Kolloquium Tilo Ziehn
- Date: Jun 29, 2023
- Time: 02:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Tilo Ziehn
- CSIRO, Australia
- Room: Lecture Hall (C0.001)
This talk provides an overview of research activities in the Earth System Modelling group at CSIRO. Main focus will be on simulations performed with the Australian Earth System Model – ACCESS-ESM1.5. We will cover future regional carbon budget estimates derived from CMIP6 models and the ACCESS-ESM1.5 large ensemble for the Australasian region which also contribute to the REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes (RECCAP2) project. Further, we will explore the evolution of the climate at different global warming levels based on millennium length stabilized simulations we performed with ACCESS-ESM1.5.
In unserer wöchentlichen Vortragsreihe wechseln sich eingeladene Wissenschaftler aus internationalen Forschungsinstituten (Kolloquien) mit unseren internen Wissenschaftlern ab (interne Seminare - diese Reihe), die über die Fortschritte ihrer Forschungsprojekte berichten. Eingeladene Gäste unserer lokalen akademischen Partner sind zu den Kolloquien herzlich willkommen.