Seminar: Markus Lange
- Date: Aug 22, 2024
- Time: 02:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Markus Lange
- (Trumbore department)
- Room: Hörsaal (C0.001)
Plant diversity increases soil nitrogen storage by fueling free-living N2 fixers
Plant diversity stimulates soil nitrogen storage, which could reduce the
requirement for synthetic nitrogen fertilizer and thus its negative
impacts on climate, biodiversity and the environment. This relationship
is attributed to improved nitrogen use and N2 fixation by legumes.
Here, we investigated theunderlyingmechanisms making use of along-term
biodiversity experiment. We found enhanced atmospheric N_2 fixation with
plant diversity, independent oflegumes. On average 36.6 kg N ha^-1 yr^-1
were sequestered with high diversity plant communities, 6.6 times more
than with monocultures. This effect was primarily mediated by increased
root exudation, fueling the free-living diazotrophs.