Main Focus

My research interests focus on the carbon cycle, mainly methane emissions from an atmospheric perspective. My major focus is on assimilate methane atmospheric observations into atmospheric transport models in an inverse mode to estimate global and regional methane budgets. 

Currently I am working with the Jena Carboscope Global Inversion System in the Arctic region.

Research interest

  • Biogeochemical cycles
  • Atmospheric transport model
  • Atmospheric observations
  • Methane and carbon cycle

Curriculum Vitae


PhD, Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP; Brazil), Science, 2011 - 2014

MSc, Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP; Brazil), Science 2009 - 2011

BSc, Universidade Paulista (Unip; Brazil), Biology, 2005 - 2009

Academic Positions

  • Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC; Germany), since 10/2022
    Postdoctoral Researcher
  • National Institute for Space Research (INPE; Brazil), 10/2018 - 09/2022
    Postdoctoral Researcher
  • School of Geography, University of Leeds (UK), 03/2021 - 02/2022
    Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Universidade Paulista (Unip; Brazil), 08/2016 - 09/2018
  • School of Geography, University of Leeds (UK), 03/2015 - 02/2016
    Postdoctoral Researcher


  • Outstanding Student Paper Award, 2010 Meeting of the Americas, Biogeosciences section of the American Geophysical Union (2010)

Editorial and Peer-Review Activities


  • Botía, S., Munassar, S., Koch, T., Custodio, D., Basso, L. S., Komiya, S., Lavric, J. V., Walter, D., Gloor, M., Martins, G., Naus, S., Koren, G., Luijkx, I., Hantson, S., Miller, J. B., Peters, W., Rödenbeck, C., and Gerbig, C.: Combined CO2 measurement record indicates decreased Amazon forest carbon uptake, offset by Savannah carbon release, in review at Atmos. Chem. Phys.EGUsphere [preprint]
  • Vogt, J., Pallandt, M. M. T. A., Basso, L. S., Bolek, A., Ivanova, K., Schlutow, M., Celis, G., Kuhn, M., Mauritz, M., Schuur, E. A. G., Arndt, K., Virkkala, A.-M., Wargowsky, I., and Göckede, M.: ARGO: ARctic greenhouse Gas Observation metadata version 1, accepted for publication at ESSD [preprint]
  • Vonk, J., Fritz, M., Speetjens, N., Babin, M., Bartsch, A., Basso, L.S., Bröder, L., Göckede, M., Gustafsson, Ö., Hugelius, G., Irrgang, A., Juhls, B., Kuhn, M., Lantuit, H., Manizza, M., Martens, J., O’Regan, M., Suslova, A., Tank, S., Terhaar, J., Zolkos, S. The land-ocean Arctic carbon cycle, Nat Rev Earth Environ 6, 86–105 (2025).

  • Rosan, T. M., Sitch, S., O’Sullivan, M., Basso, L.S., Wilson, C., Silva, C., Gloor, E., Fawcett., D., Heinrich, V., Souza, J.G., Bezerra, F.G.S., von Randow, C., Mercado, L.M., Gatti, L., Wiltshire, A., Friedlingstein, P., Pongratz, J., Schwingshack, C., Williams, M., Smallman, L., Knauer, J., Arora, V., Kennedy, D., Tian, H., Yuan, W., Jain, A., Falk, S., Poulter, B., Arneth, A., Sun, Q., Sönke, Z., Walker, A.P., Kato, E., Yue, X., Bastos, A., Ciais, P., Wigneron, J.P., Albergel, C., Aragão, L.E.O.C. Synthesis of the land carbon fluxes of the Amazon region between 2010 and 2020. Nature Commun Earth Environ 5, 46 (2024),
  • Ruv Lemes, M.C., Sampaio, G., Garcia-Carreras, L., Fisch, G., Alves, L.M., Bassett, R., Betts, R., Maksic, J., Shimizu, M.H., Torres, R.R., Guatura, M., Basso, L.S., Bispo, P.C., Impacts on South America Moisture Transport Under Amazon Deforestation and 2° C Global Warming, Science of the Total Environment, 2023,

  • Basso, L.S., Wilson, C., Chipperfield, M.P., Tejada, G., Cassol, H.L.G., Arai, E., Williams, M., Smallman, T.L., Peters, W., Naus, S., Miller, J.B., and Gloor, M.: Atmospheric CO2 inversion reveals the Amazon as a minor carbon source caused by fire emissions, with forest uptake offsetting about half of these emissions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 9685–9723, 2023,
  • Gatti, L.V., Cunha, C., Marani, L., Cassol, H. L. G., Messias, C., Arai, E., Denning, S., Soler, L. Soler, Almeida, C., Setzer, A., Domingues, L. G., Basso, L.S., Miller, J. B., Gloor, M., Correia, C. S. C., Tejada, G., Neves, R. A. L., Rajao, R., Nunes, F. Nunes, Soares Filho, B.S.S., Schmitt, J., Nobre, C., Correa, S. M., Sanches, A. H., Aragão, L. E. O.C., Anderson,  L., von Randow, C., Crispim, S., da Silva, F. M., Machado, G.B.M. Increased Amazon carbon emissions mainly from decline in law enforcement., Nature, 2023.

  • Tejada, G., Gatti, L.V., Basso, L.S., Cassol, H.L.G., Silva-Junior, C.H.L., Mataveli, G.A.V., Marani, L.; Arai, E., Gloor, E.U., Miller, J.B., Cunha, C., Domingues, L.G., Sanchez, A.H., Correia, C.S.C., Crispim, S.P., Neves, R.A.L., von Randow C.. CO2 emissions in the Amazon: are bottom-up estimates from land use and cover datasets consistent with top-down estimates based on atmospheric measurements? Frontiers In Forests and Global Change, v. 6, p. 1107580, 2023.

  • Alvim, D.S.; Herdies, D.L.; Corrêa, S.M.; Basso, L.S.; Khalid, B.; Silva, G.F.P.; Oyerinde, G.; de Carvalho, N.A.; Coelho, S.M.S.d.C.; Figueroa, S.N. COVID-19 Pandemic: Impacts on Air Quality during Partial Lockdown in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 1262.

  • Melack, J.M., Basso, L.S., Fleischmann, A.S., Botia, S., Guo, M., Zhou, W., Barbosa, P.M., Amaral, J.H. and MacIntyre, S., Challenges regionalizing methane emissions using aquatic environments in the Amazon Basin as examples. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 10, 2022.

  • Ometto, J. P., Pacheco, F. S., Almeida, M. A., Basso, L.S., Bezerra, F. G., Cardoso, M., Miranda, M., Neto, E. S., von Randow, C., Rezende, L. F., Ribeiro, K., Cunha-Zeri, G. Chapter 8 - Tropical ecosystem greenhouse gas accounting, Editor(s): Benjamin Poulter, Josep G. Canadell, Daniel J. Hayes, Rona L. Thompson, Balancing Greenhouse Gas Budgets, Elsevier, 2022, Pages 271-309, ISBN 9780128149522,

  • Basso, L.S.; Marani, L.; Gatti, L.V.; Miller, J.B.; Gloor, M.; Melack, J.; Cassol, H.L.G.; Tejada, G.; Domingues, L.G.; Arai, E.; Sanchez, A.H.; Correa, S.M.; Anderson, L.O.; Aragao, L.E.O.C.; Correia, C.S.C.; Crispim, S.P.; Neves, R.A.L. Amazon methane budget derived from multi-year airborne observations highlights regional variations in emissions. Nature Commun Earth Environ 2, 246 (2021)
  • Gatti, L.V.; Basso, L.S.; Miller, J.B.; Gloor, M.; Domingues, L.G.; Cassol, H.L.G.; Tejada, G.; Aragao, L.E.O.C.; Nobre, C.; Peters, W.; Marani, L.; Arai, E.; Sanchez, A.H.; Correa, S.M.; Anderson, L.O.; von Randow C.; Correia, C.S.C.; Crispim, S.P.; Neves, R.A.L.. Amazonia as a carbon source linked to deforestation and climate change. Nature, v. 595, p. 388-393, 2021.

  • Gloor, M.; Gatti,, L.V.; Wilson, C.; Parker, R. J.; Boesch, H.; Popa, E.; Chipperfield, M.P.; Poulter, B.; Zhang, Z.; Basso, L.S.; Miller, J.; McNorton, J.; Jimenez, C.; Prigent, C.. Large Methane Emissions from the Pantanal During Rising Water-Levels Revealed by Regularly Measured Lower Troposphere CH4 Profiles. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, v. 35, 10, 2021.
  • Wilson, C.; Chipperfield, M..; Gloor, M.; Parker, R.J.; Boesch, H.; Mcnorton, J; Gatti, L.V.; Miller, J.B.; Basso, L.S.; Monks, S.A.. Large and increasing methane emissions from Eastern Amazonia derived from satellite data, 2010-2018. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (online), v. 21, p. 10643-10669, 2021.

  • Mataveli, G.A.V.; Oliveira, G.; Seixas, H.T.; Pereira, G.; Stark, S.C.; Gatti, L.V.; Basso, L.S.; Tejada, G.; Cassol, H.L.G.; Anderson, L.; Aragão, L.E.O.C.. Relationship between Biomass Burning Emissions and Deforestation in Amazonia over the Last Two Decades. Forests, v. 12, p. 1217, 2021.
  • Covey, K.; Soper, F.M.; Pangala, S.R.; Bernardino, A.; Pagliaro, Z.; Basso, L.S.; Cassol, H.L.G.; Fearnside, P.; Navarrete, D.; Novoa, S.; Sawakuchi, H.; Lovejoy, T.; Marengo, J.; Peres, C.; Baillie, J.; Bernasconi, P.; Camargo, J.; Freitas, C.; Hoffman, B.; Nardotto, G.; Nobre, I.; Mayorga, J.; Mesquita, R.; Pavan, S.; Pinto, F., Rocha, F.S., de Assis Mello, R., Thault, A., Bahl, A., Elmore, A.C.; Carbon and Beyond: The biogeochemistry of climate in a rapidly changing Amazon. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change, 2021.

  • Malhi Y., Melack J., Gatti L.V., Ometto J., Kesselmeier J., Wolff S., Aragão L.E.O., Costa M., Saleska S., Pangala S.R., Basso L.S., Rizzo L., Araùjo A.C., Restrepo-Coupe N., Junior C.H.L.S. Chapter 6: Biogeochemical Cycles of the Amazon. In: Nobre et al. (Eds). Amazon Assessment Report 2021. United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, New York, USA. 2021. 
  • Gatti, L.V., Melack, J., Basso, L.S., Restrepo-Coupe N,; Aguiar, A.P.; Pangala, S., Saleska S.; Aragao, L.E.O.C.; Phillips, O.L.; Armenteras, D. Cross-Chapter 1: The Amazon Carbon Budget. In: Nobre C, Encalada A, Anderson E, et al. (Org.). Amazon Assessment Report 2021. 1ed., 2021, 

  • Cassol, H.L.G.; Domingues, L.G.; Sanchez, A.H.; Basso, L.S.; Marani, L.; Tejada, G.P.; Arai, E.; Correia, C.; Alden, C.B.; Miller, J.B.; Gloor, M.; Anderson, L.O.; Aragão, L.E.O. C.; Gatti, L.V. Determination of Region of Influence Obtained by Aircraft Vertical Profiles Using the Density of Trajectories from the HYSPLIT Model. Atmosphere, v. 11, p. 1073, 2020,

  • Marani, L.; Gatti, L.V.; Miller, J.B.; Domingues, L.G.; Correia, C.S.C.; Gloor, E.U.; Peters,W.; Basso, L.S.; Crispim, S.P.; Neves, R.A.L.. Métodos de Estimativas de Fluxo de Gases de Efeito Estufa e a Influência da Ação Humana na Redução da Capacidade de Remoção de CO2 na Floresta Amazônica. Revista Virtual de Química, v. 12, p. 00-00, 2020.

  • Pangala, S.R.; Enrich-Prast, A.; Basso, L.S.; Peixoto, R. B.; Bastviken, D.; Hornibrook, E.R.C.; Gatti, L.V.; Ribeiro, H.; Calazans, L.S.B.; Sakuragui, C.M.; Bastos, W.R.; Malm, O.; Gloor, E.; Miller, J.B.; Gauci, V.; Large emissions from floodplain trees close the Amazon methane budget. Nature, 2017,

  • Basso, L.S., Gatti, L.V., Gloor, M., Miller, J.B., Domingues, L.G., Correia, C.S.C., Borges, V.F. Seasonality and inter-annual variability of CH4 fluxes from the eastern Amazon Basin inferred from atmospheric mole fraction profiles. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, v.121, 2016,
  • Webb, A.J.; Bösch, H.; Parker, R.J.; Gatti, L.V.; Gloor, M.; Palmer, P.I.; Basso, L.S.; Chipperfield, M.P.; Correia, C.S.C.; Domingues, L.G.; Feng, L.; Gonzi, S.; Miller, J.B.; Thorsten, W.; Christopher, W. CH4 concentrations over the Amazon from GOSAT consistent with in situ vertical profile data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016,

  • Alden, C.B.; Miller, J.B.; Gatti, L.V.; Gloor, M.; Guan, K.; Michalak, A.M.; Van Der Laan-Luijkx, I.T.; Touma, D.; Andrews, A.; Basso, L.S.; Correia, C.S.C.; Domingues, L.G.; Joiner, J.; Krol, M.C.; Lyapustin, A.I.; Peters, W.; Shiga, Y.P.; Thoning, K.; Van Der Velde, I.R.; Van Leeuwen, T.T.; Yadav, V.; Diffenbaugh, N.S.. Regional atmospheric CO inversion reveals seasonal and geographic differences in Amazon net biome exchange. Global Change Biology, v. 23, p. 1-17, 2016,
  • Wilson, C., Gloor, M., Gatti, L.V., Miller, J.B., Monks, S.A., McNorton, J., Bloom, A.A., Basso, L.S., Chipperfield, M.P. Contribution of regional sources to atmospheric methane over the Amazon Basin in 2010 and 2011, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 30, 2016,

  • Gatti, L.V., Gloor, M., Miller, J.B., Doughty, C.E., Malhi, Y., Domingues, L.G., Basso, L.S., Martinewski, A., Correia, C.S.C., Borges, V. F., Freitas, S., Braz, R., Anderson, L.O., Rocha, H., Grace, J., Phillips, O.L., Lloyd, J. Drought sensitivity of Amazonian carbon balance revealed by atmospheric measurements. Nature, v.506, p.76 - 80, 2014,

  • Gatti, L.V., Miller, J.B., D'Amelio, M.T.S., Martinewski, A., Basso, L.S., Gloor, E.U., Wofsy, S., Tans, P. Vertical profiles of CO2 above eastern Amazonia suggest a net carbon flux to the atmosphere and balanced biosphere between 2000 and 2009. Revista Tellus Series B, Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 2010,
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