Blick vom Nordturm des MANIP Experimentes in Majadas del Tietatar in Spanien an einem heiteren Tag. Im Vordergrund sieht man den Eddy-Ausleger, eine Kombination von einem 3D Ultraschallanemometer in dessen unmittelbarer Nähe  sich die Ansaugung des Gasanlysators für Kohlendioxif und Wasserdampf befindet.Im Hintergrund der beweidete Steineichehain (Dehesa) und in noch größerer Entfernung die Berge.

Publikationen von Gerd Gleixner

Zeitschriftenartikel (235)

Dittmann, G.; Ding, S.; Hopmans, E. C.; Schröter, S. A.; Orme, A. M.; Kothe, E.; Lange, M.; Gleixner, G.: Bioavailable carbon additions to soil promote free-living nitrogen fixation and microbial biomass growth with N-free lipids. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 203, 109748 (2025)
Amyntas, A.; Gauzens, B.; Ciobanu, M.; Warnke, L.; Maraun, M.; Salamon, J.-A.; Merkle, M.; Bassi, L.; Hennecke, J.; Lange, M. et al.; Gleixner, G.; Scheu, S.; Eisenhauer, N.; Brose, U.: Shared community history strengthens plant diversity effects on below-ground multitrophic functioning. Journal of Animal Ecology (2025)
Schroeter, S. A.; Orme, A. M.; Lehmann, K.; Lehmann, R.; Chaudhari, N. M.; Küsel, K.; Wang, H.; Hildebrandt, A.; Totsche, K. U.; Trumbore, S. E. et al.; Gleixner, G.: Hydroclimatic extremes threaten groundwater quality and stability. Nature Communications 16, 720 (2025)
Xia, Y.; Lalande, J.; Badeck, F.-W.; Girardin, C.; Bathellier, C.; Gleixner, G.; Werner, R. A.; Ghiasi, S.; Faucon, M.; Cosnier, K. et al.; Fresneau, C.; Tcherkez, G.; Ghashghaie, J.: Nitrogen nutrition effects on delta13C of plant respired CO2 are mostly caused by concurrent changes in organic acid utilisation and remobilisation. Plant, Cell and Environment 47 (12), S. 5511 - 5526 (2024)
Cole, L.; Goodall, T.; Jehmlich, N.; Griffiths, R. I.; Gleixner, G.; Gubry-Rangin, C.; Malik, A. A.: Land use effects on soil microbiome composition and traits with consequences for soil carbon cycling. ISME Communications 4 (1), ycae116 (2024)
Lange, D. F.; Schröter, S. A.; da Luz, F. M.; Pires, E.; Santos, Y. R.; da Silva, J. S.; Hildmann, S.; Hoffmann, T.; Ferreira, S. J. F.; Schäfer, T. et al.; Quesada, C. A.; Simon, C.; Gleixner, G.: Cycling of dissolved organic nutrients and indications for nutrient limitations in contrasting Amazon rainforest ecosystems. Biogeochemistry 167, S. 1567 - 1588 (2024)
Li, Y.; Schuldt, A.; Ebeling, A.; Eisenhauer, N.; Huang, Y.; Albert, G.; Albracht, C.; Amyntas, A.; Bonkowski, M.; Bruelheide, H. et al.; Bröcher, M.; Chesters, D.; Chen, J.; Chen, Y.; Chen, J.-T.; Ciobanu, M.; Deng, X.; Fornoff, F.; Gleixner, G.; Guo, L.; Guo, P.-F.; Heintz-Buschart, A.; Klein, A.-M.; Lange, M.; Li, S.; Li, Q.; Li, Y.; Luo, A.; Meyer, S. T.; von Oheimb, G.; Rutten, G.; Scholten, T.; Solbach, M. D.; Staab, M.; Wang, M.-Q.; Zhang, N.; Zhu, C.-D.; Schmid, B.; Ma, K.; Liu, X.: Plant diversity enhances ecosystem multifunctionality via multitrophic diversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8, S. 2037 - 2047 (2024)
Huang, C.; Schroeter, S. A.; Lehmann, K.; Herrmann, M.; Totsche, K. U.; Gleixner, G.: Snowmelt seepage fluxes of dissolved organic matter in forest and grassland – a molecular-level case study from the Hainich Critical Zone Exploratory, Germany. Frontiers in Earth Science 12, 1458322 (2024)
Eisenhauer, N.; Mueller, K.; Ebeling, A.; Gleixner, G.; Huang, Y.; Madaj, A.-M.; Roscher, C.; Weigelt, A.; Bahn, M.; Bonkowski, M. et al.; Brose, U.; Cesarz, S.; Feilhauer, H.; Guimaraes-Steinicke, C.; Heintz-Buschart, A.; Hines, J.; Lange, M.; Meyer, S. T.; Mohanbabu, N.; Mommer, L.; Neuhauser, S.; Oelmann, Y.; Rahmanian, S.; Sasaki, T.; Scheu, S.; Schielzeth, H.; Schmid, B.; Schloter, M.; Schulz, S.; Unsicker, S. B.; Vogel, C.; Weisser, W. W.; Fores, I.: The multiple-mechanisms hypothesis of biodiversity–stability relationships. Basic and Applied Ecology 79, S. 153 - 166 (2024)
Dietrich, P.; Ebeling, A.; Meyer, S. T.; Asato, A. E. B.; Bröcher, M.; Gleixner, G.; Huang, Y.; Roscher, C.; Schmid, B.; Vogel, A. et al.; Eisenhauer, N.: Plant diversity and community age stabilize ecosystem multifunctionality. Global Change Biology 30 (3), e17225 (2024)
Lange, M.; Azizi-Rad, M.; Dittmann, G.; Lange, D. F.; Orme, A. M.; Schroeter, S. A.; Simon, C.; Gleixner, G.: Stability and carbon uptake of the soil microbial community is determined by differences between rhizosphere and bulk soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 189, 109280 (2024)
Huang, Y.; Stein, G.; Kolle, O.; Kübler, K.; Schulze, E. D.; Dong, H.; Eichenberg, D.; Gleixner, G.; Hildebrandt, A.; Lange, M. et al.; Roscher, C.; Schielzeth, H.; Schmid, B.; Weigelt, A.; Weisser, W. W.; Shadaydeh, M.; Denzler, J.; Ebeling, A.; Eisenhauer, N.: Enhanced stability of grassland soil temperature by plant diversity. Nature Geoscience 17, S. 44 - 50 (2024)
Tanunchai, B.; Ji, L.; Schroeter, S. A.; Wahdan, S. F.; Thongsuk, K.; Hilke, I.; Gleixner, G.; Buscot, F.; Schulze, E. D.; Noll, M. et al.; Purahong, W.: Tree mycorrhizal type regulates leaf and needle microbial communities, affects microbial assembly and co-occurrence network patterns, and influences litter decomposition rates in temperate forest. Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1239600 (2023)
Kharytonov, M.; Titarenko, O.; Trumbore, S. E.; Gleixner, G.: The state of land cover in the floodplain of the Samara river caused with long-term coal mining. ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara 21 (2), S. 137 - 142 (2023)
Oram, N. J.; Ingrisch, J.; Bardgett, R. D.; Brennan, F.; Dittmann, G.; Gleixner, G.; Illmer, P.; Praeg, N.; Bahn, M.: Drought intensity alters productivity, carbon allocation and plant nitrogen uptake in fast versus slow grassland communities. Journal of Ecology 111 (8), S. 1681 - 1699 (2023)
Fricke, J.; Schalk, F.; Kreuzenbeck, N. B.; Seibel, E.; Hoffmann, J.; Dittmann, G.; Conlon, B. H.; Guo, H.; de Beer, Z. W.; Giddings Vassão, D. et al.; Gleixner, G.; Poulsen, M.; Beemelmanns, C.: Adaptations of Pseudoxylaria towards a comb-associated lifestyle in fungus-farming termite colonies. The ISME Journal 17, S. 733 - 747 (2023)
Lange, M.; Eisenhauer, N.; Chen, H.; Gleixner, G.: Increased soil carbon storage through plant diversity strengthens with time and extends into the subsoil. Global Change Biology 29 (9), S. 2627 - 2639 (2023)
Patalano, R.; Arthur, C.; Carleton, W. C.; Challis, S.; Dewar, G.; Gayantha, K.; Gleixner, G.; Ilgner, J.; Lucas, M.; Marzo, S. et al.; Mokhachane, R.; Pazan, K.; Spurite, D.; Morley, M. W.; Parker, A.; Mitchell, P.; Stewart, B. A.; Roberts, P.: Ecological stability of Late Pleistocene-to-Holocene Lesotho, southern Africa, facilitated human upland habitation. Communications Earth & Environment 4, 129 (2023)
van der Plas, F.; Schröder-Georgi, T.; Weigelt, A.; Barry, K.; Meyer, S.; Alzate, A.; Barnard, R. L.; Buchmann, N.; de Kroon, H.; Ebeling, A. et al.; Eisenhauer, N.; Engels, C.; Fischer, M.; Gleixner, G.; Hildebrandt, A.; Koller-France, E.; Leimer, S.; Milcu, A.; Mommer, L.; Niklaus, P. A.; Oelmann, Y.; Roscher, C.; Scherber, C.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Scheu, S.; Schmid, B.; Schulze, E. D.; Temperton, V.; Tscharntke, T.; Voigt, W.; Weisser, W.; Wilcke, W.; Wirth, C.: Reply to: Plant traits alone are good predictors of ecosystem properties when used carefully. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, S. 335 - 336 (2023)
Tanunchai, B.; Ji, L.; Schroeter, S. A.; Wahdan, S. F. M.; Hossen, S.; Delelegn, Y.; Buscot, F.; Lehnert, A.-S.; Alves, E. G.; Hilke, I. et al.; Gleixner, G.; Schulze, E. D.; Noll, M.; Purahong, W.: FungalTraits vs. FUNGuild: Comparison of ecological functional assignments of leaf‑ and needle‑associated fungi across 12 temperate tree species. Fungal Biology 85, S. 411 - 428 (2023)
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