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Publikationen von Heike Geilmann

Zeitschriftenartikel (32)

Vigano, I.; Holzinger, R.; Keppler, F.; Greule, M.; Brand, W. A.; Geilmann, H.; Van Weelden, H.; Rockmann, T.: Water drives the deuterium content of the methane emitted from plants. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (14), S. 3865 - 3873 (2010)
Lloyd, J.; Patiño, S.; Paiva, R. Q.; Nardoto, G. B.; Quesada, C. A.; Santos, A. J. B.; Baker, T. R.; Brand, W. A.; Hilke, I.; Geilmann, H. et al.; Raessler, M.; Luizão, F. J.; Martinelli, L. A.; Mercado, L. M.: Optimisation of photosynthetic carbon gain and within-canopy gradients of associated foliar traits for Amazon forest trees. Biogeosciences 7 (6), S. 1833 - 1859 (2010)
Qi, H. P.; Groning, M.; Coplen, T. B.; Buck, B.; Mroczkowski, S. J.; Brand, W. A.; Geilmann, H.; Gehre, M.: Novel silver-tubing method for quantitative introduction of water into high-temperature conversion systems for stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic measurements. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 24 (13), S. 1821 - 1827 (2010)
Quesada, C. A.; Lloyd, J.; Schwarz, M.; Patiño, S.; Baker, T. R.; Czimczik, C.; Fyllas, N. M.; Martinelli, L.; Nardoto, G. B.; Schmerler, J. et al.; Santos, A. J. B.; Hodnett, M. G.; Herrera, R.; Luizão, F. J.; Arneth, A.; Lloyd, G.; Dezzeo, N.; Hilke, I.; Kuhlmann, I.; Raessler, M.; Brand, W. A.; Geilmann, H.; Moraes, J. O.; Carvalho, F. P.; Araujo, R. N.; Chaves, J. E.; Cruz, O. F.; Pimentel, T. P.; Paiva, R.: Variations in chemical and physical properties of Amazon forest soils in relation to their genesis. Biogeosciences 7 (5), S. 1515 - 1541 (2010)
Brand, W. A.; Coplen, T. B.; Aerts-Bijma, A. T.; Bohlke, J. K.; Gehre, M.; Geilmann, H.; Groning, M.; Jansen, H. G.; Meijer, H. A. J.; Mroczkowski, S. J. et al.; Qi, H. P.; Soergel, K.; Stuart-Williams, H.; Weise, S. M.; Werner, R. A.: Comprehensive inter-laboratory calibration of reference materials for δ 18O versus VSMOW using various on-line high-temperature conversion techniques. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23 (7), S. 999 - 1019 (2009)
Brand, W. A.; Geilmann, H.; Crosson, E. R.; Rella, C. W.: Cavity ring-down spectroscopy versus high-temperature conversion isotope ratio mass spectrometry; a case study on δ H2 and δ 18O of pure water samples and alcohol/water mixtures. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23 (12), S. 1879 - 1884 (2009)
Vigano, I.; Röckmann, T.; Holzinger, R.; Van Dijk, A.; Keppler, F.; Greule, M.; Brand, W. A.; Geilmann, H.; Van Weelden, H.: The stable isotope signature of methane emitted from plant material under UV irradiation. Atmospheric Environment 43 (35), S. 5637 - 5646 (2009)
Gehre, M.; Geilmann, H.; Richter, J.; Werner, R. A.; Brand, W. A.: Continuous flow 2H/2H and 18O/16O analysis of water samples with dual inlet precision. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 18 (22), S. 2650 - 2660 (2004)
Knohl, A.; Werner, R. A.; Geilmann, H.; Brand, W. A.: Kel-F(TM) discs improve storage time of canopy air samples in 10-mL vials for CO213C analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 18 (14), S. 1663 - 1665 (2004)
Brooks, P. D.; Geilmann, H.; Werner, R. A.; Brand, W. A.: Improved precision of coupled δ13C and δ15N measurements from single samples using an elemental analyzer/isotope ratio mass spectrometer combination with a post-column sixport valve and selective CO2 trapping; improved halide robustness of the combustion reactor using CeO2. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 17 (16), S. 1924 - 1926 (2003)
Dörr, M.; Käßbohrer, J.; Grunert, R.; Kreisel, G.; Brand, W. A.; Werner, R. A.; Geilmann, H.; Apfel, C.; Robl, C.; Weigand, W.: A possible prebiotic formation of ammonia from dinitrogen on iron sulfide surfaces. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 42 (13), S. 1540 - 1543 (2003)
Qi, H. P.; Coplen, T. B.; Geilmann, H.; Brand, W. A.; Böhlke, J. K.: Two new organic reference materials for δ13C and δ15N measurements and a new value for the δ13C of NBS 22 oil. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 17 (22), S. 2483 - 2487 (2003)
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