Buchstabenmosaik aus hölzernen Druckmatrizen.

Publikationen von Alexander Ruecker

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Lehnert, A.-S.; Cooper, R. E.; Ignatz, R.; Ruecker, A.; Gomes-Alves, E.; Küsel, K.; Pohnert, G.; Trumbore, S. E.: Dimethyl sulfide emissions from a peatland result more from organic matter degradation than sulfate reduction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 129 (1), e2023JG007449 (2024)
Tsui, M. T.; Uzun, H.; Ruecker, A.; Majidzadeh, H.; Ulus, Y.; Zhang, H.; Bao, S.; Blum, J. D.; Karanfil, T.; Chow, A. T.: Concentration and isotopic composition of mercury in a blackwater river affected by extreme flooding events. Limnology and Oceanography 65 (9), S. 2158 - 2169 (2020)
Lehnert, A.-S.; Behrendt, T.; Ruecker, A.; Pohnert, G.; Trumbore, S. E.: SIFT-MS optimization for atmospheric trace gas measurements at varying humidity. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 13 (7), S. 3507 - 3520 (2020)
Peng, P.; Lu, Y.; Bosma, T. N. P.; Nijenhuis, I.; Nijsse, B.; Shetty, S. A.; Ruecker, A.; Umanetc, A.; Ramiro-Garcia, J.; Kappler, A. et al.; Sipkema, D.; Smidt, H.; Atashgahi, S.: Metagenomic- and cultivation-based exploration of anaerobic chloroform biotransformation in hypersaline sediments as natural source of chloromethanes. Microorganisms 8 (5), 665 (2020)
Majidzadeh, H.; Uzun, H.; Ruecker, A.; Miller, D.; Vernon, J.; Zhang, H.; Bao, S.; Tsui, M. T. K.; Karanfil, T.; Chow, A. T.: Extreme flooding mobilized dissolved organic matter from coastal forested wetlands. Biogeochemistry 136 (3), S. 293 - 309 (2017)
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