BGI Events

AI & Research / MPG event

AI For Good Webinar: Toward robust surrogate components of land surface states for hybrid earth system models

AI4Carbon: Machine Learning meets Atmospheric Transport

  • Datum: 07.11.2024
  • Uhrzeit: 17:00 (Berlin UTC+01:00)
  • Ort: Online
We will discuss current challenges in atmospheric tracer transport modeling and inversion, and explore how recent advances in AI/ML can facilitate carbon cycle research, including transport model development, data assimilation, and uncertainty quantification. [mehr]

12th Global Dialogue Platform

The global and regional dialogue platforms provide an interactive, engaging space for the anticipatory action community. Participants share and exchange knowledge, best practices and lessons learned to ensure there is a fundamental change within the humanitarian system: from reaction to anticipation. [mehr]

EEBIOMASS Summer School 2024

This Summer School will introduce you to the different dimensions of the Earth Explorer Mission BIOMASS and trains you in Earth observation related topics! You will learn about the mission objectives, the technical background (such as SAR, Tomography, Interferometry and Polarimetry) and related research topics. The target group of the summer school are (early career) scientists from the fields of remote sensing, forestry and earth system sciences. [mehr]
Das Auswärtige Amt (AA), das Deutsche Klima-Konsortium (DKK) und die Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft laden Sie herzlich ein zum Briefing mit Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock im Vorfeld der 29. UN-Klimakonferenz in Baku, Aserbaidschan. Es steht unter dem Motto „Transformation für 1,5 Grad beschleunigen. [mehr]
Markus Reichstein nimmt am parlamentarischen Frühstück zum Thema „Die Klimawirkung von Methan – eine unterschätzte Gefahr“ teil.Organisiert wird das Event von der Helmholtz SynCom und der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina. [mehr]

Open Earth Monitor: Global Workshop 2024

Daniel Loos will hold a keynote speech on Friday Oct 4 09:00 during the Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 2024. Other BGI department members who will participate are: Gregory Duveiller (Oct 3, 15:00 - 17:30) & Daniel Pabon Moreno (Oct 2, 12:00 - 13:00). Gregory Duveiller will further present to work done by Wantong Li. [mehr]
This event will feature a series of presentations exploring the integration of AI and data science with Earth system sciences, highlighting innovative approaches and methodologies. We are eager to dive into these topics and engage in meaningful discussions on how AI and data science are advancing our understanding of Earth systems. [mehr]

Thüringer Gartentage: Pflanzenbestimmung mit der App „Flora Incognita“

Die Thüringer Gartentage läuten den Herbst ein und liefern reichlich Inspiration und erstklassige Fachberatung: Auf dem Gartenmarkt präsentiert eine große Vielfalt an Anbietern ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Stauden, Gehölzen, Rosen, Blumenzwiebeln und vielem mehr, das für die Herbstpflanzung zur Auswahl steht. [mehr]
Vertreter des Teams hinter der Flora Incognita App werden am 4. und 5. Juni bei der „Woche der Umwelt“ im Park von Schloss Bellevue in Berlin vertreten sein. Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier und die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) laden ein zu einem attraktiven Fachprogramm, spannenden Diskussionen und einer großen Innovationsschau rund um eine nachhaltige Zukunft. [mehr]
At the AI for Good Global Summit 2024, held in Geneva on May 30th and 31st, ELLIS Unit Jena plays a multifaceted role, showcasing its commitment to advancing AI for environmental sustainability. [mehr]
Over the past decade, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for scientific exploration has grown as a transformative force, propelling research into new realms of discovery. The AI4DifferentialEquations in Science workshop at ICLR 2024 invites participants on a dynamic journey at the interface of machine learning and computational sciences known as Scientific Machine Learning (SciML). [mehr]


The ERC is also jointly organising an official side session (virtual only) on AI and climate with ERC President Leptin and ERC grantees Gustau Camps-Valls, Veronika Eyring, Pierre Gentine and Markus Reichstein amongst the speakers. [mehr]

European Geosciences Union Assembly 2024

Artificial intelligence has been on everyone’s lips for more than a year, as it has made creative tasks possible, such as automatic writing of texts (e.g., ChatGPT) or generating images (e.g., Dall-E). The panel will discuss whether the development that has led to the so-called generative models can also be used to address the impending challenges of climate change for society. Specifically, it examines the possibilities of today’s AI for early warning and decision-making systems in the context of climate, environmental, and health risks. [mehr]
For a better understanding of the Earth system we need a stronger integration of observations and (mechanistic) models. Classical model-data integration approaches start with a model structure and try to estimate states or parameters via data assimilation and inverse modelling, respectively. Sometimes, several model structures are employed and evaluated, e.g. in Bayesian model averaging, but still parametric model structures are assumed.Recently, Reichstein et al. (2019) proposed a fusion of machine learning and mechanistic modelling approaches into so-called hybrid modelling. Ideally, this combines scientific consistency with the versatility of data driven approaches and is expected to allow for better predictions and better understanding of the system, e.g. by inferring unobserved variables. This talk will elaborateon developments of this concept and illustrate its promise but also challenges with examples on biosphere-atmosphere exchange, and carbon and water cycles from the ecosystem to the global scale. [mehr]
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