Publikationen von Arne Leider
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Zeitschriftenartikel (9)
354, 106052 (2021)
Organic diagenesis in stromatolitic dolomite and chert from the late Palaeoproterozoic McLeary Formation. Precambrian Research 2.
38 (3), S. 267 - 281 (2021)
Metabolic responses of a phototrophic co-culture enriched from a freshwater sediment on changing substrate availability and its relevance for biogeochemical iron cycling. Geomicrobiology Journal 3.
5, S. 169 - 173 (2021)
Geological alteration of Precambrian steroids mimics early animal signatures. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4.
150, 104124 (2020)
Comparability and reproducibility of biomarker ratio values measured by GC-QQQ-MS. Organic Geochemistry 5.
129, S. 77 - 87 (2019)
Low-femtogram sensitivity analysis of polyaromatic hydrocarbons using GC-APLI-TOF mass spectrometry: Extending the target window for aromatic steroids in early Proterozoic rocks. Organic Geochemistry 6.
493, S. 405 - 412 (2018)
Bias in carbon concentration and delta13C measurements of organic matter due to cleaning treatments with organic solvents. Chemical Geology 7.
3 (9), e1700887 (2017)
Cryogenian evolution of stigmasteroid biosynthesis. Science Advances 8.
14 (5), S. 469 - 482 (2016)
Enhanced procedural blank control for organic geochemical studies of critical sample material. Geobiology 9.
117, S. 16 - 32 (2013)
Distribution and stable isotopes of plant wax derived n-alkanes in lacustrine, fluvial and marine surface sediments along an Eastern Italian transect and their potential to reconstruct the hydrological cycle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Konferenzbeitrag (1)
2019. 29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry , Gothenburg, Sweden, 01. September 2019 - 06. September 2019. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (2019)
Pyrolytic formation of alkylsteranes — Assigning geological orphans to their biological parents. In: 29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Bd.