BGI Events

1st Workshop on Environmental Informatic Challenges in Dornburg-Camburg [mehr]

FLUXNET Workshop 2017, Berkeley

Conference sessions include the overview/update/outlook of FLUXNET and regional networks, new ideas for flux partitioning, case studies in long-term trend and variability, case studies in non-ideal conditions [mehr]

EnMAP Core Scientific Team (ECST) Worskhop

EnMAP Core Scientific Team (ECST) workshop will be held Meeting in Potsdam at GFZ. [mehr]

FLUXCOM Workshop 2017

The FLUXCOM initiative ( has produced a large ensemble of (new) FLUXNET derived global products of carbon and energy fluxes. As these data products are opening up for the scientific community, we will organize a workshop to bring together the „producers” and the potential „users“ of the data products. The workshop will focus on the potential applications related to model evaluation, informing inversion approaches, corroborating with new remote sensing data streams, synthesizing budgets, solving puzzles, etc. In particular, the workshop will deal with four broad themes: 1.FLUXCOM - what's behind. 2.Evaluations and cross-consistency checks of the global products. 3.Applications. 4.Future avenues. [mehr]
ESA STSE Coupled Atmosphere Biosphere Virtual Laboratory (CAB-LAB) Project Introducing the Earth System Data Cube and demonstrating its usage [mehr]
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