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Publikationen von Dorothea Frank

Zeitschriftenartikel (9)

Bogdanovich, E.; Brenning, A.; Reichstein, M.; DePolt, K.; Guenther, L.; Frank, D.; Orth, R.: Official heat warnings miss situations with a detectable societal heat response in European countries. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 100, 104206 (2024)
De Polt, K.; Ward, P. J.; de Ruiter, M.; Bogdanovich, E.; Reichstein, M.; Frank, D.; Orth, R.: Quantifying impact-relevant heatwave durations. Environmental Research Letters 18 (10), 104005 (2023)
Bogdanovich, E.; Guenther, L.; Reichstein, M.; Frank, D.; Ruhrmann, G.; Brenning, A.; Denissen, J. M. C.; Orth, R.: Societal attention to heat waves can indicate public health impacts. Weather, Climate, and Society 15 (3), S. 557 - 569 (2023)
Bastos, A.; Sippel, S.; Frank, D.; Mahecha, M. D.; Zaehle, S.; Zscheischler, J.; Reichstein, M.: A joint framework for studying compound ecoclimatic events. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 4, S. 333 - 350 (2023)
Reichstein, M.; Riede, F.; Frank, D.: More floods, fires and cyclones — plan for domino effects on sustainability goals. Nature 592, S. 347 - 349 (2021)
Sippel, S.; Reichstein, M.; Ma, X.; Mahecha, M. D.; Lange, H.; Flach, M.; Frank, D.: Drought, heat, and the carbon cycle: a review. Current Climate Change Reports 4 (3), S. 266 - 286 (2018)
Frank, D.; Reichstein, M.; Bahn, M.; Frank, D.; Mahecha, M. D.; Smith, P.; Thonicke, K.; van der Velde, M.; Vicca, S.; Babst, F. et al.; Beer, C.; Buchmann, N.; Canadell, J. G.; Ciais, P.; Cramer, W.; Ibrom, A.; Miglietta, F.; Poulter, B.; Rammig, A.; Seneviratne, S. I.; Walz, A.; Wattenbach, M.; Zavala, M. A.; Zscheischler, J.: Effects of climate extremes on the terrestrial carbon cycle: concepts, processes and potential future impacts. Global Change Biology 21, S. 2861 - 2880 (2015)
Reichstein, M.; Bahn, M.; Ciais, P.; Frank, D.; Mahecha, M. D.; Seneviratne, S. I.; Zscheischler, J.; Beer, C.; Buchmann, N.; Frank, D. C. et al.; Papale, D.; Smith, A. R. P.; Thonicke, K.; van der Velde, M.; Vicca, S.; Walz, A.; Wattenbach, M.: Climate extremes and the carbon cycle. Nature 500, S. 287 - 295 (2013)
Beer, C.; Ciais, P.; Reichstein, M.; Baldocchi, D.; Law, B. E.; Papale, D.; Soussana, J. F.; Ammann, C.; Buchmann, N.; Frank, D. et al.; Gianelle, D.; Janssens, I. A.; Knohl, A.; Kostner, B.; Moors, E.; Roupsard, O.; Verbeeck, H.; Vesala, T.; Williams, C. A.; Wohlfahrt, G.: Temporal and among-site variability of inherent water use efficiency at the ecosystem level. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23 (2), S. GB2018 (2009)

Buchkapitel (4)

Reichstein, M.; Frank, D.; Sillmann, J.; Sippel, S.: Outlook: Challenges for societal resilience under climate extremes. In: Climate extremes and their implications for impact and risk assessment, S. 341 - 353 (Hg. Sillmann, J.; Sippel, S.; Russo, S.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2019)
Frank, D.; Reichstein, M.; Miglietta, F.; Pereira, J.S.: Impact of climate variability and extremes on the carbon cycle of the Mediterranean region. In: Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean; Volume 2: Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystem Services and People, Bd. 51, S. 31 - 47 (Hg. Navarra, A.; Tubiana, L.). Springer, New York (2013)
Frank, D.; Finckh, M.; Wirth, C.: Impacts of Land Use on Habitat Functions of Old-Growth Forests and their Biodiversity. In: Old-Growth Forests, Bd. 207, S. 429 - 450 (Hg. Wirth, C.; Gleixner, G.; Heimann, M.). Springer, Berlin (2009)
Wirth, C.; Messier, C.; Bergeron, Y.; Frank, D.; Fankhänel, A.: Old-Growth Forest Definitions: a Pragmatic View. In: Old-Growth Forests, Bd. 207, S. 11 - 33 (Hg. Wirth, C.; Gleixner, G.; Heimann, M.). Springer, Berlin (2009)

Preprint (1)

Reichstein, M.; Benson, V.; Camps-Valls, G.; Boran, H.; Fearnley, C.; Kornhuber, K.; Rahaman, N.; Schöllkopf, B.; Tárraga, J. M.; Vinuesa, R. et al.; Blunk, J.; Dall, K.; Denzler, J.; Frank, D.; Martini, G.; Nganga, N.; Robinson, D. M.: Early warning of complex climate risk with integrated artificial intelligence. Research Square (2024)
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