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Publikationen von Antje Gude

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Gude, A.; Kandeler, E.; Gleixner, G.: Input related microbial carbon dynamic of soil organic matter in particle size fractions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 47, S. 209 - 219 (2012)
Marschner, B.; Brodowski, S.; Dreves, A.; Gleixner, G.; Gude, A.; Grootes, P. M.; Hamer, U.; Heim, A.; Jandl, G.; Ji, R. et al.; Kaiser, K.; Kalbitz, K.; Kramer, C.; Leinweber, P.; Rethemeyer, J.; Schaeffer, A.; Schmidt, M. W. I.; Schwark, L.; Wiesenberg, G. L. B.: How relevant is recalcitrance for the stabilization of organic matter in soils? Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171 (1), S. 91 - 110 (2008)
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