Publications of E. D. Schulze
All genres
Book Chapter (147)
Book Chapter
176, pp. 348 - 376 (Eds. Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Körner, C.; Schulze, E. D.). Springer, Berlin (2005)
The design of experimental tree plantations for functional biodiversity research. In: Forest diversity and function: temperate and boreal systems, Vol. 682.
Book Chapter
62, pp. 45 - 76 (Eds. Field, C. B.; Raupach, M. R.). Island Press, Washington (2004)
The vulnerability of the carbon cycle in the 21st century: an assessment of carbon-climate-human interactions. In: The global carbon cycle, Vol. 683.
Book Chapter
62, pp. 131 - 164 (Eds. Field, C. B.; Raupach, M. R.). Island Press, Washington (2004)
Interactions between CO2 stabilization pathways and requirements for a sustainable earth system. In: The global carbon cycle, Vol. 684.
Book Chapter
172, pp. 143 - 159 (Ed. Matzner, E.). Springer, Berlin (2004)
Carbon budget of a spruce forest ecosystem. In: Biogeochemistry of Forested Catchments in a Changing Environment: an German Case Study, Vol. 685.
Book Chapter
62, pp. 431 - 438 (Eds. Field, C. B.; Raupach, M. R.). Island Press, Washington (2004)
International policy framework on climate change: Sinks in recent international agreements. In: The global carbon cycle, Vol. 686.
Book Chapter
163, pp. 99 - 123 (Ed. Valentini, R.). Springer, Heidelberg (2003)
Spruce Forests (Norway and Sitka Spruce, including Douglas Fir): Carbon and water fluxes, balances, ecological and ecophysiological determinants. In: Fluxes of Carbon, Water and Energy of European Forests, Vol. 687.
Book Chapter
Carbon storage and biodiversity. In: Puits de Carbone and Biodiversité. Conférence internationale sous la Présidence belge de l´Union Européenne. Liège, Octobre 2001. Traveaux, pp. 123 - 134 (2003)
Book Chapter
163, pp. 255 - 266 (Ed. Valentini, R.). Springer, Heidelberg (2003)
Conclusions: The role of Canopy Flux Measurements in Global C-Cycle Research. In: Fluxes of Carbon, Water and Energy of European Forests, Vol. 689.
Book Chapter
163, pp. 225 - 232 (Ed. Valentini, R.). Springer, Heidelberg (2003)
The carbon sink strenght of forests in Europe: Results of the EUROFLUX Network. In: Fluxes of Carbon, Water and Energy of European Forests, Vol. 690.
Book Chapter
Stable nitrogen isotope patterns in European forest ecosystems. In: Comparison of ecosystem functioning and biogeochemical cycles in temperate forests in Southern Chile and Flanders, pp. 59 - 66 (Eds. De Schrijver, A.; Kint, V.; Lust, N.). Academic Press, Gent (2002)
Book Chapter
Isotopic evidence for the origin and formation of refractory organic substances. In: Refractory organic substances (ROS) in the environment, pp. 146 - 162 (Eds. Frimmel, F. H.; Abbt-Braun, G.). Wiley, Weinheim (2002)
Book Chapter
Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie. In: Jahrbuch 2002 der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, pp. 421 - 428. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen (2002)
Book Chapter
Annual and seasonal dynamics of energy- and mass exchange in pine forest of middle taiga. In: Forest ecosystems of the Yenisey Meridian, pp. 252 - 264 (Ed. Pleshikov, F. I.). Publishing House of SB RAS, Novosibirsk (2002)
Book Chapter
Ecosystems and their goods and services. In: Climate Change 2001: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, pp. 235 - 342 (Eds. Maccarthy, J. J.; Canziani, O. F.; Leary, N. A.). Cambridge University Press, New York (2001)
Book Chapter
Productivity o boreal forests. In: Terrestrial global productivity, pp. 211 - 244 (Eds. Roy, J.; Saugier, B.; Mooney, H. A.). Academic Press, San Diego (2001)
Book Chapter
Evaporation in the boreal zone during summer - Physics and vegetation. In: Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system, pp. 151 - 162 (Eds. Schulze, E.-D.; Heimann, M.; Harrison, S. P.; Holland, E.; Lloyd, J. et al.). Academic Press, San Diego (2001)
Book Chapter
The carbon balance of a Siberian forest. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop for advanced flux network and flux evaluation, pp. 39 - 45 (Ed. Inoue, G.). Hokkaido University, Center for global environmental research, Sapporo (2001)
Book Chapter
Uncertainties of global biochemical predictions. In: Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system, pp. 3 - 14 (Eds. Schulze, E.-D.; Heimann, M.; Harrison, S. P.; Holland, E.; Lloyd, J. et al.). Academic press, San Diego (2001)
Book Chapter
142, pp. 189 - 214 (2000)
Biotic and abiotic controls over ecosystem cycling of stable natural nitrogen, carbon and sulphur isotopes. In: Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in European Forest Ecosystems, Vol. 700.
Book Chapter
142, pp. 63 - 98 (2000)
Linking plant nutrition and ecosystem processes. In: Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in European Forest Ecosystems, Vol.