Buchstabenmosaik aus hölzernen Druckmatrizen.

Publikationen von Heiko Moossen

Zeitschriftenartikel (30)

Wang, C.; Bendle, J. A.; Greene, S. E.; Griffiths, M. L.; Huang, J.; Moossen, H.; Zhang, H.; Ashley, K.; Xie, S.: Speleothem biomarker evidence for a negative terrestrial feedback on climate during Holocene warm periods. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 525, 115754 (2019)
Brewer, P. J.; Kim, J. S.; Lee, S.; Tarasova, O. A.; Viallon, J.; Flores, E.; Wielgosz, R. I.; Shimosaka, T.; Assonov, S.; Allison, C. E. et al.: Advances in reference materials and measurement techniques for greenhouse gas atmospheric observations. Metrologia 56, 034006 (2019)
Greule, M.; Moossen, H.; Geilmann, H.; Brand, W. A.; Keppler, F.: Methyl sulfates as methoxy isotopic reference materials for delta13C and delta2H measurements. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 33 (4), S. 343 - 350 (2019)
Duncan, B.; Mckay, R.; Bendle, J.; Naish, T.; Inglis, G. N.; Moossen, H.; Levy, R.; Ventura, G. T.; Lewis, A.; Chamberlain, B. et al.: Lipid biomarker distributions in Oligocene and Miocene sediments from the Ross Sea region, Antarctica: Implications for use of biomarker proxies in glacially-influenced settings. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 516, S. 71 - 89 (2018)
Moossen, H.; Bendle, J.; Seki, O.; Quillmann, Q.; Kawamura, K.: North Atlantic Holocene climate evolution recorded by high-resolution terrestrial and marine biomarker records. Quaternary Science Reviews 129, S. 111 - 127 (2015)
Seki, O.; Bendle, J. A.; Harada, J.-K.; Kobayashi, M.; Sawada, K.; Moossen, H.; Inglis, G. N.; Nagao, S.; Sakamoto, T.: Assessment and calibration of TEX86 paleothermometry in the sea of Okhotsk and sub-polar North Pacific region: Implications for paleoceanography. Progress in Oceanography 126, S. 254 - 266 (2014)
Seki, O.; Mikami, Y.; Nagao, S.; Bendle, J. A.; Nakatsuka, T.; Kim, V. I.; Shesterkin, V. P.; Makinov, A. N.; Fukushima, M.; Moossen, H. et al.: Lignin phenols and BIT index distributions in the Amur river and the sea of Okhotsk: Implications for the source and transport of particulate terrestrial organic matter to the ocean. Progress in Oceanography 126, S. 146 - 154 (2014)
Moossen, H.; Abell, R.; Quillmann, U.; Bendle, J.: Holocene changes in marine productivity and terrestrial organic carbon inputs into an Icelandic fjord: Application of molecular and bulk organic proxies. The Holocene 23 (12), S. 1699 - 1710 (2013)
Harada, N.; Sato, M.; Seki, O.; Timmermann, A.; Moossen, H.; Bendle, J.; Nakamura, Y.; Kimoto, K.; Okazaki, Y.; Nagashima, K. et al.: Sea surface temperature changes in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent North Pacific during the last glacial maximum and deglaciation. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 61-64, S. 93 - 105 (2012)
Vogts, A.; Moossen, H.; Rommerskirchen, F.; Rullkötter, J.: Distribution patterns and stable carbon isotopic composition of alkanes and alkan-1-ols from plant waxes of African rain forest and savannah C3 species. Organic Geochemistry 40, S. 1037 - 1054 (2009)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Moossen, H.: Palaeoclimate reconstructions from Arctic and Nordic Shelf Seas: developement and application of multiple proxies. Dissertation, 228 S., School of Geographical and Earth Science, University of Glasgow (2012)

Datenpublikation (2)

Jordan, A.; Moossen, H.; Rothe, M.; Brand, W. A.; Heimann, M.; Rödenbeck, C.: Atmospheric flask sampling program of MPI-BGC, version 2022.1. (2022)
Heimann, M.; Jordan, A.; Brand, W. A.; Lavrič, J. V.; Moossen, H.; Rothe, M.: The atmospheric flask sampling program of MPI-BGC, Version 13, 2022. (2022)

Preprint (1)

Duncan, B. J.; McKay, R.; Levy, R.; Prebble, J. G.; Naish, T.; Seki, O.; Kraus, C.; Moossen, H.; Ventura, G. T.; Kulhanek, D. K. et al.: Survival strategies of Antarctic vegetation during extensive glacial expansion across the Oligocene/Miocene transition. EGUsphere (2025)