Jenny, J.-P.; Koirala, S.; Gregory-Eaves, I.; Francus, P.; Niemann, C.; Ahrens, B.; Brovkin, V.; Baud, A.; Ojala, A. E. K.; Normandeau, al.; Zolitschka, B.; Carvalhais, N.: Human and climate global-scale imprint on sediment transfer during the Holocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (46), pp. 22972 - 22976 (2019)
Exbrayat, J.-F.; Bloom, A. A.; Carvalhais, N.; Fischer, R.; Huth, A.; MacBean, N.; Williams, M.: Understanding the land carbon cycle with space data: Current status and prospects. Surveys in Geophysics 40 (4), pp. 735 - 755 (2019)
Reichstein, M.; Carvalhais, N.: Aspects of forest biomass in the earth system: Its role and major unknowns. Surveys in Geophysics 40 (4), pp. 693 - 707 (2019)
Reichstein, M.; Camps-Valls, G.; Stevens, B.; Jung, M.; Denzler, J.; Carvalhais, N.; Prabhat: Deep learning and process understanding for data-driven Earth system science. Nature 566 (7743), pp. 195 - 204 (2019)
Besnard, S.; Carvalhais, N.; Arain, M. A.; Black, A.; Brede, B.; Buchmann, N.; Chen, J.; Clevers, J. G. P. W.; Dutrieux, L. P.; Gans, al.; Herold, M.; Jung, M.; Kosugi, Y.; Knohl, A.; Law, B. E.; Paul-Limoges, E.; Lohila, A.; Merbold, L.; Roupsard, O.; Valentini, R.; Wolf, S.; Zhang, X.; Reichstein, M.: Memory effects of climate and vegetation affecting net ecosystem CO2 fluxes in global forests. PLoS One 14 (2), e0211510 (2019)
Besnard, S.; Carvalhais, N.; Arain, A.; Black, A.; de Bruin, S.; Buchmann, N.; Cescatti, A.; Chen, J.; Clevers, J. G. P. W.; Desai, A. al.; Gough, C. M.; Havrankova, K.; Herold, M.; Hörtnagl, L.; Jung, M.; Knohl, A.; Kruijt, B.; Krupkova, L.; Law, B. E.; Lindroth, A.; Noormets, A.; Roupsard, O.; Steinbrecher, R.; Varlagin, A.; Vincke, C.; Reichstein, M.: Quantifying the effect of forest age in annual net forest carbon balance. Environmental Research Letters 13, 124018 (2018)
Thurner, M.; Beer, C.; Ciais, P.; Friend, A. D.; Ito, A.; Kleidon, A.; Lomas, M. R.; Quegan, S.; Rademacher, T. T.; Schaphoff, al.; Tum, M.; Wiltshire, A.; Carvalhais, N.: Evaluation of climate-related carbon turnover processes in global vegetation models for boreal and temperate forests. Global Change Biology 23 (8), pp. 3076 - 3091 (2017)
Koirala, S.; Jung, M.; Reichstein, M.; de Graaf, I. E. M.; Camps-Valls, G.; Ichii, K.; Papale, D.; Raduly, B.; Schwalm, C. R.; Tramontana, al.; Carvalhais, N.: Global distribution of groundwater-vegetation spatial covariation. Geophysical Research Letters 44 (9), pp. 4134 - 4142 (2017)
Carreiras, J. M.B.; Quegan, S.; Le Toan, T.; Minh, D. H. T.; Saatchi, S. S.; Carvalhais, N.; Reichstein, M.; Scipal, K.: Coverage of high biomass forests by the ESA BIOMASS mission under defense restrictions. Remote Sensing of Environment 196, pp. 154 - 162 (2017)
Benali, A.; Mota, B.; Carvalhais, N.; Oom, D.; Miller, L. M.; Campagnolo, M. L.; Pereira, J. M. C.: Bimodal fire regimes unveil a global-scale anthropogenic fingerprint. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26, pp. 799 - 811 (2017)
Thanks to FLUXCOM-X, the next generation of data driven, AI-based earth system models, scientists can now see the Earth’s metabolism at unprecedented detail – assessed everywhere on land and every hour of the day.
Extreme climate events endanger groundwater quality and stability, when rain water evades natural purification processes in the soil. This was demonstrated in long-term groundwater analyses using new analytical methods.
Extreme precipitation should increase with warmer temperatures. Data from tropical regions show that this correlation is obscured by the cooling effect of clouds. When cloud effects are corrected, the increase in extreme precipitation with rising temperatures becomes apparent.
More frequent strong storms are destroying ever larger areas of the Amazon rainforest. Storm damage was mapped between 1985 and 2020. The total area of affected forests roughly quadrupled in the period studied.
In the annual ranking of the world's most cited and thus most influential scientists, five authors from our institute are once again represented in 2024.
The Global Carbon Project shows that fossil CO2 emissions will continue to rise in 2024. There is no sign of the rapid and substantial decline in emissions that would be needed to limit the impact of climate change
The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina will hold a joint conference on the challenges of achieving carbon neutrality in Berlin on October 29-30, 2024.
Experts from science, journalism, local authorities and non-governmental organizations consider a change of course in communication on climate issues to be urgently needed. The appeal was published on the occasion of the K3 Congress on Climate Communication with around 400 participants in Graz.
A recent study by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and the University of Leipzig suggests that increasing droughts in the tropics and changing carbon cycle responses due to climate change are not primarily responsible for the strong tropical response to rising temperatures. Instead, a few particularly strong El Niño events could be the cause.