In Jena, it is traditional for newly graduated doctoral students to throw a wreath over the sword of Hanfried (statue of Johann Friedrich I of Saxony, the founder of the university) on the market square. The photo shows a wreath thrown high.

Publications of Ines Hilke

Conference Paper (5)

Conference Paper
Hilke, I.; Bisutti, I. L.; Raessler, M.: Recent methods for determination of organic and inorganic carbon. In: The Role of Long-term Field Experiments in Agricultural and Ecological Sciences & practical solutions for managing optimum C and N content in agricultural soils III:. International conference 2005, held in Prague, Prague, June 22, 2005 - June 24, 2005. (2005)
Conference Paper
Raessler, M.; Hilke, I.: Ion-chromatographic determination of small concentrations of nitrate in solutions of high salinity. 3. Conference über Ionenanalyse (CIA), Apr. 06 – 08, 2005., Berlin, Germany., (2005)
Conference Paper
Raessler, M.; Hilke, I.: Ion-chromatographic determination of trace concentrations of nitrate in solutions of high salinity. 29th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, June 26 – 30, 2005, Stockholm, Sweden., (2005)
Conference Paper
Hilke, I.; Rothe, J.; Mund, M.; Raessler, M.: Quantification of organic carbon in soils containing carbonates - a comparison of two contrasting analytical approaches. In: Practical Solutions for Managing Optimum C and N Content in Agricultural Soils II. Practical Solutions for Managing Optimum C and N Content in Agricultural Soils II, Prague. (2003)
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