BGI Events

Extreme climate events, such as heatwaves, drought and storms, have been identified as a top threat to human well-being by the United Nations and independent bodies, such as the World Economic Forum. At the same time, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been globally agreed on as a key target with a timeline until 2030 (Agenda 2030). Development and transformation for achieving the SDGs can be severely threatened by catastrophic events triggered by climate extremes. Yet, at the same time development towards reaching the SDGs may enhance societal resilience against such extremes. There is an urgent need to discuss strategies to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and societal resilience, specifically considering changes of climate extremes which are likely to happen according to repeated reports by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). [mehr]
Climate extremes are one of the major future threats to society, as recognized by several international bodies. Yet, it is difficult to conceive the question: “Which instabilities, tipping points and risk cascades are most likely emerging from the interaction of future climate extremes with ecological and societal systems?”. [mehr]
Preliminary topics include: Progress on remote sensing data, Interpreting in-situ data with information from space, Upscaling - the art of making new data products, Indicators of anomalies and change, Socioeconomic impacts on the land, and Biodiversity change assessmen. [mehr]
A data-driven index for tracing the interactions of biosphere-atmosphere and society [mehr]
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