Kolloquium: Luiz Machado


  • Date: Nov 26, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Luiz Machado
  • Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil & MPI Chemistry, Mainz
  • Room: Hörsaal (C0.001)
  • Host: Santiago Botia
How weather events modify particle and gas concentrations in the Amazon

We will discuss the influence of clouds on the concentration of trace gases and particles in the Amazon. First, we will present the ATTO-Campina site and discuss the long-range transport of gases and particles, the influence of meteorology on this transport, and the changes in gas profiles with the occurrence of different types of clouds, rain, and the occurrence of electrical discharges. In particular, we will show that precipitation regularly induces changes in gas concentration that favor the newly formed nanoparticles in the planetary boundary layer just above the forest. This process provides a plausible explanation for the origin of cloud condensation nuclei with sufficient concentration to the typical formation of Green Ocean clouds under clear conditions in the rainy season.

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