Publikationen von E. D. Schulze

Zeitschriftenartikel (591)

Böttcher, H.; Freibauer, A.; Scholz, Y.; Gitz, V.; Ciais, P.; Mund, M.; Wutzler, T.; Schulze, E. D.: Setting priorities for land management to mitigate climate change. Carbon Balance and Management 7 (1), S. 5 (2012)
Don, A.; Bärwolff, M.; Kalbitz, K.; Andruschkewitsch, R.; Jungkunst, H. F.; Schulze, E. D.: No rapid soil carbon loss after a windthrow event in the High Tatra. Forest Ecology and Management 276, S. 239 - 246 (2012)
Hessenmöller, D.; Fritzlar, D.; Schulze, E. D.: Die Buchenplenterwälder in Thüringen: eine Zustandsbeschreibung anhand aktueller Waldinventuren. AFZ, der Wald 12, S. 18 - 21 (2012)
Kahl, T.; Mund, M.; Bauhus, J.; Schulze, E.-D.: Dissolved organic carbon from European beech logs: Patterns of input to and retention by surface soil. Ecoscience 19 (4), S. 364 - 373 (2012)
Luyssaert, S.; Abril, G.; Andres, R.; Bastviken, D.; Bellassen, V.; Bergamaschi, P.; Bousquet, P.; Chevallier, F.; Ciais, P.; Corazza, M. et al.; Dechow, R.; Erb, K. H.; Etiope, G.; Fortems-Cheiney, A.; Grassi, G.; Hartmann, J.; Jung, M.; Lathière, J.; Lohila, A.; Mayorga, E.; Moosdorf, N.; Njakou, D. S.; Otto, J.; Papale, D.; Peters, W.; Peylin, P.; Raymond, P.; Rödenbeck, C.; Saarnio, S.; Schulze, E. D.; Szopa, S.; Thompson, R.; Verkerk, P. J.; Vuichard, N.; Wang, R.; Wattenbach, M.; Zaehle, S.: The European land and inland water CO2, CO, CH4 and N2O balance between 2001 and 2005. Biogeosciences 9 (8), S. 3357 - 3380 (2012)
Nieschulze, J.; Zimmermann, R.; Börner, A.; Schulze, E. D.: An assessment of forest canopy structure by LiDAR: Derivation and stability of canopy structure parameters across forest management types. Forstarchiv 83 (6), S. 195 - 209 (2012)
Roscher, C.; Schumacher, J.; Gubsch, M.; Lipowsky, A.; Weigelt, A.; Buchmann, N.; Schmid, B.; Schulze, E. D.: Using plant functional traits to explain diversity-productivity relationships. PLoS One 7 (5), S. e36760 (2012)
Rusznyak, A.; Akob, D. M.; Nietzsche, S.; Eusterhues, K.; Totsche, K. U.; Neu, T. R.; Frosch, T.; Popp, J.; Keiner, R.; Geletneky, J. et al.; Katzschmann, L.; Schulze, E. D.; Kusel, K.: Calcite biomineralization by bacterial isolates from the recently discovered pristine karstic Herrenberg cave. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78 (4), S. 1157 - 1167 (2012)
Schulze, E. D.; Wirth, C.; Mollicone, D.; Von Lüpke, N.; Ziegler, W.; Achard, F.; Mund, M.; Prokushkin, A.; Scherbina, S.: Factors promoting larch dominance in central Siberia: fire versus growth performance and implications for carbon dynamics at the boundary of evergreen and deciduous conifers. Biogeosciences 9 (4), S. 1405 - 1421 (2012)
Vicca, S.; Luyssaert, S.; Penuelas, J.; Campioli, M.; Chapin, F. S. I.; Ciais, P.; Heinemeyer, A.; Högberg, P.; Kutsch, W. L.; Law, B. E. et al.; Malhi, Y.; Papale, D.; Piao, S.L.; Reichstein, M.; Schulze, E. D.; Janssens, I. A.: Fertile forests produce biomass more efficiently. Ecology Letters 15 (6), S. 520 - 526 (2012)
Wäldchen, J.; Schöning, I.; Mund, M.; Schrumpf, M.; Bock, S.; Herold, N.; Uwe Totsche, K.; Schulze, E. D.: Estimation of clay content from easily measurable water content of air-dried soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175 (3), S. 367 - 376 (2012)
Gubsch, M.; Buchmann, N.; Schmid, B.; Schulze, E.-D.; Lipowsky, A.; Roscher, C.: Differential effects of plant diversity on functional trait variation of grass species. Annals of Botany 107 (1), S. 157 - 169 (2011)
Gubsch, M.; Roscher, C.; Gleixner, G.; Habekost, M.; Lipowsky, A.; Schmid, B.; Schulze, E. D.; Steinbeiss, S.; Buchmann, N.: Foliar and soil δ15N values reveal increased nitrogen partitioning among species in diverse grassland communities. Plant, Cell and Environment 34, S. 895 - 908 (2011)
Heinze, E.; Boch, S.; Fischer, M.; Hessenmöller, D.; Klenk, B.; Müller, J.; Prati, D.; Schulze, E. D.; Seele, C.; Socher, S. et al.; Halle, S.: Habitat use of large ungulates in northeastern Germany in relation to forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 261 (2), S. 288 - 296 (2011)
Hessenmöller, D.; Nieschulze, J.; Von Lüpke, N.; Schulze, E.-D.: Identification of forest management types from ground-based and remotely sensed variables and the effects of forest management on forest structure and composition. Forstarchiv 82, S. 171 - 183 (2011)
Kowalski, E.; Gossner, M. M.; Türke, M.; Lange, M.; Veddeler, D.; Hessenmöller, D.; Schulze, E.-D.; Weisser, W. W.: The use of forest inventory data for placing flight-interception traps in the forest canopy. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 140 (1), S. 35 - 44 (2011)
Lauerer, M.; Nicolle, D.; French, M.; Börner, A.; Aas, G.; Schulze, E.-D.: Marri, Mallee, Mulga: Pflanzenvielfalt Westaustraliens. Der Palmengarten 75, S. 31 - 42 (2011)
Lavrič, J. V.; Heimann, M.; Gerbig, C.; Winderlich, J.; Schulze, E.-D.; Andreae, M.; Onuchin, A.; Panov, A.: Walk Tall: A look up at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory. Meteorological Technology International, S. 6 - 10 (2011)
Luyssaert, S.; Hessenmöller, D.; von Lüpke, N.; Kaiser, S.; Schulze, E. D.: Quantifying land use and disturbance intensity in forestry, based on the self-thinning relationship. Ecological Applications 21 (8), S. 3272 - 3284 (2011)
Oelmann, Y.; Buchmann, N.; Gleixner, G.; Habekost, M.; Roscher, C.; Rosenkranz, S.; Schulze, E.-D.; Steinbeiss, S.; Temperton, V. M.; Weigelt, A. et al.; Weisser, W. W.; Wilcke, W.: Plant diversity effects on aboveground and belowground N pools in temperate grassland ecosystems: Development in the first 5 years after establishment. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 25 (2), GB2014 (2011)

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