Photo by Bruno Martins on Unsplash

Publikationen von Su Ding

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Ding, S.; Lange, M.; Lipp, J.; Schwab, V. F.; Chowdhury, S.; Pollierer, M. M.; Krause, K.; Li, D.; Kothe, E.; Scheu, S. et al.; Welti, R.; Hinrichs, K.-U.; Gleixner, G.: Characteristics and origin of intact polar lipids in soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 151, 108045 (2020)
Ding, S.; Kohlhepp, B.; Trumbore, S. E.; Küsel, K.; Totsche, K.-U.; Pohnert, G.; Gleixner, G.; Schwab, V. F.: In situ production of core and intact bacterial and archaeal tetraether lipids in groundwater. Organic Geochemistry 126, S. 1 - 12 (2018)
Ding, S.; Schwab, B.; Ueberschaar, N.; Roth, V.-N.; Lange, M.; Xu, Y.; Gleixner, G.; Pohnert, G.: Identification of novel 7-methyl and cyclopentanyl branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in lake sediments. Organic Geochemistry 102, S. 52 - 58 (2016)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Ding, S.: Sources and environmental controls of microbial membrane lipids in soils and groundwater. Dissertation, 125 S., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2019)
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