Publikationen von Ernst Detlef Schulze

Buchkapitel (147)

Schulze, E. D.; Stupak, I.; Hessenmöller, D.: The climate mitigation potential of managed versus unmanaged spruce and beech forests in Central Europe. In: Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage: Using Natural Resources for Sustainable Development, S. 131 - 149 (Hg. Pires, J. C. M.; Gonçalves, A. L. D. C.). Academic Press, New York (2019)
Schulze, E. D.: In memoriam: Otto Ludwig Lange (1927–2017). In: Global ecology and oceanography of harmful algal blooms (Hg. Glibert, P. M.; Berdalet, E.; Burford, M. A.; Pitcher, G. C.; Zhou, M.). Springer, Cham, Sitzerland (2017)
Schulze, E.-D.: Die Energiewende frisst ihre Kinder. In: Wald: politische Spielräume zwischen Baum und Borke, S. 63 - 67 (Hg. Radloff, J.). Oekom-Verlag, München (2013)
Haberl, H.; Körner, C.; Lauk, C.; Schmid-Staiger, U.; Smetacek, V.; Schulze, E. D.; Thauer, R. K.; Weiland, P.; Wilson, K.: The availability and sustainability of biomass as an energy source. In: Bioenergie: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen; Bioenergy: Chances and Limits, S. 9 - 42 (Hg. Leopoldina). Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher der Leopoldina, Berlin (2012)
Schulze, E. D.; Körner, C.: Nettoprimärproduktion und Bioenergie. In: Bioenergie: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen; Bioenergy: Chances and Limits, S. 90 - 101 (Hg. Leopoldina). Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher der Leopoldina, Berlin (2012)
Fischer, M.; Bossdorf, O.; Gockel, S.; Hänsel, F.; Hemp, A.; Hessenmöller, D.; Korte, G.; Nieschulze, J.; Pfeiffer, S.; Prati, D. et al.; Renner, S.; Schöning, I.; Schumacher, U.; Wells, K.; Buscot, F.; Kalko, E. K. V.; Linsenmair, K. E.; Schulze, E. D.; Weisser, W. W.: Implementing large-scale and long-term functional biodiversity research: The Biodiversity Exploratories. In: Basic and Applied Ecology, Bd. 6, S. 473 - 485 (2010)
Fischer, M.; Kalko, E. K. V.; Linsenmair, K. E.; Pfeiffer, S.; Prati, D.; Schulze, E.-D.; Weisser, W. W.: Exploratories for Large-Scale and Long-Term Functional Biodiversity Research. In: Long-Term Ecological Research, S. 429 - 443 (Hg. Müller, F.; Baessler, C.; Schubert, H.; Klotz, S.). Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht (2010)
Pfeiffer, S.; Gockel, S.; Hemp, A.; Wells, K.; Prati, D.; Nieschulze, J.; Kalko, E.; Buscot, F.; Linsenmair, E.; Schulze, E.-D. et al.; Weisser, W.; Fischer, M.: "Exploratories" for Functional Biodiversity Research. In: Atlas of Biodiversity Risk, S. 24 - 27 (2010)
Roscher, C.; Gleixner, G.; Schulze, E. D.: Experimentelle Biodivitätsforschung - das "Jena Experiment". In: MPG-Jahrbuch (2010)
Knohl, A.; Schulze, E.-D.; Wirth, C.: Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of old-growth forests: Processes and pattern. In: Old-Growth Forests, Bd. 207, S. 141 - 158 (Hg. Wirth, C.; Gleixner, G.; Heimann, M.). Springer, Berlin (2009)
Schulze, E. D.: Über die Bedeutung von Zufällen im Leben. In: Ein Forscherleben, S. 183 - 201 (Hg. Börner, A.; Kuhlmann, I.) (2009)
Schulze, E.-D.; Hessenmöller, D.; Knohl, A.; Luyssaert, S.; Börner, A.; Grace, J.: Temperate and boreal old-growth forests: How do their growth dynamics and biodiversity differ from young stands and managed forests? In: Old-Growth Forests, Bd. 207, S. 343 - 366 (Hg. Wirth, C.; Gleixner, G.; Heimann, M.). Springer, Berlin (2009)
Dolman, A. J.; Ciais, P.; Valentini, R.; Schulze, E.-D.; Heimann, M.; Freibauer, A.: A roadmap for a continental-scale greenhouse gas observing system in Europe. In: The continental-scale greenhouse gas balance of Europe, Bd. 203, S. 377 - 386 (Hg. Dolman, A. J.; Freibauer, A.; Valentini, R.). Springer, New York [u.a.] (2008)
Mollicone, D.; Federici, S.; Achard, A.; Grassi, G.; Eva, H. D.; Nir, E.; Schulze, E.-D.; Stibig, H. J.: An accounting mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation of forests in developing countries. In: Climate Change and Forests: Emerging policy and market opportunities, S. 191 - 205 (Hg. Streck, C.; O'sullivan, R.; Janson-Smith, T.; Tarasofksy, R.). Chatham House, London (2008)
Schrumpf, M.; Schumacher, J.; Schöning, I.; Schulze, E.-D.: Monitoring carbon stock changes in European soils: process understanding and sampling strategies. In: The continental-scale greenhouse gas balance of Europe, Bd. 203, S. 153 - 189 (Hg. Dolman, A. J.; Freibauer, A.; Valentini, R.). Springer, New York [u.a.] (2008)
Ciais, P.; Janssens, I.; Shvidenko, A.; Wirth, C.; Malhi, Y.; Grace, J.; Schulze, E. D.; Heimann, M.; Phillips, O. L.; Dolman, H.: The potential for rising CO2 to account for the observed uptake of carbon by tropical, temperate, and boreal forest biomes. In: The carbon balance of forest biomes. Annual Meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology, April 2003, S. 109 - 150 (Hg. Griffiths, H.; Jarvis, P.). Garland Science/BIOS Scientific Publishers., London (2005)
Czimczik, C. I.; Mund, M.; Schulze, E.-D.; Wirth, C.: Effects of reforestation, deforestation, and afforestation on carbon storage in soils. In: The potential for rising CO2 to account for the observed uptake of carbon by tropical, temperate, and boreal forest biomes, S. 319 - 330 (Hg. Griffith, H.; Jarvis, P.). Garland Science/BIOS Scientific Publishers., London (2005)
Mund, M.; Schulze, E.-D.: Silviculture and its interactions with biodiversity and the carbon balance of forest soils. In: Forest diversity and function: temperate and boreal systems, Bd. 176, S. 185 - 208 (Hg. Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Körner, C.; Schulze, E. D.). Springer, Berlin (2005)
Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Körner, C.; Schulze, E. D.: The functional significance of forest diversity: a synthesis. In: Forest diversity and function: temperate and boreal systems, Bd. 176, S. 377 - 389 (Hg. Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Körner, C.; Schulze, E. D.). Springer, Berlin (2005)
Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Körner, C.; Schulze, E. D.: The functional significance of forest diversity: the starting point. In: Forest diversity and function: temperate and boreal systems, Bd. 176, S. 3 - 12 (Hg. Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Körner, C.; Schulze, E. D.). Springer, Berlin (2005)

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