Publikationen von Christian Wirth

Zeitschriftenartikel (147)

Díaz, S.; Kattge, J.; Cornelissen, J. H. C.; Wright, I. J.; Lavorel, S.; Dray, S.; Reu, B.; Kleyer, M.; Wirth, C.; Prentice, I. C. et al.; Garnier, E.; Boenisch, G.; Westoby, M.; Poorter, H.; Reich, P. B.; Moles, A. T.; Dickie, J.; Gillison, A. N.; Zanne, A. E.; Chave, J.; Wright, S. J.; Sheremetev, S. N.; Jactel, H.; Baraloto, C.; Cerabolini, B.; Pierce, S.; Shipley, B.; Kirkup, D.; Casanoves, F.; Joswig, J.; Günther, A.; Falczuk, V.; Rüger, N.; Mahecha, M. D.; Gorné, L. D.: The global spectrum of plant form and function. Nature 529, S. 167 - 171 (2016)
Kunstler, G.; Falster, D.; Coomes, D. A.; Hui, F.; Kooyman, R. M.; Laughlin, D. C.; Poorter, L.; Vanderwel, M.; Vieilledent, G.; Wright, S. J. et al.; Aiba, M.; Baraloto, C.; Caspersen, J.; Cornelissen, J. H. C.; Gourlet-Fleury, S.; Hanewinkel, M.; Herault, B.; Kattge, J.; Kurokawa, H.; Onoda, Y.; Peñuelas, J.; Poorter, H.; Uriarte, M.; Richardson, S.; Ruiz-Benito, P.; Sun, I.-F.; Ståhl, G.; Swenson, N. G.; Thompson, J.; Westerlund, B.; Wirth, C.; Zavala, M. A.; Zeng, H.; Zimmerman, J. K.; Zimmermann, N. E.; Westoby, M.: Plant functional traits have globally consistent effects on competition. Nature 529, S. 204 - 207 (2016)
Leimer, S.; Oelmann, Y.; Eisenhauer, N.; Milcu, A.; Roscher, C.; Scheu, S.; Weigelt, A.; Wirth, C.; Wilcke, W.: Mechanisms behind plant diversity effects on inorganic and organic N leaching from temperate grassland. Biogeochemistry 131 (3), S. 339 - 353 (2016)
Liebergesell, M.; Reu, B.; Stahl, U.; Freiberg, M.; Welk, E.; Kattge, J.; Cornelissen, J. H. C.; Peñuelas, J.; Wirth, C.: Functional resilience against climate-driven extinctions - comparing the functional diversity of European and North American tree floras. PLoS One 11 (2), e0148607 (2016)
Marra, D. M.; Higuchi, N.; Trumbore, S. E.; Ribeiro, G. H. P. M.; Santos, J. d.; Carneiro, V. M. C.; Lima, A. J. N.; Chambers, J. Q.; Negrón-Juárez, R. I.; Holzwarth, F. et al.; Reu, B.; Wirth, C.: Predicting biomass of hyperdiverse and structurally complex central Amazon forests – a virtual approach using extensive field data. Biogeosciences 13 (5), S. 1553 - 1570 (2016)
Schroeder-Georgi, T.; Wirth, C.; Nadrowski, K.; Meyer, S. T.; Mommer, L.; Weigelt, A.: From pots to plots: Hierarchical trait-based prediction of population biomass in a mesic grassland. Journal of Ecology 104 (1), S. 206 - 218 (2016)
Tautenhahn, S.; Lichstein, J. W.; Jung, M.; Kattge, J.; Bohlman, S. A.; Heilmeier, H.; Prokushkin, A.; Kahl, A.; Wirth, C.: Dispersal limitation drives successional pathways in Central Siberian forests under current and intensified fire regimes. Global Change Biology 22 (6), S. 2178 - 2197 (2016)
van der Plas, F.; Manning, P.; Allan, E.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Verheyen, K.; Wirth, C.; Zavala, M. A.; Hector, A.; Ampoorter, E.; Baeten, L. et al.; Barbaro, L.; Bauhus, J.; Benavides, R.; Benneter, A.; Berthold, F.; Bonal, D.; Bouriaud, O.; Bruelheide, H.; Bussotti, F.; Carnol, M.; Castagneyrol, B.; Charbonnier, Y.; Coomes, D.; Coppi, A.; Bastias, C. C.; Dawud, S. M.; Wandeler, H. D.; Domisch, T.; Finér, L.; Gessler, A.; Granier, A.; Grossiord, C.; Guyot, V.; Hättenschwiler, S.; Jactel, H.; Jaroszewicz, B.; Joly, F.-X.; Jucker, T.; Koricheva, J.; Milligan, H.; Müller, S.; Muys, B.; Nguyen, D.; Pollastrini, M.; Raulund-Rasmussen, K.; Selvi, F.; Stenlid, J.; Valladares, F.; Vesterdal, L.; Zielinski , D.; Fischer, M.: Jack-of-all-trades effects drive biodiversity–ecosystem multifunctionality relationships in European forests. Nature Communications 7, 11109 (2016)
van der Plas, F.; Manning, P.; Soliveres, S.; Allan, E.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Verheyen, K.; Wirth, C.; Zavala, M. A.; Ampoorter, E.; Baeten, L. et al.; Barbaro, L.; Bauhus, J.; Benavides, R.; Benneter, A.; Bonal, D.; Bouriaud, O.; Bruelheide, H.; Bussotti, F.; Carnol, M.; Castagneyrol, B.; Charbonnier, Y.; Coomes, D. A.; Coppi, A.; Bastias, C. C.; Dawud, S. M.; Wandeler, H. D.; Domisch, T.; Finér, L.; Gessler, A.; Granier, A.; Grossiord, C.; Guyot, V.; Hättenschwiler, S.; Jactel, H.; Jaroszewicz, B.; Joly, F.-x.; Jucker, T.; Koricheva, J.; Milligana, H.; Mueller, S.; Muys, B.; Nguyenb, D.; Pollastrini, M.; Ratcliffe, S.; Raulund-Rasmussen, K.; Selvi, F.; Stenlid, J.; Valladares, F.; Vesterdal, L.; Zielínski, D.; Fischer, M.: Biotic homogenization is more detrimental than local species loss for landscape-scale forest multifunctionality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (13), S. 3557 - 3562 (2016)
Leimer, S.; Oelmann, Y.; Wirth, C.; Wilcke, W.: Time matters for plant diversity effects on nitrate leaching from temperate grassland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 211, S. 155 - 163 (2015)
Schrodt, F.; Kattge, J.; Shan, H.; Fazayeli, F.; Joswig, J.; Banerjee, A.; Reichstein, M.; Boenisch, G.; Díaz, S.; Dickie, J. et al.; Gillison, A.; Karpatne, A.; Lavorel, S.; Leadley, P.; Wirth, C.; Wright, I. J.; Wright, S. J.; Reich, P. B.: BHPMF – a hierarchical Bayesian approach to gap-filling and trait prediction for macroecology and functional biogeography. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (12), S. 1510 - 1521 (2015)
Manning, P.; de Vries, F. T.; Tallowin, J. R.B.; Smith, R.; Mortimer, S. R.; Pilgrim, E. S.; Harrison, K. A.; Wright, D. G.; Quirk, H.; Benson, J. et al.; Shipley, B.; Cornelissen, J. H.C.; Kattge, J.; Boenisch, G.; Wirth, C.; Bardgett, R. D.: Simple measures of climate, soil properties and plant traits predict national-scale grassland soil carbon stocks. Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (5), S. 1188 - 1196 (2015)
Atkin, O. K.; Bloomfield, K. J.; Reich, P. B.; Tjoelker, M. G.; Asner, G. P.; Bonal, D.; Boenisch, G.; Bradford, M.; Cernusak, L. A.; Cosio, E. G. et al.; Creek, D.; Crous, K. Y.; Domingues, T.; Dukes, J. S.; Egerton, J. J. G.; Evans, J. R.; Farquhar, G. D.; Fyllas, N. M.; Gauthier, P. P. G.; Gloor, E.; Gimeno, T. E.; Griffin, K.; Guerrieri, R.; Heskel, M. A.; Huntingford, C.; Ishida, F. Y.; Kattge, J.; Lambers, H.; Liddell, M. J.; Lusk, C. H.; Martin, R. E.; Maximov, T. C.; Maksimov, A. P.; Mahli, Y.; Medlyn, B. E.; Meir, P.; Mercado, L. M.; Mirotchnick, N.; Ng, D.; Niinemets, Ü.; O’Sullivan, O. S.; Philips, O. L.; Poorter, L.; Poot, P.; Prentice, I. C.; Salinas, N.; Rowland, L. M.; Ryan, M. G.; Sitch, S.; Slot, M.; Smith, N. G.; Turnbull, M. H.; VanderWel, M. C.; Valladares, F.; Veneklaas, E. J.; Weerasinghe, L. K.; Wirth, C.; Wright, I. J.; Wythers, K.; Xiang, J.; Xiang, S.; Zaragoza-Castells, J.: Global variability in leaf respiration in relation to climate, plant functional types and leaf traits. New Phytologist 206 (2), S. 614 - 636 (2015)
Ratcliffe, S.; Holzwarth, F.; Nadrowski, K.; Levick, S. R.; Wirth, C.: Tree neighbourhood matters – Tree species composition drives diversity–productivity patterns in a near-natural beech forest. Forest Ecology and Management 335, S. 225 - 234 (2015)
Stahl, U.; Reu, B.; Wirth, C.: Predicting species range limits from functional traits for the tree flora of North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (38), S. 13739 - 13744 (2014)
Ebeling, A.; Pompe, S.; Baade, J.; Eisenhauer, N.; Hillebrand, H.; Proulx, R.; Roscher, C.; Schmid, B.; Wirth, C.; Weisser, W. W.: A trait-based experimental approach to understand the mechanisms underlying biodiversity ecosystem. Basic and Applied Ecology 15 (3), S. 229 - 240 (2014)
Marra, D. M.; Chambers, J. Q.; Higuchi, N.; Trumbore, S. E.; Ribeiro, G. H. P. M.; Santos, J. d.; Negrón-Juárez, R. I.; Reu, B.; Wirth, C.: Large-scale wind disturbances promote tree diversity in a Central Amazon Forest. PLoS One 9 (8), e103711 (2014)
Proulx, R.; Roca, I. T.; Cuadra, F. S.; Seiferling, I.; Wirth, C.: A novel photographic approach for monitoring the structural heterogeneity and diversity of grassland ecosystems. Journal of Plant Ecology 7 (6), S. 518 - 525 (2014)
Grote, S.; Condit, R.; Hubbell, S.; Wirth, C.; Rüger, N.: Response of demographic rates of tropical trees to light availability: Can position-based competition indices replace information from canopy census data? PLoS One 8 (12), e81787 (2013)
Maire, V.; Gross, N.; Hill, D.; Martin, R.; Wirth, C.; Wright, I. J.; Soussana, J.-F.: Disentangling coordination among functional traits using an individual-based model: Impact on plant performance and trait variability. PLoS One 8 (10), e77372 (2013)

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