BGI Events

Sönke Zaehle, Rich Norby (ORNL), Belinda Medlyn (Macquarie University), David Lapola (UNESP, Brazil)Initiate a long-term collaboration among three, new, independently funded forest FACE experiments. We will identify a set of scientifically interesting cross-site questions, ensure that key measurements needed for model parameterization will be made, and establish a common data format that will facilitate the use of the data in models over many years. The publication describing the findings of the workshop can be found here. [mehr]

Data Assimilation in Biogeochemical Systems

The International Space Science Institute’s (ISSI) Working Group on "Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation: How to Consistently Assimilate Multiple Data Streams" is organizing an Autumn School on ‘Data Assimilation in Biogeochemical Cycles’. The location will be the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. The Autumn School will take place from 22 September until 27 September, 2014. [mehr]
The Training Schools attempts to introduce into the overall concepts and components of several different global vegetation models (CLM, LPJ, JSBACH, JULES, ORCHIDEE) in parallel. The presentation of the models will proceed process-wise, so that similarities and dissimilarities of the different approaches and model formulations get apparent and can be discussed. Accordingly, the Training School not only addresses junior scientists in the field, but also experienced senior scientists interested in a comparative view on land biosphere modeling. [mehr]
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