Publikationen von W. Kutsch

Zeitschriftenartikel (26)

Delpierre, N.; Soudani, K.; Francois, C.; Le Maire, G.; Bernhofer, C.; Kutsch, W.; Misson, L.; Rambal, S.; Vesala, T.; Dufrene, E.: Quantifying the influence of climate and biological drivers on the interannual variability of carbon exchanges in European forests through process-based modelling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 154, S. 99 - 112 (2012)
Roscher, C.; Kutsch, W. L.; Schulze, E. D.: Light and nitrogen competition limit Lolium perenne in experimental grasslands of increasing plant diversity. Plant Biology 13 (1), S. 134 - 144 (2011)
Ceschia, E.; Beziat, P.; Dejoux, J. F.; Aubinet, M.; Bernhofer, C.; Bodson, B.; Buchmann, N.; Carrara, A.; Cellier, P.; Di Tommasi, P. et al.: Management effects on net ecosystem carbon and GHG budgets at European crop sites. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 139 (3), S. 363 - 383 (2010)
Kutsch, W. L.; Persson, T.; Schrumpf, M.; Moyano, F. E.; Mund, M.; Andersson, S.; Schulze, E.-D.: Heterotrophic soil respiration and soil carbon dynamics in the deciduous Hainich forest obtained by three approaches. Biogeochemistry 100 (1-3), S. 167 - 183 (2010)
Smith, P.; Lanigan, G.; Kutsch, W. L.; Buchmann, N.; Eugster, W.; Aubinet, M.; Ceschia, E.; Beziat, P.; Yeluripati, J. B.; Osborne, B. et al.: Measurements necessary for assessing the net ecosystem carbon budget of croplands. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 139 (3), S. 302 - 315 (2010)
Sus, O.; Williams, M.; Bernhofer, C.; Beziat, P.; Buchmann, N.; Ceschia, E.; Doherty, R.; Eugster, W.; Grünwald, T.; Kutsch, W. et al.: A linked carbon cycle and crop developmental model: Description and evaluation against measurements of carbon fluxes and carbon stocks at several European agricultural sites. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 139 (3), S. 402 - 418 (2010)
Ahrends, H. E.; Etzold, S.; Kutsch, W. L.; Stoeckli, R.; Bruegger, R.; Jeanneret, F.; Wanner, H.; Buchmann, N.; Eugster, W.: Tree phenology and carbon dioxide fluxes: use of digital photography at for process-based interpretation the ecosystem scale. Climate Research 39 (3), S. 261 - 274 (2009)
Bombelli, A.; Henry, M.; Castaldi, S.; Adu-Bredu, S.; Arneth, A.; De Grandcourt, A.; Grieco, E.; Kutsch, W. L.; Lehsten, V.; Rasile, A. et al.: An outlook on the Sub-Saharan Africa carbon balance. Biogeosciences 6 (10), S. 2193 - 2205 (2009)
Luyssaert, S.; Reichstein, M.; Schulze, E. D.; Janssens, I. A.; Law, B. E.; Papale, D.; Dragoni, D.; Goulden, M. L.; Granier, A.; Kutsch, W. L. et al.: Toward a consistency cross-check of eddy covariance flux-based and biometric estimates of ecosystem carbon balance. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23, S. GB3009 (2009)
Merbold, L.; Ardo, J.; Arneth, A.; Scholes, R. J.; Nouvellon, Y.; De Grandcourt, A.; Archibald, S.; Bonnefond, J. M.; Boulain, N.; Brueggemann, N. et al.: Precipitation as driver of carbon fluxes in 11 African ecosystems. Biogeosciences 6 (6), S. 1027 - 1041 (2009)
Merbold, L.; Kutsch, W. L.; Corradi, C.; Kolle, O.; Rebmann, C.; Stoy, P. C.; Zimov, S. A.; Schulze, E.-D.: Artificial drainage and associated carbon fluxes (CO2/CH4) in a tundra ecosystem. Global Change Biology 15 (11), S. 2599 - 2614 (2009)
Van Gorsel, E.; Delpierre, N.; Leuning, R.; Black, A.; Munger, J. W.; Wofsy, S.; Aubinet, M.; Feigenwinter, C.; Beringer, J.; Bonal, D. et al.: Estimating nocturnal ecosystem respiration from the vertical turbulent flux and change in storage of CO2. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149 (11), S. 1919 - 1930 (2009)
Williams, C.; Hanan, N.; Scholes, R.; Kutsch, W. L.: Complexity in water and carbon dioxide fluxes following rain pulses in an African savanna. Oecologia 161 (3), S. 469 - 480 (2009)
Knohl, A.; S¢E, A. R. B.; Kutsch, W. L.; Göckede, M.; Buchmann, N.: Representative estimates of soil and ecosystem respiration in an old beech forest. Plant and Soil 302 (1-2), S. 189 - 202 (2008)
Kutsch, W. L.; Hanan, N.; Scholes, B.; Mchugh, I.; Kubheka, W.; Eckhardt, H.; Williams, C.: Response of carbon fluxes to water relations in a savanna ecosystem in South Africa. Biogeosciences 5 (6), S. 1797 - 1808 (2008)
Kutsch, W. L.; Kolle, O.; Rebmann, C.; Knohl, A.; Ziegler, W.; Schulze, E. D.: Advection and resulting CO2 exchange uncertainty in a tall forest in central Germany. Ecological Applications 18 (6), S. 1391 - 1405 (2008)
Moyano, F. E.; Kutsch, W. L.; Rebmann, C.: Soil respiration fluxes in relation to photosynthetic activity in broad-leaf and needle-leaf forest stands. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148 (1), S. 135 - 143 (2008)
Olofsson, P.; Lagergren, F.; Lindroth, A.; Lindstrom, J.; Klemedtsson, L.; Kutsch, W. L.; Eklundh, L.: Towards operational remote sensing of forest carbon balance across Northern Europe. Biogeosciences 5 (3), S. 817 - 832 (2008)
Luyssaert, S.; Inglima, I.; Jung, M.; Richardson, A. D.; Reichstein, M.; Papale, D.; Piao, S. L.; Schulze, E. D.; Wingate, L.; Matteucci, G. et al.: The CO2 balance of boreal, temperate, and tropical forests derived from a global database. Global Change Biology 13 (12), S. 2509 - 2537 (2007)
Moyano, F. E.; Kutsch, W. L.; Schulze, E. D.: Response of mycorrhizal, rhizosphere and soil basal respiration to temperature and photosynthesis in a barley field. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39 (4), S. 843 - 853 (2007)

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