Publikationen von Tanja Reinhold

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Maire, V.; Soussana, J.-F.; Gross, N.; Bachelet, B.; Pages, L.; Martin, R.; Reinhold, T.; Wirth, C.; Hill, D.: Plasticity of plant form and function sustains productivity and dominance along environment and competition gradients. A modeling experiment with GEMINI. Ecological Modelling 254, S. 80 - 91 (2013)
Soussana, J. F.; Maire, V.; Gross, N.; Reinhold, T.; Dähring, H.; Pontes, L.S.; Picon-Cochard, F. S.; Wirth, C.: Modeling the functioning of complex grassland mixtures - First results of the DISCOVER project (in French). Fourrages 195, S. 259 - 274 (2008)
Becker, U.; Reinhold, T.; Matthies, D.: Effects of pollination distance on reproduction and offspring performance in Hypochoeris radicata: Experiments with plants from three European regions. Biological Conservation 132 (1), S. 109 - 118 (2006)

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