenzen, M.). Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster, Münster (2002)
Book Chapter
Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie. In: Jahrbuch 2002 der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, pp. 421 - 428. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen (2002)
Book Chapter
Annual and seasonal dynamics of energy- and mass exchange in pine forest of middle taiga. In: Forest ecosystems of the Yenisey Meridian, pp. 252 - 264 (Ed. Pleshikov, F. I.). Publishing House of SB RAS, Novosibirsk (2002)
Thesis - Diploma (2)
Thesis - Diploma
Dynamik der Kohlenstoffvorräte bewirtschafteter Buchenwälder auf Buntsandstein. Diploma, 87 pp., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2002)
Thesis - Diploma
Rekonstruktion von paläohydrologischen Bedingungen durch gleichzeitige Nutzung der d-D-Werte von n-Alkanen und d-18-O- sowie d-13-C-Werten von Karbonaten ; am Beispiel des Staßfurtdolomites (Ca2) der Bohrung Jena 106. Diploma, 85 pp., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2002)