BGI Events

The registration for this workshop is now closed! The training workshop IV within the Greencycles II Marie-Curie Initial Training Network is addressed to PhD-students working on nitrogen cycle aspects (or generally in the field of biogeochemistry and climate) both from an experiments and modelling perspective. The four-days workshop will be split into 2 parts: Part I (Mon-Tue, possibly also Wed morning) will cover the basic science of the N cycle, the current understanding of N cycle processes and their relevance/feedbacks for the Earth system/human health in the various components of the Earth system: Part II (Wed-Thu) will provide a discussion forum for nitrogen cycle models (overview of current approaches and their advantages/caveats). The workshop fee of 30 € for part I and 60€ for part I + II, which will cover the expenses for coffee breaks and lunch, is payable to the below account by the 15st February 2013. We have blocked a number of rooms at the IBIS hotel in downtown Jena (see hotel or detail on how to make your reservations). [mehr]
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