Publikationen von Markus Reichstein

Zeitschriftenartikel (335)

Buermann, W.; Bikash, P. R.; Jung, M.; Burn, D. H.; Reichstein, M.: Earlier springs decrease peak summer productivity in North American boreal forests. Environmental Research Letters 8 (2), 024027 (2013)
Forkel, M.; Carvalhais, N.; Verbesselt, J.; Mahecha, M. D.; Neigh, C. S.R.; Reichstein, M.: Trend change detection in NDVI time series: Effects of inter-annual variability and methodology. Remote Sensing 5 (5), S. 2113 - 2144 (2013)
Zscheischler, J.; Mahecha, M.D.; Harmeling, S.; Reichstein, M.: Detection and attribution of large spatiotemporal extreme events in Earth observation data. Ecological Informatics 15, S. 66 - 73 (2013)
Stoy, P.C.; Mauder, M.; Foken, T.; Marcolla, B.; Boegh, E.; Ibrom, A.; Arain, M.A.; Arneth, A.; Aurela, M.; Bernhofer, C. et al.; Cescatti, A.; Dellwik, E.; Duce, P.; Gianelle, D.; van Gorsel, E.; Kiely, G.; Knohl, A.; Margolis, H.; McCaughey, H.; Merbold, L.; Montagnani, L.; Papale, D.; Reichstein, M.; Saunders, M.; Serrano-Ortiz, P.; Sottocornola, M.; Spano, D.; Vaccari, F.; Varlagin, A.: A data-driven analysis of energy balance closure across FLUXNET research sites: The role of landscape scale heterogeneity. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 171-172, S. 137 - 152 (2013)
Wutzler, T.; Reichstein, M.: Priming and substrate quality interactions in soil organic matter models. Biogeosciences 10, S. 2089 - 2103 (2013)
van Oijen, M.; Beer, C.; Cramer, W.; Rammig, A.; Reichstein, M.; Rolinski, S.; Soussana, J.-F.: A novel probabilistic risk analysis to determine the vulnerability of ecosystems to extreme climatic events. Environmental Research Letters 8 (1), 015032 (2013)
Thiessen, S.; Gleixner, G.; Wutzler, T.; Reichstein, M.: Both priming and temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition depend on microbial biomass--An incubation study. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57, S. 739 - 748 (2013)
Badawy, B. A. A. M.; Rödenbeck, C.; Heimann, M.; Reichstein, M.; Carvalhais, N.: Technical note: the simple diagnostic photosynthesis and respiration model (SDPRM). Biogeosciences 10 (10), S. 6485 - 6508 (2013)
Braakhekke, M. C.; Wutzler, T.; Beer, C.; Kattge, J.; Schrumpf, M.; Ahrens, B.; Schöning, I.; Hoosbeek, M. R.; Kruijt, B.; Kabat, P. et al.; Reichstein, M.: Modeling the vertical soil organic matter profile using Bayesian parameter estimation. Biogeosciences 10 (1), S. 399 - 420 (2013)
Menzer, O.; Moffat, A. M.; Meiring, W.; Lasslop, G.; Schukat-Talamazzini, E. G.; Reichstein, M.: Random errors in carbon and water vapor fluxes assessed with Gaussian Processes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 178-179, S. 161 - 172 (2013)
Reichstein, M.; Bahn, M.; Ciais, P.; Frank, D.; Mahecha, M. D.; Seneviratne, S. I.; Zscheischler, J.; Beer, C.; Buchmann, N.; Frank, D. C. et al.; Papale, D.; Smith, A. R. P.; Thonicke, K.; van der Velde, M.; Vicca, S.; Walz, A.; Wattenbach, M.: Climate extremes and the carbon cycle. Nature 500, S. 287 - 295 (2013)
Wang, T.; Brender, P.; Ciais, P.; Piao, S.; Mahecha, M. D.; Chevallier, F.; Reichstein, M.; Ottle, C.; Maignan, F.; Arain, A. et al.; Bohrerf, G.; Cescatti, A.; Kiely, G.; Law, B.; Lutz, M.; Montagnani, L.; Moors, E.; Osborne, B.; Panferov, O.; Papale, D.; Vaccari, F.: State-dependent errors in a land surface model across biomes inferred from eddy covariance observations on multiple timescales. Ecological Modelling 246, S. 11 - 25 (2012)
Reichstein, M.: Carbon management under extremes. Carbon management 3 (2), S. 113 - 115 (2012)
Baldocchi, D.; Reichstein, M.; Papale, D.; Koteen, L.; Vargas, R.; Agarwal, D.; Cook, R.: The role of trace gas flux networks in the biogeosciences. Eos Transactions 93 (23), S. 217 - 219 (2012)
Bonan, G. B.; Oleson, K. W.; Fisher, R. A.; Lasslop, G.; Reichstein, M.: Reconciling leaf physiological traits and canopy flux data: Use of the TRY and FLUXNET databases in the Community Land Model version 4. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 117, S. G02026 (2012)
Lasslop, G.; Migliavacca, M.; Bohrer, G.; Reichstein, M.; Bahn, M.; Ibrom, A.; Jacobs, C.; Kolari, P.; Papale, D.; Vesala, T. et al.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Cescatti, A.: On the choice of the driving temperature for eddy-covariance carbon dioxide flux partitioning. Biogeosciences 9, S. 5243 - 5259 (2012)
Luo, Y. Q.; Randerson, J. T.; Abramowitz, G.; Bacour, C.; Blyth, E.; Carvalhais, N.; Ciais, P.; Dalmonech, D.; Fisher, J. B.; Fisher, R. et al.; Friedlingstein, P.; Hibbard, K.; Hoffman, F.; Huntzinger, D.; Jones, C. D.; Koven, C.; Lawrence, D.; Li, D. J.; Mahecha, M. D.; Niu, S. L.; Norby, R.; Piao, S. L.; Qi, X.; Peylin, P.; Prentice, I. C.; Riley, W.; Reichstein, M.; Schwalm, C.; Wang, Y. P.; Xia, J. Y.; Zaehle, S.; Zhou, X. H.: A framework for benchmarking land models. Biogeosciences 9, S. 3857 - 3874 (2012)
Moyano, F. E.; Vasilyeva, N.; Bouckaert, L.; Cook, F.; Craine, J.; Yuste, J. C.; Don, A.; Epron, D.; Formanek, P.; Franzluebbers, A. et al.; Ilstedt, U.; Katterer, T.; Orchard, V.; Reichstein, M.; Rey, A.; Ruamps, L.; Subke, J. A.; Thomsen, I. K.; Chenu, C.: The moisture response of soil heterotrophic respiration: interaction with soil properties. Biogeosciences 9 (3), S. 1173 - 1182 (2012)
Ryu, Y.; Baldocchi, D. D.; Black, T. A.; Detto, M.; Law, B. E.; Leuning, R.; Miyata, A.; Reichstein, M.; Vargas, R.; Ammann, C. et al.; Beringer, J.; Flanagan, L. B.; Gu, L. H.; Hutley, L. B.; Kim, J.; Mccaughey, H.; Moors, E. J.; Rambal, S.; Vesala, T.: On the temporal upscaling of evapotranspiration from instantaneous remote sensing measurements to 8-day mean daily-sums. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 152, S. 212 - 222 (2012)
Vicca, S.; Luyssaert, S.; Penuelas, J.; Campioli, M.; Chapin, F. S. I.; Ciais, P.; Heinemeyer, A.; Högberg, P.; Kutsch, W. L.; Law, B. E. et al.; Malhi, Y.; Papale, D.; Piao, S.L.; Reichstein, M.; Schulze, E. D.; Janssens, I. A.: Fertile forests produce biomass more efficiently. Ecology Letters 15 (6), S. 520 - 526 (2012)

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