Publications of C. Wirth

Journal Article (147)

Journal Article
Hartmann, H.; Wirth, C.; Messier, C.; Berninger, F.: Effects of above- and belowground partial harvest disturbance on growth and water status of residual sugar maple. Tree Physiology 28 (12), pp. 1851 - 1862 (2008)
Journal Article
Tautenhahn, S.; Heilmeier, H.; Gotzenberger, L.; Klotz, S.; Wirth, C.; Kuhn, I.: On the biogeography of seed mass in Germany - distribution patterns and environmental correlates. Ecography 31 (4), pp. 457 - 468 (2008)
Journal Article
Wirth, C.; Lichstein, J. W.; Dushoff, J.; Chen, A.; Chapin, F. S.: White spruce meets black spruce: dispersal, postfire establishment, and growth in a warming climate. Ecological Monographs 78 (4), pp. 489 - 505 (2008)
Journal Article
Wutzler, T.; Wirth, C.; Schumacher, J.: Generic biomass functions for Common beech (Fagus sylvatica) in Central Europe: predictions and components of uncertainty. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38 (6), pp. 1661 - 1675 (2008)
Journal Article
Balshi, M. S.; Mcguire, A. D.; Zhuang, Q.; Melillo, J.; Kicklighter, D. W.; Kasischke, E.; Wirth, C.; Flannigan, M.; Harden, J.; Clein, J. S. et al.; Burnside, T. J.; Mcallister, J.; Kurz, W. A.; Apps, M.; Shvidenko, A.: The role of historical fire disturbance in the carbon dynamics of the pan-boreal region: A process-based analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 112 (G2), G02029 (2007)
Journal Article
Crevoisier, C.; Shevliakova, E.; Gloor, M.; Wirth, C.; Pacala, S.: Drivers of fire in the boreal forests: Data constrained design of a prognostic model of burned area for use in dynamic global vegetation models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (24), p. D24112 (2007)
Journal Article
Chapin Iii, F. S.; Woodwell, G. M.; Randerson, J. T.; Rastetter, E. B.; Lovett, G. M.; Baldocchi, D. D.; Clark, D. A.; Harmon, M. E.; Schimel, D. S.; Valentini, R. et al.; Wirth, C.; Aber, J. D.; Cole, J. J.; Goulden, M. L.; Harden, J. W.; Heimann, M.; Howarth, R. W.; Matson, P. A.; Mcguire, A. D.; Melillo, J. M.; Mooney, H. A.; Neff, J. C.; Houghton, R. A.; Pace, M. L.; Ryan, M. G.; Running, S. W.; Sala, O. E.; Schlesinger, W. H.; Schulze, E.-D.: Reconciling carbon-cycle concepts, terminology, and methods. Ecosystems 9 (7), pp. 1041 - 1050 (2006)
Journal Article
Mcguire, A. D.; Chapin Iii, F. S.; Walsh, J. E.; Wirth, C.: Integrated regional changes in arctic climate feedbacks: Implications for the global climate system. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 31, pp. 61 - 91 (2006)
Journal Article
Schulze, E.-D.; Wirth, C.; Mollicone, D.; Ziegler, W.: Succession after stand replacing disturbances by fire, wind throw, and insects in the dark Taiga of Central Siberia. Oecologia 146 (1), pp. 77 - 88 (2005)
Journal Article
Vetter, M.; Wirth, C.; Böttcher, H.; Churkina, G.; Schulze, E.-D.; Wutzler, T.; Weber, G.: Partitioning direct and indirect human-induced effects on carbon sequestration of managed coniferous forests using model simulations and forest inventories. Global Change Biology 11 (5), pp. 810 - 827 (2005)
Journal Article
Schulze, B.; Wirth, C.; Linke, P.; Brand, W. A.; Kuhlmann, I.; Horna, V.; Schulze, E.-D.: Laser ablation-combustion-GC-IRMS - a new method for online analysis of intra-annual variation of δ 13C in tree rings. Tree Physiology 24 (11), pp. 1193 - 1201 (2004)
Journal Article
Joosten, R.; Schumacher, J.; Wirth, C.; Schulte, A.: Evaluating tree carbon predictions for beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in western Germany. Forest Ecology and Management 189 (1-3), pp. 87 - 96 (2004)
Journal Article
Wirth, C.; Schumacher, J.; Schulze, E.-D.: Generic biomass functions for Norway spruce in Central Europe - a meta-analysis approach toward prediction and uncertainty estimation. Tree Physiology 24 (2), pp. 121 - 139 (2004)
Journal Article
Schulze, E.-D.; Wirth, C.; Heimann, M.: Carbon fluxes of the Eurosiberian region. Environment Control in Biology 40 (3), pp. 249 - 258 (2002)
Journal Article
Lloyd, J.; Shibistova, O.; Zolotoukhine, D.; Kolle, O.; Arneth, A.; Wirth, C.; Styles, J. M.; Tchebakova, N. M.; Schulze, E.-D.: Seasonal and annual variations in the photosynthetic productivity and carbon balance of a central Siberian pine forest. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 54 (5), pp. 590 - 610 (2002)
Journal Article
Mcguire, A. D.; Wirth, C.; Apps, M.; Beringer, J.; Clein, J.; Epstein, H.; Kicklighter, D. W.; Bhatti, J.; Chapin Iii, F. S.; De Groot, B. et al.; Efremov, D.; Eugster, W.; Fukuda, M.; Gower, T.; Hinzman, L.; Huntley, B.; Jia, G. J.; Kasischke, E.; Melillo, J.; Romanovsky, V.; Shvidenko, A.; Vaganov, E.; Walker, D.: Environmental variation, vegetation distribution, carbon dynamics and water/energy exchange at high latitudes. Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), pp. 301 - 314 (2002)
Journal Article
Mollicone, D.; Achard, F.; Marchesini, L. B.; Federici, S.; Wirth, C.; Leipold, M.; Rosellini, S.; Schulze, E.-D.; Valentini, R.: A remote sensing based approach to determine forest fire cycle: case study of the Yenisei Ridge dark taiga. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 54 (5), pp. 688 - 695 (2002)
Journal Article
Vygodskaya, N. N.; Schulze, E.-D.; Tchebakova, N. M.; Karpachevskii, L. O.; Kozlov, D.; Sidorov, K. N.; Panfyorov, M. I.; Abrazko, M. A.; Shaposhnikov, E. S.; Solnzeva, O. N. et al.; Minaeva, T. Y.; Jeltuchin, A. S.; Wirth, C.; Pugachevskii, A. V.: Climatic control of stand thinning in unmanaged spruce forests of the southern Taiga in European Russia. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 54 (5), pp. 443 - 461 (2002)
Journal Article
Wirth, C.; Czimczik, C. I.; Schulze, E.-D.: Beyond annual budgets: carbon flux at different temporal scales in fire-prone Siberian Scots pine forests. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 54 (5), pp. 611 - 630 (2002)
Journal Article
Wirth, C.; Schulze, E.-D.; Kusznetova, V.; Milyukova, I.; Hardes, G.; Siry, M.; Schulze, B.; Vygodskaya, N. N.: Comparing the influence of site quality, stand age, fire and climate on aboveground tree production in Siberian Scots pine forests. Tree Physiology 22 (8), pp. 537 - 552 (2002)
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