Wirth, C.; Schulze, E.-D.; Lloyd, J.; Kelliher, F. M.; Rebmann, C.; Lühker, B.; Vygodskaya, N. N.; Schulze, W.; Ziegler, W.; Milukova, I.et al.; Valentini, R.; Sogachev, A.; Varlagin, A.; Panfyorov, M.; Grigoriev, S.; Kusnetzova, W.; Zimmermann, R.: Productivity and carbon sink capacity of russian boreal forests. In: Ecological and economic problems in the boreal woodlands of Russia, S. 66 - 71. Ecological and economic problems in the boreal woodlands of Russia, Tharandt, Germany. (1998)
Schmidt, L.: Der Einfluss der Bodentemperatur auf die Erholung der Photosyntheseprozesse im Frühling bei Pinus sylvestris L. Diplom, IV, 117, VIII, A15 Bl. S., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2005)
Tittmann, S.: Einfluss von Photoperiode und Temperatur auf die Photosynthese- und Kältehärtungsprozesse der Waldkiefer (Pinus sylvestris L.). Diplom, VIII, 102 S., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2005)
Intercultural diversity is an everyday experience in the institutes and start-up centres on the Beutenberg. That is why the Beutenberg Campus Jena e.V. has joined the nationwide initiative "Charta of Diversity" and is taking part in "Diversity Day" in Jena's city centre.
Can we learn more about anthropogenic emissions through atmospheric measurements of trace gases like carbon dioxide? This was the question addressed on Thursday, November 9, 2017 by Julia Marshall, scientific group leader at MPI for Biogeochemistry, during a session at COP23. Alongside Werner Kutsch of the international Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) network and Gerhard Ehret of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), she presented at the “German Science Hour” on the topic “The Fate of Greenhouse Gases: the Knowns and the Unknowns”.
On June 21 and 22 the Max Planck Society convenes for their 68th annual meeting in Weimar, Jena and Erfurt. Roughly 600 participants from Science, Business and Politics will be welcomed, as well as several Nobel price winners.
Within the series of "Noble talks" Prof Dr. Dr. h.c. Meinrat O. Andreae, director at MPI for Chemistry in Mainz, will talk about "Greenhouse gases and aerosoles: tug-of-war about climate".The public talk will be in German language and starts after the awarding of the Beutenberg Science Prizes at 5 p.m. in the Abbe Center Beutenberg.
To celebrate the 15 years of the Jena Experiment, the Friedrich Schiller University and the German Center for Biodiversity Research invite to a 2-day scientific symposium taking place in Jena on February 7th-8th, 2017.
Anlässlich der feierlichen Eröffnung des Internationalen Jahres für Globales Verständnis (IYGU) in Jena, sprach die Gruppenleiterin Julia Marshall vom Max-Plack-Institut für Biogeochemie über den globalen Kontext ihrer Forschung. Die kanadische Physikerin beschäftigt sich seit einigen Jahren mit Satellitenmessungen von Treibhausgasen in unserer Erdatmosphäre.
On the occasion of the official inauguration of the International year of global Understanding (IYGU) in Jena, group leader Julia Marshall from Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry presented her research and put it in a global context. The Canadian physicist investigates atmospheric greenhouse gases by using satellite measurements.
How much greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere and for how long do they remain? Which factors influence their effect on climate change? How does climate change and land use feedback on the Earth system and how large are the uncertainties? Within the COP21 Side Event on December 1st, 2015 titled “Trust but Verify: Towards a Comprehensive Global Observation, Information, and Verification System” Prof Martin Heimann, Director at MPI for Biogeochemistry will present the scientific background knowledge to these questions.
The first 'Max Planck Career Fair' and the 'Visions in Science 2015' took place in Bonn from September 24 until September 26, 2015. Visions in Science is the annual interdisciplinary Scientific Event organized by members of the Max Planck PhDnet, the communication network for PhD Students of the Max Planck Society. Renowned senior researcher Professor Heimann and director at MPI for Biogeochemistry explained in his talk "Biogeochemistry in the Earth System: does it matter?" to about one hundred PhD candidates the importance of the biogeochemical cycles.
Forest scientist Norbert Kunert represented MPI for Biogeochemistry at the annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology & Conservation (ATBC) which was held in Honolulu, Hawai from July 13 – 16, 2015.
Ashish Malik, former PhD student and now postdoctoral fellow at MPI-BGC, joined the Global Young Scientist Summit (GYSS) 2015 in Singapore from January 18 to 23. He was among the four early career scientists representing the Max Planck Society in the German delegation. Over the six-day programme, the young researchers interacted with the eminent scientists and peers to discuss key areas of science and research, technology innovation and society, and solutions to global challenges.