Publications of Qing-Fang Bi
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
6, 1244445 (2023)
Editorial: Forest soil carbon in a changing world. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2.
Journal Article
174, 108816 (2022)
Manure application effects on subsoils: Abundant taxa initiate the diversity reduction of rare bacteria and community functional alterations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 3.
Journal Article
173, 108810 (2022)
Biochar addition regulates soil and earthworm gut microbiome and multifunctionality. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 4.
Journal Article
838, 155892, p. part 1 (2022)
Unveiling the role of dissolved organic matter on phosphorus sorption and availability in a 5-year manure amended paddy soil. Science of the Total Environment 5.
Journal Article
804, 149994 (2022)
Variations of earthworm gut bacterial community composition and metabolic functions in coastal upland soil along a 700-year reclamation chronosequence. Science of the Total Environment Preprint (1)
Organic matter accelerated microbial iron reduction and available phosphorus release in reflooded paddy soils. Preprints: the multidisciplinary preprint platform (2023)