Blick in eine Bibliothek mit Bücherregalen und Leuchten.

Publikationen von Jan Engel

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Thurner, M. A.; Caldararu, S.; Engel, J.; Rammig, A.; Zaehle, S.: Modelled forest ecosystem carbon–nitrogen dynamics with integrated mycorrhizal processes under elevated CO2. Biogeosciences 21 (6), S. 1391 - 1410 (2024)
Zhan, C.; Orth, R.; Migliavacca, M.; Zaehle, S.; Reichstein, M.; Engel, J.; Rammig, A.; Winkler, A.: Emergence of the physiological effects of elevated CO2 on land-atmosphere exchange of carbon and water. Global Change Biology 28 (24), S. 7313 - 7326 (2022)
Thum, T.; Caldararu, S.; Engel, J.; Kern, M.; Pallandt, M.; Schnur, R.; Yu, L.; Zaehle, S.: A new model of the coupled carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles in the terrestrial biosphere (QUINCY v1.0; revision 1996). Geoscientific Model Development 12 (11), S. 4781 - 4802 (2019)

Preprint (1)

Triches, N. Y.; Engel, J.; Bolek, A.; Vesala, T.; Marushchak, M. E.; Virkkala, A.-M.; Heimann, M.; Göckede, M.: Advancing N2O flux chamber measurement techniques in nutrient-poor ecosystems. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions (2025)
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