Publications of Ernst Detlef Schulze

Journal Article (591)

Journal Article
Schulze, E. D.: Wald und Artenvielfalt. Artenschutzreport 49, pp. 20 - 23 (2023)
Journal Article
Schulze, E. D.; Görner, M.: Wald und Erholung. Artenschutzreport 49, pp. 23 - 26 (2023)
Journal Article
Edelmann, P.; Ambarlı, D.; Gossner, M. M.; Schall, P.; Ammer, C.; Wende, B.; Schulze, E. D.; Weisser, W. W.; Seibold, S.: Forest management affects saproxylic beetles through tree species composition and canopy cover. Forest Ecology and Management 524, 120532 (2022)
Journal Article
Tanunchai, B.; Ji, L.; Schroeter, S. A.; Wahdan, S. F. M.; Larpkern, P.; Lehnert, A.-S.; Alves, E. G.; Gleixner, G.; Schulze, E. D.; Noll, M. et al.; Buscot, F.; Purahong, W.: A poisoned apple: First insights into community assembly and networks of the fungal pathobiome of healthy-looking senescing leaves of temperate trees in mixed forest ecosystem. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 968218 (2022)
Journal Article
Schulze, E. D.: Spannungsfeld Wald; Rezension zu: Lebensraum Wald. Biologie in unserer Zeit 52 (4), p. 391 (2022)
Journal Article
Schulze, E. D.: An jedem Fleck hängen viele Emotionen. Waldblatt 3, 7 (2022)
Journal Article
Tanunchai, B.; Schroeter, S. A.; Ji, L.; Wahdan, S. F. M.; Hossen, S.; Lehnert, A.-S.; Grünberg, H.; Gleixner, G.; Buscot, F.; Schulze, E. D. et al.; Noll, M.; Purahong, W.: More than you can see: Unraveling the ecology and biodiversity of lichenized fungi associated with leaves and needles of 12 temperate tree species using high-throughput sequencing. Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 907531 (2022)
Journal Article
Schulze, E. D.; Grimm, G. W.: Alles Bastarde: Die Buche, ein eurasisches Art-Mosaik. Biologie in unserer Zeit 52 (4), pp. 1 - 13 (2022)
Journal Article
Schulze, E. D.; Tchebakova, N.; Groisman, P.; Oltchev, A.; Panferov, O.; Kurbatova, J.: Editorial: Remembering Natalya Nikolaevna Vygodskaya. Forests 13 (7), 980 (2022)
Journal Article
Günther, A.; Schulze, E. D.; Purahong, W.; Gminder, A.; Tanunchai, B.; Schneider, H.; Gossner, M.; Buscot, F.: Artenvielfalt und Schutz der Großpilze: Die Bedeutung stadtnaher Wälder für den Artenschutz. Artenschutzreport 46, pp. 1 - 11 (2022)
Journal Article
Purahong, W.; Günther, A.; Gminder, A.; Tanunchai, B.; Gossner, M. M.; Buscot, F.; Schulze, E. D.: City life of mycorrhizal and wood-inhabiting macrofungi: Importance of urban areas for maintaining fungal biodiversity. Landscape and Urban Planning 221, 104360 (2022)
Journal Article
Schulze, E. D.; Bouriaud, O.; Irslinger, R.; Valentini, R.: The role of wood harvest from sustainably managed forests in the carbon cycle. Annals of Forest Science 79, 17 (2022)
Journal Article
Cardoni, S.; Piredda, R.; Denk, T.; Grimm, G. W.; Papageorgiou, A. C.; Schulze, E. D.; Scoppola, A.; Shanjani, P. S.; Suyama, Y.; Tomaru, N. et al.; Worth, J. R. P.; Simeone, M. C.: 5S-IGS rDNA in wind-pollinated trees (Fagus L.) encapsulates 55 million years of reticulate evolution and hybrid origins of modern species. The Plant Journal 109 (4), pp. 909 - 926 (2022)
Journal Article
Kramer, K.; Bouriaud, L.; Feindt, P. H.; van Wassenaer, L.; Glanemann, N.; Hanewinkel, M.; van der Heide, M.; Hengeveld, G. M.; Hoogstra, M.; Ingram, V. et al.; Levermann, A.; Lindner, M.; Matya`s, C.; Mohren, F.; Muys, B.; Nabuurs, G.-J.; Palahi, M.; Polman, N.; Reyer, C. P. O.; Schulze, E. D.; Seidl, R.; de Vries, W.; Werners, S. E.; Winkel, G.; Yousefpour, R.: Roadmap to develop a stress test for forest ecosystem services supply. One Earth 5 (1), pp. 25 - 34 (2022)
Journal Article
Purahong, W.; Tanunchai, B.; Wahdan, S. F. M.; Buscot, F.; Schulze, E. D.: Molecular screening of microorganisms associated with discolored wood in dead European beech trees suffered from extreme drought event using next generation sequencing. Plants 10 (10), 2092 (2021)
Journal Article
Falster, D.; Gallagher, R.; Wenk, E.; Wright, I.; Indiarto, D.; Baxter, C.; Andrew, S. C.; Lawson, J.; Allen, S.; Fuchs, A. et al.; Adams, M. A.; Ahrens, C. W.; Alfonzetti, M.; Angevin, T.; Atkin, O. K.; Auld, T.; Baker, A.; Bean, A.; Blackman, C. J.; Bloomfield, K.; Bowman, D.; Schulze, E. D.; et al.: AusTraits – a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora. Scientific Data 8, 254 (2021)
Journal Article
Schall, P.; Heinrichs, S.; Ammer, C.; Ayasse, M.; Boch, S.; Buscot, F.; Fischer, M.; Goldmann, K.; Overmann, J.; Schulze, E. D. et al.; Sikorski, J.; Weisser, W. W.; Wubet, T.; Gossner, M. M.: Among stand heterogeneity is key for biodiversity in managed beech forests but does not question the value of unmanaged forests: Response to Bruun and Heilmann-Clausen (2021). Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (9), pp. 1817 - 1826 (2021)
Journal Article
Hilman, B.; Muhr, J.; Helm, J.; Kuhlmann, I.; Schulze, E. D.; Trumbore, S. E.: The size and the age of the metabolically active carbon in tree roots. Plant, Cell and Environment 44 (8), pp. 2522 - 2535 (2021)
Journal Article
Schulze, E. D.: Schutz vieler Arten verlangt Einbeziehung des Wirtschaftswaldes. Holz-Zentralblatt: unabhängiges Organ für die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft 23, p. 401 - 401 (2021)
Journal Article
Schulze, E. D.: Forstwirtschaft und Klimaschutz. Der Thüringer Waldbesitzer 2, pp. 39 - 41 (2021)

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