In Jena ist es Brauch, dass frischgebackene Doktor*innen einen Kranz über das Schwert vom Hanfried (Statue von Johann Friedrich I. von Sachsen, dem Begründer der Universität) auf dem Marktplatz werfen.(Das Foto zeigt einen Kranz, der in die Höhe geworfen wird und sein Ziel hoffentlich nicht verfehlt.

Publikationen von Daniel Magnabosco Marra

Zeitschriftenartikel (29)

Urquiza-Muñoz, J. D.; Trumbore, S. E.; Negrón-Juárez, R. I.; Feng, Y.; Brenning, A.; Vasquez-Parana, C. M.; Marra, D. M.: Increased occurrence of large-scale windthrows across the Amazon Basin. AGU Advances 5 (6), e2023AV001030 (2024)
Simonetti, A.; Araujo, R. F.; Spouze Celes, C. H.; da Silva e Silva, F. R.; dos Santos, J.; Higuchi, N.; Trumbore, S. E.; Marra, D. M.: Canopy gaps and associated losses of biomass – combining UAV imagery and field data in a central Amazon forest. Biogeosciences 20 (17), S. 3651 - 3666 (2023)
Medonca, A. C.d.; Dias-Junior, C. Q.; Acevedo, O. C.; Santana, R. A.; Costa, F. D.; Negron-Juarez, R. I.; Manzi, A. O.; Trumbore, S. E.; Marra, D. M.: Turbulence regimes in the nocturnal roughness sublayer: Interaction with deep convection and tree mortality in the Amazon. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 339, 109526 (2023)
Emmert, L.; Negrón-Juárez, R. I.; Chambers, J. Q.; Santos, J. d.; Lima, A. J. N.; Trumbore, S. E.; Marra, D. M.: Sensitivity of optical satellites to estimate windthrow tree-mortality in a Central Amazon Forest. Remote Sensing 15 (16), 4027 (2023)
Gorgens, E. B.; Keller, M.; Jackson, T.; Marra, D. M.; Reis, C. R.; de Almeida, D. R. A.; Coomes, D.; Ometto, J. P.: Out of steady state: Tracking canopy gap dynamics across Brazilian Amazon. Biotropica 55 (4), S. 755 - 766 (2023)
Negron-Juarez, R.; Marra, D. M.; Feng, Y.; Urquiza-Muñoz, J. D.; Riley, W. J.; Chambers, J. Q.: Windthrow characteristics and their regional association with rainfall, soil, and surface elevation in the Amazon. Environmental Research Letters 18 (1), 014030 (2023)
Marra, D. M.; Lima, A. J. N.; de Santos, B. O. d.; Higuchi, N.; Trumbore, S. E.: Radiocarbon estimates of age and growth for a dominant Amazon palm species. Biotropica 55 (1), S. 7-12 (2023)
DeArmond, D.; Ferraz, J. B. S.; Marra, D. M.; Amaral, M. R. M.; Lima, A. J. N.; Higuchi, N.: Logging intensity affects growth and lifespan trajectories for pioneer species in Central Amazonia. Forest Ecology and Management 522, 120450 (2022)
Viljur, M.-L.; Abella, S. R.; Adamek, M.; Alencar, J. B. R.; Barber, N. A.; Beudert, B.; Burkle, L. A.; Cagnolo, L.; Campos, B. R.; Chao, A. et al.; Chergui, B.; Choi, C.-Y.; Cleary, D. F. R.; Davis, T. S.; Dechnik-Vazquez, Y. A.; Downing, W. M.; Fuentes-Ramirez, A.; Gandhi, K. J. K.; Gehring, C.; Georgiev, K. B.; Gimbutas, M.; Gongalsky, K. B.; Gorbunova, A. Y.; Greenberg, C. H.; Hylander, K.; Jules, E. S.; Korobushkin, D. I.; Köster, K.; Kurth, V.; Lanham, J. D.; Lazarina, M.; Leverkus, A. B.; Lindenmayer, D.; Marra, D. M.; Martín-Pinto, P.; Meave, J. A.; Moretti, M.; Nam, H.-Y.; Obrist, M. K.; Petanidou, T.; Pons, P.; Potts, S. G.; Rapoport, I. B.; Rhoades, P. R.; Richter, C.; Saifutdinov, R. A.; Sanders, N. J.; Santos, X.; Steel, Z.; Tavella, J.; Wendenburg, C.; Wermelinger, B.; Zaitsev, A. S.; Thorn, S.: The effect of natural disturbances on forest biodiversity: an ecological synthesis. Biological Reviews 97 (5), S. 1930 - 1947 (2022)
Alencar, J. B. R.; da Fonseca, C. R. V.; Marra, D. M.; Baccaro, F. B.: Windthrows promote higher diversity of saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera: Passalidae) in a Central Amazon forest. Insect Conservation and Diversity 15, S. 1 - 8 (2022)
Muñoz, J. D. U.; Marra, D. M.; Negrón-Juarez, R. I.; Tello-Espinoza, R.; Alegría-Muñoz, W.; Pacheco-Gómez, T.; Rifai, S. W.; Chambers, J. Q.; Jenkins, H. S.; Brenning, A. et al.; Trumbore, S. E.: Recovery of forest structure following large-scale windthrows in the Northwestern Amazon. Forests 12 (6), 667 (2021)
Negrón-Juárez, R. I.; Holm, J. A.; Faybishenko, B.; Marra, D. M.; Fisher, R. A.; Shuman, J. K.; de Araujo, A. C.; Riley, W. J.; Chambers, J. Q.: Landsat near-infrared (NIR) band and ELM-FATES sensitivity to forest disturbances and regrowth in the Central Amazon. Biogeosciences 17 (23), S. 6185 - 6205 (2020)
Silvério, D. V.; Brando, P. M.; Bustamante, M. M. C.; Putz, F. E.; Marra, D. M.; Levick, S. R.; Trumbore, S. E.: Fire, fragmentation, and windstorms: A recipe for tropical forest degradation. Journal of Ecology 107 (2), S. 656 - 667 (2019)
Peterson, C. J.; de Mello Ribeiro, G. H. P.; Negrón-Juárez, R.; Marra, D. M.; Chambers, J. Q.; Higuchi, N.; Lima, A.; Cannon, J. B.: Critical wind speeds suggest wind could be an important disturbance agent in Amazonian forests. Forestry 92 (4), S. 444 - 459 (2019)
Marra, D. M.; Trumbore, S. E.; Higuchi, N.; Ribeiro, G. H. P. M.; Negrón‐Juárez, R. I.; Holzwarth, F.; Rifai, S. W.; Santos, J. d.; Lima, A. J. N.; Kinupp, V. F. et al.; Chambers, J. Q.; Wirth, C.: Windthrows control biomass patterns and functional composition of Amazon forests. Global Change Biology 24 (12), S. 5867 - 5881 (2018)
Negrón-Juárez, R. I.; Holm, J. A.; Marra, D. M.; Rifai, S. W.; Riley, W. J.; Chambers, J. Q.; Koven, C. D.; Knox, R. G.; McGroddy, M. E.; Vittorio, A. V. D. et al.; Urquiza-Muñoz, J.; Tello-Espinoza, R.; Muñoz, W. A.; Ribeiro, G. H. P. M.; Higuchi, N.: Vulnerability of Amazon forests to storm-driven tree mortality. Environmental Research Letters 13 (5), 054021 (2018)
Negron-Juarez, R. I.; Jenkins, H. S.; Raupp, C. F. M.; Riley, W. J.; Kueppers, L. M.; Marra, D. M.; Ribeiro, G. H. P. M.; Monteiro, M. T. F.; Candido, L. A.; Chambers, J. Q. et al.; Higuchi, N.: Windthrow variability in Central Amazonia. Atmosphere 8 (2), S. 1 - 17 (2017)
Ribeiro, G. H. P. M.; Chambers, J. Q.; Peterson, C. J.; Trumbore, S. E.; Marra, D. M.; Wirth, C.; Cannon, J. B.; Negron-Juarez, R. I.; Lima, A. J. N.; de Paula, E. V. C. M. et al.; Santos, J.; Higuchi, N.: Mechanical vulnerability and resistance to snapping and uprooting for Central Amazon tree species. Forest Ecology and Management 380, S. 1 - 10 (2016)
dos Santos, L. T.; Marra, D. M.; Trumbore, S. E.; Camargo, P. B.; Chambers, J. Q.; Negrón-Juárez, R. I.; Lima, A. J. N.; Ribeiro, G. H. P. M.; dos Santos, J.; Higuchi, N.: Windthrows increase soil carbon stocks in a central Amazon forest. Biogeosciences 13 (4), S. 1299 - 1308 (2016)
Marra, D. M.; Higuchi, N.; Trumbore, S. E.; Ribeiro, G. H. P. M.; Santos, J. d.; Carneiro, V. M. C.; Lima, A. J. N.; Chambers, J. Q.; Negrón-Juárez, R. I.; Holzwarth, F. et al.; Reu, B.; Wirth, C.: Predicting biomass of hyperdiverse and structurally complex central Amazon forests – a virtual approach using extensive field data. Biogeosciences 13 (5), S. 1553 - 1570 (2016)
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