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Publikationen von M. Zeri

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Montagnani, L.; Manca, G.; Canepa, E.; Georgieva, E.; Acosta, M.; Feigenwinter, C.; Janous, D.; Kerschbaumer, G.; Lindroth, A.; Minach, L. et al.; Minerbi, S.; Molder, M.; Pavelka, M.; Seufert, G.; Zeri, M.; Ziegler, W.: A new mass conservation approach to the study of CO2 advection in an alpine forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114, S. D07306 (2009)
Feigenwinter, C.; Bernhofer, C.; Eichelmann, U.; Heinesch, B.; Hertel, M.; Janous, D.; Kolle, O.; Lagergren, F.; Lindroth, A.; Minerbi, S. et al.; Moderow, U.; Molder, M.; Montagnani, L.; Queck, R.; Rebmann, C.; Vestin, P.; Yernaux, M.; Zeri, M.; Ziegler, W.; Aubinet, M.: Comparison of horizontal and vertical advective CO2 fluxes at three forest sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148 (1), S. 12 - 24 (2008)
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