Sierra, C. A.; Quetin, G. R.; Metzler, H.; Mueller, M.: A decrease in the age of respired carbon from the terrestrial biosphere and increase in the asymmetry of its distribution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 381 (2261), 20220200 (2023)
Sierra, C.; Metzler, H.; Mueller, M.; Kaiser, E.: Closed-loop and congestion control of the global carbon climate system. Climatic Change 165, 15 (2021)
Metzler, H.; Zhu, Q.; Riley, W.; Hoyt, A. M.; Müller, M.; Sierra, C.: Mathematical reconstruction of land carbon models from their numerical output: computing soil radiocarbon from 12C dynamics. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12 (1), e2019MS001776 (2020)
Sierra, C. A.; Ceballos-Núñez, V.; Metzler, H.; Mueller, M.: Representing and understanding the carbon cycle using the theory of compartmental dynamical systems. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 10 (8), S. 1729 - 1734 (2018)
Metzler, H.; Mueller, M.; Sierra, C.: Transit-time and age distributions for nonlinear time-dependent compartmental systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (6), S. 1150 - 1155 (2018)
Metzler, H.; Sierra, C.: Linear autonomous compartmental models as continuous-time Markov chains: transit-time and age distributions. Mathematical Geosciences 50 (1), S. 1 - 34 (2018)
Sierra, C.; Müller, M.; Metzler, H.; Manzoni, S.; Trumbore, S. E.: The muddle of ages, turnover, transit, and residence times in the carbon cycle. Global Change Biology 23 (5), S. 1763 - 1773 (2017)
Metzler, H.: Compartmental systems as Markov chains: age, transit time, and entropy. Dissertation, 127 S., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2020)
A new study shows that future ecosystem functioning will increasingly depend on water availability. Using recent simulations from climate models, an international team of scientists found several “hot spot regions” where increasing water limitation strongly affects ecosystems. These include Central Europe, the Amazon, and western Russia.
You can't see them with the naked eye, but our forest ground is littered with microorganisms. They decompose falling leaves, thereby improving soil quality and counteracting climate change. But how do these single-celled organisms coordinate their tasks? An international research team has been looking into this little-understood process. The results of the study were recently published in Scientific Reports.
Scientists have succeeded in detecting changes in carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels much faster than before. Using a new method, they combined atmospheric measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) from the north coast of the United Kingdom. The study, with the participation of the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, was published Apr. 22 in Science Advances.
International researchers found a pattern of extreme climate conditions leading to forest dieback. To do this, the team had collected worldwide records of climate-related tree and forest dieback events over the past nearly five decades. The results, recently published in Nature Communications, reveal an ominous scenario for forests in the context of ongoing global warming.
International forest experts analyzed major tree and forest dieback events that occurred globally in the last decades in response to climate extremes. To their surprise many forests were strongly affected that were not considered threatened based on current scientific understanding. The study, led by the MPI-BGC and published in Annual Reviews in Plant Biology, underscores also that further tree and forest dieback is likely to occur.
An international research team succeeded in identifying global factors that explain the diversity of form and function in plants. Led by the University of Zurich, the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena and the University of Leipzig, the researchers collected and analyzed plant data from around the world.
Precisely how does a forest system and the individual plants within it react to extreme drought? Understanding the processes involved is crucial to making forests more resilient in the increasingly dry climate that will result from climate change, and also important for refining climate models. A research team led by Prof. Dr. Christiane Werner from the University of Freiburg has conducted the most extensive experiment to date into this subject using stable isotopes to trace flows of water and carbon through a forest.
The increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is causing our climate to warm at an alarming rate. Information is vital for societies who must decide on pathways to climate neutrality. The European ICOS research structure, including Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, provides this information, as described in a recent article.
Ecosystems provide multiple services for humans. However, these services depend on basic ecosystem functions which are shaped by natural conditions like climate and species composition, and human interventions. A large international research team, led by the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, identified three key indicators that together summarize the integrative function of terrestrial ecosystems.
The recent Greenhouse gas Bulletin, published by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), highlights the importance of measuring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to monitor emissions of such climate-threatening compounds.
A new study shows that, in addition to species richness, plant evolutionary history plays a critical role in regulating year-to-year variation of biomass production in grasslands. In the face of climate change, understanding the causes of variability in key ecosystem services such as biomass production is essential.
For a long time, the Montreal protocol has been taken as a success story on how to implement an international agreement on environmental sustainability. It was key to protect the Earth's ozone layer. Recently, however, researchers found out that chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) emissions have been increasing again.