Prof. Ernst-Detlef Schulze honoured with ThüringenForst Medal
As part of the FORST³ - Trade Fair for Forests, Forestry and Wood at the Erfurt Exhibition Centre, Emeritus Director Prof. Dr Ernst-Detlef Schulze received the ThüringenForst Medal together with a certificate of honour on 25 March 2023. ThüringenForst thus honours his special achievements for the forest and forestry.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ernst-Detlef Schulze.
Prof. Ernst-Detlef Schulze, founding director at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC) in Jena, began his scientific career in 1965 with a diploma degree in forestry. His research for the preservation of forests and his commitment to sustainable forestry have been ongoing ever since. During his work as Director of the Department of Biogeochemical Processes at the MPI-BGC from 1997 to 2009, several measuring stations were also set up in Thuringia as part of many projects, the largest of which was CarboEurope to determine the carbon balance in Europe. The measuring towers in the Hainich, at the Wetzstein, in Kaltenborn and Leinefelde have been providing meteorological data and data on photosynthesis and respiration in ecosystems for decades. Within the framework of the research platform "Biodiversity Exploratories", essential research sites of the Hainich Dune Exploratory with its extensive beech and mixed beech forests are located in the state forest.
Since 2009, these projects have either been continued by researchers of the institute or have been handed over to cooperation partners/universities in the meantime.

Prof. Schulze's research results have not only been published in English-language scientific journals. He has also always made his findings available in German-language summaries in forestry and forestry journals and in a wide variety of lectures.
Both aspects, the research results obtained in Thuringia and the diverse communication, have contributed to Thuringia Forest recognising his life's work with the silver medal. Mr. Schulze is pleased about this honour and remarks: "Without the support of the Institute, I would not have been able to make these achievements.”