Publikationen von Krishna Kommineni Vamsi

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Ahmed, W.; Vamsi, K. K.; König-Ries, B.; Gaikwad, J.; Gadelha, L.; Samuel, S.: Evaluating the method reproducibility of deep learning models in biodiversity research. PeerJ Computer Science 11, e2618 (2025)
Groom, Q.; Dillen, M.; Addink, W.; Ariño, A. H. H.; Bölling, C.; Bonnet, P.; Cecchi, L.; Ellwood, E. R.; Figueira, R.; Gagnier, P.-Y. et al.; Grace, O. M.; Güntsch, A.; Hardy, H.; Huybrechts, P.; Hyam, R.; Joly, A. A. J.; Vamsi, K. K.; Larridon, I.; Livermore, L.; Lopes, R. J.; Meeus, S.; Miller, J. A.; Milleville, K.; Panda, R.; Pignal, M.; Poelen, J.; Ristevski, B.; Robertson, T.; Rufino, A. C.; Santos, J.; Schermer, M.; Scott, B.; Seltmann, K. C.; Teixeira, H.; Trekels, M.; Gaikwad, J.: Envisaging a global infrastructure to exploit the potential of digitised collections. Biodiversity Data Journal 11, e109439 (2023)
Vamsi, K. K.; Tautenhahn, S.; Baddam, P.; Gaikwad, J.; Wieczorek, B.; Triki, A.; Kattge, J.: Comprehensive leaf size traits dataset for seven plant species from digitised herbarium specimen images covering more than two centuries. Biodiversity Data Journal 9, e69806 (2021)

Preprint (1)

Vamsi, K. K.; Kommineni, V. K.; Samuel, S.: From human experts to machines: An LLM supported approach to ontology and knowledge graph construction. arXiv (2024)

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