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News 2021

Joining forces for science: JenaVersum network founded

More than 20 partners from science, business and the city have joined forces to form the "JenaVersum" network. The aim is to promote cooperation in research at the site, to raise the profile of the science and business region internationally and to strengthen the dialog with society. more

From ambition to biodiversity action: Time to hold actors accountable

An international team of scientists led by the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) has published a three-stage framework with recommendations to achieve the global biodiversity conservation goals. Binding measures and responsible actors must be clearly defined, and implementation must be monitored systematically. more

Highly cited influential authors: BGC scientists again in citation ranking 2021

Markus Reichstein, Sönke Zaehle, Martin Jung and Jens Kattge recognized again. more

Ana Bastos receives Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) has recently announced the awardees of Union Medals and Awards, Division Medals, and Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awards. In the Biogeosciences (BG) Division, Ana Bastos, group leader in the Biogeochemical Integration department received the Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award for her important contribution to the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The award ceremonies will be held during the EGU General Assembly in April 2022. more

10 New Insights in Climate Science 2021

As the increasing impacts of our worsening climate crisis become more visible around the world, leading scientists have published a compilation of the 10 most important new findings on climate. The "10 New Findings in Climate Science" series is an overview of the latest research and emerging scientific knowledge. more

COP26 DKN-Side-Event with Markus Reichstein

As part of the 26th United Nations Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 26) currently taking place in Glasgow, Scotland, Director Markus Reichstein is participating as a speaker at the DKN Online side event "Sustainability and climate services for transformation: preparing for climate extremes." more

ATTO at Berlin Science Week

ATTO at Berlin Science Week

October 22, 2021

As part of Berlin Science Week 2021, an event on ATTO as a hybrid event will be held at the Brazilian Embassy and online on November 3 at 15:00 CET. The event is open to the public. more

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